Science Daily

Tuesday th 11th of October 2011

Consumers rely on signage over other ad media, research finds - 15:31

Swedish heart test saves lives of newborns with heart defects - 15:31

Uncharted territory: Scientists sequence the first carbohydrate biopolymer - 15:31

Laying the blame for extreme weather - 15:30

A safe vaccination for Alzheimer's disease? - 15:30

Fall market jitters a SAD thing: Less daylight in fall may lead to depressed markets - 15:30

Perils of polite misunderstandings - 15:30

Molecular depth profiling modeled using buckyballs and low-energy argon - 15:30

New equation predicts molecular forces in hydrophobic interactions - 15:30

Astronomers find bounty of failed stars: One youngster only six times heftier than Jupiter - 15:30

Progress towards developing plants that accommodate climate change - 15:30

New way to screen for brain cancer stem cell killers - 14:30

Mushroom compound appears to improve effectiveness of cancer drugs, study suggests - 14:30

New knowledge about 'flawed' diamonds could speed the development of diamond-based quantum computers - 14:30

New view of Vesta mountain from NASA's Dawn mission - 14:30

Video documents three-year trek on Mars by NASA rover - 14:30

Mercury pollution in the Great Lakes region-nearly forgotten, but not gone - 13:30

New drug target for Alzheimer's, stroke discovered - 13:30

Health benefits of broccoli require the whole food, not supplements - 13:30

Oranges and mandarins are inspected using artificial vision - 13:30

New mathematical model explains patterns of human movement by considering the costs - 13:30

X-ray camera makes A-grade particle detector - 13:30

Point defects in super-chilled diamonds may offer stable candidates for quantum computing bits - 13:30

Common antibiotic can have serious adverse reactions, review finds - 13:30

Rangers and Brewers solid favorites for championships, math professor says - 13:30

New computer program promises to save the whales - 13:30

Natural processes can limit spread of arsenic in water, says study - 13:30

Evidence points to potential roles for cognitive rehabilitation therapy in treating traumatic brain injury, but further research needed - 13:30

Astrophysicists find evidence of black holes' destruction of stars - 12:30

Pendulums and floating film: Two seemingly unrelated phenomena share surprising link - 12:30

Physicists turn liquid into solid using an electric field - 12:30

New technique unlocks secrets of ancient ocean - 12:30

In bubble-rafting snails, the eggs came first - 12:30

New 'diamond?' New form of superhard carbon is as strong as a diamond - 12:30

The strange rubbing boulders of the Atacama - 11:30

Early Celtic 'Stonehenge' discovered in Germany's Black Forest - 10:30

Battle between the placenta and uterus could help explain preeclampsia - 10:30

Norwegian prawns to spice up Chinese noodles - 10:30

Natural pesticide protects cattle against ticks in Africa - 10:30

How life might have survived 'snowball Earth' - 10:30

Star packs big gamma-ray jolt, researchers discover - 10:30

Monday th 10th of October 2011

Crossing legs after severe stroke may be a good sign of recovery - 21:30

Cancer: Molecule found to inhibit metastasis in colon and melanoma cancers - 21:30

Restless legs syndrome may raise high blood pressure risk in middle-aged women - 21:30

Sexual selection by sugar molecule helped determine human origins - 21:30

Can antivirulence drugs stop infections without causing resistance? - 21:30

Certain dietary supplements associated with increased risk of death in older women, study suggests - 21:30

Behavioral and educational interventions appear to be effective for patients with poorly controlled diabetes - 21:30

Alzheimer disease: Medication gantenerumab associated with reduction in brain amyloid levels related to AD, small study finds - 21:30

Effect of aging on the brain - 21:30