Science Daily

Sunday th 9th of October 2011

Biologists use Sinatra-named fly to show how to see the blues -- and the greens - 19:30

UK government claims that patient choice improves health care is based on flawed research, experts say - 19:30

Blame 'faulty' frontal lobe function for undying optimism in face of reality - 14:30

If you don't snooze, do you lose? Wake-sleep patterns affect brain synapses during adolescence - 14:30

Saturday th 8th of October 2011

Babies show sense of fairness, altruism as early as 15 months - 14:30

Documentary brings world's oldest underwater city back to life - 13:30

Friday th 7th of October 2011

Timing is crucial for family consent in brain dead organ donors - 16:30

Sniffing out the brain's predictive power: Human brain smells what it expects rather than what it sniffs - 16:30

Why anti-rejection drugs for organ transplant patients cause hypertension - 16:30

Survey gives clues to origin of Type Ia supernovae - 16:30

Physicists localize 3-D matter waves for first time - 16:30

Pregnant mothers at risk from air pollution, California study suggests - 15:31

The abundance of tuna in the first days of life is influenced by cannibalism - 13:30

Scientist searches for moons around asteroids - 13:30

Wireless window contacts: No maintenance, no batteries - 13:30

Ancient climate change has left a strong imprint on modern ecosystems - 13:30

Early detection of plant disease - 13:30

Raising 'good' cholesterol levels reduces heart attack and stroke risk in diabetes patients - 13:30

Astrophysics and extinctions: News about planet-threatening events - 13:30

Market transactions and economics in general affect biological invasions - 13:30

Smart phones: Keeping business data secure while allowing installation of personal apps - 13:30

Genetic link to suicidal behavior confirmed - 13:30

Strong attachment to local communities made oil spill more stressful for many coastal residents - 13:30

Imaging agents offer new view of inflammation, cancer - 13:30

Chromosome inheritance? Not the same for all the chromosomes - 12:30

Removal of restrictions can decrease music piracy - 12:30

Jonesing for java: Could caffeine use predict risk for cocaine abuse? - 12:30

Measuring elusive neutrinos flowing through the Earth, physicists learn more about the sun - 12:30

NASA's moon twins going their own way - 12:30

New targets for treating inflammatory, autoimmune diseases discovered - 12:30

Learning to live in mountain lion country - 10:30

Prague's 88 nature reserves threatened by invasive plant species - 10:30

Study tracks mutations causing congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA) II back to the Roman Empire - 10:30

Gray jays' winter survival depends on food storage, study shows - 10:30

Thursday th 6th of October 2011

Neural stem cell transplant may tackle diabetes - 20:30

Distinct AIDS viruses found in cerebrospinal fluid of people with HIV dementia - 19:30

Decade of effort yields diabetes susceptibility gene - 18:30

Genetic makeup affects testosterone concentrations in men - 18:30

Diabetes susceptibility gene identified: Tomosyn-2 regulates insulin secretion - 18:30

Incompatible assumptions common in biomedical research - 18:30

HIV: Ancient gene found to control potent antibody response to retroviruses - 18:30

Astrophysicists spot pulsed radiation from Crab Nebula that wasn't supposed to be there - 18:30

Study finds liver cancer increasing in low risk countries, decreasing in high risk countries - 18:30

Marijuana use may double the risk of accidents for drivers, study finds - 18:30

Crab Pulsar emits light at highest energies ever detected in a pulsar system, scientists report - 18:30

Ability to ride a bike can aid differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in any setting - 18:30

Study first to link mitochondrial dysfunction and alpha-Synuclein multiplication in human fibroblasts - 18:30

Australia's endangered bettong reveals how weather effects species distribution - 17:30

Supersaturated water vapor in Martian atmosphere - 17:30

Why does conflict arise when social identity is threatened? - 17:30