Science Daily

Thursday th 6th of October 2011

Astronomers find elusive planets in decade-old Hubble data - 17:30

Race disparity found in post-hospital arrival homicide deaths at trauma centers - 17:30

3-D look at Philippe provided clues of transition into a hurricane - 17:30

NASA's Aqua satellite sees birth of two tropical cyclones in Eastern Pacific - 17:30

People without cars, financial assets less likely to marry: study - 17:30

New potential therapeutic target for breast cancer - 16:30

Krypton Hall effect thruster for spacecraft propulsion - 16:30

Astronomy and geophysics bring women into science, UK study shows - 16:30

Older cancer survivor population to increase substantially - 16:30

Everest expedition suggests nitric oxide benefits for intensive care patients - 16:30

How fair sanctions are orchestrated in the brain - 16:30

Extending the effective lifetime of stents: Peptide promotes healing of blood vessels - 16:30

Detecting glaucoma before it blinds - 16:30

Hypothetically tweaking: Research shows questions can influence behavior, promote bias - 16:30

New findings concerning function of the hippocampus - 16:30

Improve cattle in US and South Africa - 16:30

Children find human-made objects more likely to be owned than natural objects - 16:30

Hold the phone for vital signs - 16:30

How cells sense nutrients and fuel cancer cell growth - 16:30

Biochemists identify how tissue cells detect and perfect - 16:30

Scientists find stem cell reprogramming technique is safer than previously thought - 16:30

Length of flanking repeat region and timing affect genetic material - 16:30

New software models immune responses - 16:30

Archaeologist argues world's oldest temples were not temples at all - 16:30

Ionic liquid catalyst helps turn emissions into fuel - 16:30

New oral drug found to reduce relapses in multiple sclerosis patients - 15:30

Nuclear receptors battle it out during metamorphosis in new fruit fly model - 15:30

Expression of pluripotency-associated gene marks many types of adult stem cells - 15:30

Workplace sabotage fueled by envy, unleashed by disengagement - 15:30

Earlier male circumcision may help to slow rates of HIV, HPV transmission in South Africa - 15:30

Plants may have the genetic flexibility to respond to climate change - 15:30

Preschool program improves standardized test scores through grade 5 - 15:30

Mine-hunting software helping doctors to identify rare cells in human cancer - 15:30

New method to diagnose sinusitis could reduce use of antibiotics, Swedish research suggests - 15:30

A new species of 'gigantic' mollusc has been discovered in the Antarctic waters - 14:30

Marijuana component could ease pain from chemotherapy drugs - 14:30

Crab pulsar beams most energetic gamma rays ever detected from a pulsar - 14:30

Scientists identify cause of severe hypoglycemia - 14:30

Southern California's tectonic plates revealed in detail - 14:30

Crab pulsar dazzles astronomers with its gamma-ray beams - 14:30

More insight into the secret life of the American teen - 14:30

Aggression-boldness gene identified in model fish - 13:30

Increasingly precise data on radiation reflected from the Arctic sea area - 13:30

Is chivalry the norm for insects? - 13:30

Among insects, 'chivalry' isn't dead - 13:30

Changes in brain function in early HIV infection: A reliable indicator of disease prognosis? - 13:30

Green discovery uses waste glass to clean up water - 12:30

Children's food choices are affected by direct advertising and parental influence, study suggests - 11:30

Living species of aquatic beetle found in 20-million-year-old sediments - 11:30

Place, not race, may be a larger determinant of health disparities - 11:30