Science Daily

Monday th 17th of October 2011

Caresses enjoyable vicariously, too - 22:30

Good housekeeping maintains a healthy liver - 22:30

Protein that fuels lethal breast cancer growth emerges as potential new drug target - 22:30

Pediatric cancer and palliative care: Parental preferences compared with health-care professionals - 22:30

Rates of suicide attempts and hospitalizations in children and adolescents in Canada's child welfare system - 22:30

Obese women have higher risk of suffering breast cancer, Spanish study finds - 21:30

Wearable depth-sensing projection system makes any surface capable of multitouch interaction - 21:30

Omega-3 fatty acids shown to prevent or slow progression of osteoarthritis - 21:30

Natural disasters: Networking robots and sensor systems to help first responders react more quickly - 21:30

Pecan pest information: Harnessing the Internet for stakeholders in production agriculture - 21:30

Clustered hurricanes reduce impact on ecosystems, researchers find - 21:30

Tree-dwelling animals were the first to fly, new research suggests - 21:30

Robotic bug gets wings, sheds light on evolution of flight - 21:30

New study reinforces need for continued infant sleep campaigns to prevent SIDS - 18:30

Clue to birth defects in babies of mothers with diabetes - 18:30

Incidence of non-fatal pediatric firearm injuries in U.S. higher than previously estimated, study finds - 18:30

Profanity in TV and video games linked to teen aggression - 18:30

Canada needs to adopt a national suicide prevention strategy, experts urge - 18:30

Chemical warfare on the reef: Molecules used by certain seaweed to harm corals - 18:30

Protecting the brain when energy runs low - 18:30

Discovery helps explain progression of Lou Gehrig's disease, offers new therapy approach - 18:30

Skin's immune peacekeepers discovered - 18:30

Links in the chain: Global carbon emissions and consumption difficult to attribute - 18:30

2011 a banner year for young striped bass in Virginia - 18:30

New research links common RNA modification to obesity - 18:30

Biomarker-guided heart failure treatment significantly reduces complications - 18:30

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease appear to be at increased risk for developing post-operative deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism - 18:30

Survey of hair professionals finds that some report looking for skin cancer lesions on customers' scalp, neck and face - 18:30

Bacteria associated with stomach ulcers not detected in enlarged adenoids in children - 18:30

Halo effect: Family members of gastric-bypass patients also lose weight, study finds - 18:30

New approach to treating Listeria infections - 18:30

Updated cervical cancer screening evidence - 18:30

First infectious agent associated with colon cancer identified - 18:30

High rate of false-positives with annual mammogram - 18:30

More surgery in early-stage laryngeal cancer treatment; more chemoradiation for advanced-stage patients - 18:30

Possible link between bacterium and colon cancer discovered - 18:30

First genome-wide association study for dengue identifies candidate susceptibility genes - 17:30

Pushing the limits of performance - 17:30

New method of growing high-quality graphene promising for next-gen technology - 17:30

Unexpected effect of climate change on body size for many different species - 17:30

Low-income dads support breastfeeding, research suggests - 17:30

Teachers, children mistake candy for medicine in study - 17:30

Multiple riders, lack of helmet use, and faster ATVs contribute to pediatric injuries, studies find - 17:30

Sleep disruption for breastfed babies is temporary, study finds - 17:30

Pilot study looks at medication safety in U.S. homes - 17:30

Impurity atoms introduce waves of disorder in exotic electronic material - 17:30

'Drunkorexia:' A recipe for disaster - 17:30

Muscling toward a longer life: Genetic aging pathway identified in flies - 16:30

Electrically powered maneuverable public transportation with high capacity - 15:31

Approaches to treating substance abuse among African-Americans - 15:30