Science Daily

Thursday th 13th of October 2011

Nasal congestion: More than physical obstruction - 21:30

Hospital superbug debugged - 21:30

Study could help battle against superbugs - 21:30

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome at increased risk of pregnancy complications, research finds - 21:30

A step towards new vaccines for most important chicken parasite - 21:30

Gut bacteria may affect whether a statin drug lowers cholesterol - 21:30

Twitter data used to track vaccination rates and attitudes - 21:30

Researchers invent tiny artificial muscles with the strength, flexibility of elephant trunk - 21:30

'Never married' men still more likely to die from cancer - 21:30

Miscarriage diagnosis guidelines questioned - 21:30

From blue whales to earthworms, a common mechanism gives shape to living beings - 16:31

Schizophrenia genetics linked to disruption in how brain processes sound - 16:31

Earthquakes generate big heat in super-small areas - 16:31

NASA continues critical survey of Antarctica's changing ice - 16:31

Plankton's shifting role in deep sea carbon storage explored - 16:31

Robot biologist solves complex problem from scratch - 16:30

Professor uncovers potential issues with apps built for Android systems - 16:30

Do US men value fatherhood over their careers? - 15:31

New scheme for photonic quantum computing - 15:31

A neighborhood's raw, edgy atmosphere is an essential feature in attracting designers - 15:31

Public reporting has''t improved transplant centers' care - 15:31

Carbon nanotube muscles generate giant twist for novel motors - 15:31

Inefficient developing world stoves contribute to 2 million deaths a year - 15:31

Taking steps to prevent 'going postal' - 15:31

Future forests may soak up more carbon dioxide than previously believed - 15:31

Earlier autism diagnosis could mean earlier interventions - 15:31

Direct access to physical therapists associated with lower costs and fewer visits, new study says - 15:31

Inhibiting allergic reactions without side effects - 15:31

Severe drought, other changes can cause permanent ecosystem disruption - 14:30

Lower income dads encourage exercise, healthy diet but may give wrong dose of medicine, study suggests - 14:30

100,000-year-old ochre toolkit and workshop discovered in South Africa - 14:30

Reversing sickle cell anemia by turning on fetal hemoglobin - 14:30

Scientists reveal surprising picture of how powerful antibody neutralizes HIV - 14:30

Deactivating a single protein corrects sickle cell disease in mice - 14:30

How the zebra gets its stripes: A simple genetic circuit - 14:30

Researchers correct sickle cell disease in adult mice: Protein could be a target for treating people who have the blood disorder - 14:30

Association between menopause, obesity and cognitive impairment - 14:30

Emulating -- and surpassing -- nature: Using DNA to build nanomaterials with desired properties - 14:30

New technologies challenge old ideas about early hominid diets - 14:30

Nanoparticle assembly is like building with LEGOs - 14:30

Understanding the beginnings of embryonic stem cells helps predict the future - 13:30

Eating green veggies improves immune defenses - 13:30

Controlling cell death prevents skin inflammation - 13:30

Hidden genetic influence on cancer discovered - 13:30

New breeds of broccoli remain packed with health benefits - 13:30

Regaining trust after a transgression - 13:30

Children, not chimps, choose collaboration - 12:30

Researchers block morphine's itchy side effect - 12:30

Children, not chimps, prefer collaboration: Humans like to work together in solving tasks - chimps don't - 12:30

Precision with stem cells a step forward for treating multiple sclerosis, other diseases - 12:30