Science Daily

Tuesday th 18th of October 2011

Two new bee species are mysterious pieces in the Panama puzzle - 15:30

Gay and bisexual men have varied sexual repertoires, study suggests - 15:30

Step toward quantum computers: Using commercial photonic components - 13:30

Industrial by-products upgraded into fuel - 13:30

Researchers create simulator to train embryologists - 13:30

Guidelines expanded for infant sleep safety and SIDS risk reduction - 13:30

Shift work in teens linked to increased multiple sclerosis risk - 13:30

Malaria vaccine candidate RTS,S reduces the risk of malaria by half in African children, study finds - 13:30

Cells are crawling all over our bodies, but how? - 13:30

New, higher estimates of endangered humpback whales in the North Pacific - 13:30

Relationships more important than genetic ties when deciding who cares for aging family, study finds - 13:30

iPhone turned into spiPhone: Smartphone senses nearby keyboard vibrations and deciphers sentences - 13:30

Analyzing the sheep genome for parasite resistance - 13:30

Steroids could help heal some corneal ulcers, study finds - 13:30

Premature babies at risk of ill health in later life, research suggests - 12:30

Caveman politics: Has our violent history led to an evolved preference for physically strong political leaders? - 12:30

Child football helmet study underway - 12:30

Diamonds, silver and the quest for single photons - 12:30

Medical researchers breath new life into fight against primary killer of premature infants - 12:30

National health care scorecard: United States scores 64 out of 100 - 12:30

Optimal modulation of ion channels rescues neurons associated with epilepsy - 12:30

Expanding HIV treatment for discordant couples could significantly reduce global HIV epidemic - 12:30

'Generation Squeezed': Today's family staggering under the pressure - 12:30

New acute hepatitis C screening strategy for HIV-infected patients - 12:30

Timing for clinical trials for stem cell therapy in spinal cord injuries is right, review suggests - 12:30

First-ever sequence and structure of biologically important carbohydrate - 12:30

Cough may warn of danger for patients with lung-scarring disease - 12:30

Tricking resistant cancer cells into committing suicide - 11:31

New discovery in the fight against tuberculosis - 11:31

Computing building blocks created from bacteria and DNA - 11:31

From tropics to poles: Study reveals diversity of life in soils - 11:30

Fatal crashes in the US: Fewer Canadian drivers under the influence - 11:30

Whether we know it or not, we can 'see' through one eye at a time - 11:30

Forgetting is part of remembering - 11:30

Simple nerve cells regulate swimming depth of marine plankton - 10:30

Babies and toddlers should learn from play, not screens - 10:30

Can taking calcium with other minerals help prevent Bowel Cancer? - 10:30

Unknown species and larval stages of extremely long-legged beetles discovered by DNA test - 10:30

CSI-style investigation of meteorite hits on Earth - 10:30

More poor kids in more poor places, US study finds - 10:30

Nearly half of US physician practices do not meet national standards for 'medical homes' - 10:30

Seeing through concrete walls - 10:30

Cyber war might never happen - 10:30

Technology targets genetic disorders linked to X chromosome - 10:30

Piecing together the priceless 'Cairo Genizah' - 10:30

Why steroid treatment for COPD is ineffective - 10:30

How the Milky Way killed off nearby galaxies - 09:30

Can we share vampires' appetite for synthetic blood? - 09:30

Light dependency underlies beneficial jetlag in racehorses - 09:30

Monday th 17th of October 2011

Key to avoiding ankle re-injury may be in the hips and knees - 22:30