Science Daily

Wednesday th 12th of October 2011

Distant galaxies reveal the clearing of the cosmic fog; New VLT observations chart timeline of reionization - 08:30

Tuesday th 11th of October 2011

15-year increase in life expectancy for people with HIV in UK - 20:30

Industry conflicts of interest are pervasive among medical guideline panel members, experts say - 20:30

Stem cells, signaling pathways identified in lung repair - 19:31

First monkey exome sequencing platform for biomedical developed - 18:30

New testing program improves scores, knowledge retention for third-year internal medicine residents - 18:30

'Ghostwriting' the Torah? - 18:30

Crowdsourcing democracy through social media - 18:30

Hispanic women have higher incidence of rare breast tumor - 18:30

Inhaler treatment for lung cancer - 18:30

Ginger root supplement reduced colon inflammation markers - 18:30

Link shown between environmental toxicants and atherosclerosis - 18:30

Ammonia air pollution from cars and trucks worse in winter - 18:30

Experts find continuous glucose monitoring beneficial in maintaining target blood glucose levels - 18:30

Annual cost of violence pegged at $6.9 billion after women leave abusive partners - 18:30

Test helps reduce risk of death in advanced lung cancer - 18:30

Computer vision experts develop 'questionable observer detector' - 18:30

Emerging pharmaceutical platform may pose risks to retinal health - 18:30

Medical safety net for undocumented patients - 18:30

Research examines the economic value of on-premise signs - 18:30

Burden of antibiotic resistance in Europe - 18:30

New discovery could change the face of cell-biology research - 18:30

Eating your greens can change the effect of your genes on heart disease - 18:30

Changes in rainfall patterns are projected for next 30 years on Hawaii's Oahu - 17:30

Engineers create touchscreen Braille writer - 17:30

Peanut allergy turned off by tricking immune system: New approach makes allergen appear safe and prevents life-threatening reaction - 17:30

Melatonin delays onset, reduces deaths in mouse model of Huntington’s disease - 17:30

Suspects in the quenching of star formation exonerated - 17:30

NASA gets an icy cold wink from Hurricane Jova's eye - 17:30

NASA sees large Tropical Storm Banyan stretched over southern Philippines - 17:30

Case of the missing monocyte: Gene appears to protect against rheumatoid arthritis - 16:30

Neuroscientists pinpoint specific social difficulties in people with autism - 16:30

Identifying earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease - 16:30

New 'genome mining' technique streamlines discovery from nature - 16:30

Progress in quantum computing: Researchers control rate of photon emission from luminescent imperfections in diamond - 16:30

Cyber threats forecast for 2012 released - 16:30

Crop improvement and human medicine: Using proteins to target and manipulate specific genes - 16:30

More intersections mean less outdoor activity for children - 16:30

Super-tough seed coat keeps Michaux's sumac on critically endangered list - 16:30

New research finds that homeowners and city planners should 'hit the trail' - 16:30

Use of vitamin E associated with increased risk of prostate cancer - 16:30

Folic acid in early pregnancy associated with reduced risk of severe language delay in children - 16:30

BRCA2 genetic mutation associated with improved survival and chemotherapy response in ovarian cancer - 16:30

Study shows increased prostate cancer risk from vitamin E supplements - 16:30

Laser removal of heart device wires safe for older patients, study suggests - 16:30

Ovarian cancer patients survive longer with BRCA2 mutated in tumors, study finds - 16:30

Vitamin E supplement may increase prostate cancer risk, national U.S. study finds - 16:30

Most vertebrates -- including humans -- descended from ancestor with sixth sense - 16:30

Which direction are herbicides heading? - 16:30

Herbal supplements may cause dangerous drug interactions in orthopaedic surgery patients, study suggests - 15:31