Science Daily

Wednesday th 19th of October 2011

Age a big factor in prostate cancer deaths, study finds - 19:32

Research could lead to new treatments for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and viral infections - 19:32

Bridging the gap: Neuroscientists find normal brain communication in people who lack connections between right and left hemispheres - 18:30

Young human-specific genes correlated with brain evolution - 18:30

U.S. rivers and streams saturated with carbon: Significant amount of carbon in land is leaking into streams and rivers, then to the atmosphere - 18:30

Common link suggested between autism and diabetes: Study implicates hyperinsulinemia in increased incidence of autism - 18:30

Pollutants linked to 450 percent increase in risk of birth defects in rural China - 18:30

Fiery volcano offers geologic glimpse into land that time forgot - 17:30

Bolivia's jaguars set a record - 17:30

'Albedo effect' in forests can cause added warming, bonus cooling - 17:30

Solving the mysteries of short-legged Neandertals - 17:30

Antibody treatment protects monkeys from Hendra virus disease - 17:30

Men Win Humor Test (by a Hair) - 17:30

Fallout of a giant meteorite strike revealed in new model - 17:30

Using new technique, scientists uncover a delicate magnetic balance for superconductivity - 17:30

Computer games help people with Parkinson's disease, pilot study shows - 17:30

Oldest pigment factory dates back 100,000 years - 16:30

NASA's Spitzer detects comet storm in nearby solar system - 16:30

Orion's Belt lights up Cassini's view of Enceladus - 16:30

NASA, Japan release improved topographic map of Earth - 16:30

Key property of potential 'spintronic' material measured - 16:30

Planet-sized object as cool as Earth revealed in record-breaking photo - 16:30

Spiral arms hint at presence of planets: High resolution image of young star with circumstellar disks verifies predictions - 16:30

What makes tires grip the road on a rainy day? - 15:32

Cell mechanism that reduces effectiveness of breast cancer treatment identified - 14:30

Can breastfeeding reduce pain in preterm infants? - 14:30

Delayed vs. immediate coronary stenting - 13:30

Lightning strikes, in the form of bits and bytes - 13:30

Photosynthesis: Putting light-harvesters on the spot - 13:30

Irish hereditary emphysema rates found to be among highest in the world - 13:30

Internet security: Researchers break W3C standard - 13:30

Physical appearance perfectionism scale developed - 13:30

Glowing beacons reveal hidden order in dynamical systems: Experimental confirmation of a fundamental physical theorem - 13:30

Improving training efficiency in horses - 12:31

New aggression tool predicted violent patients in medical and surgical wards - 12:31

Increased safety using simultaneous techniques for cardiac testing - 12:31

World record in 3d-imaging of porous rocks: A stack of 35 million megapixel-photos - 12:31

Time on your hands - good or bad? - 12:31

Technologies for the city of tomorrow - 12:31

Minimizing chemical pollution from airport de-icing - 12:31

The ultimate qPCR based lncRNA profiling platform - 12:31

Tuesday th 18th of October 2011

Mental time-travel in birds - 22:20

Heart disease linked to evolutionary changes that may have protected early mammals from trauma - 21:21

People with a 'sweet tooth' have sweeter dispositions - 21:21

Cellphones exceed U.S. FCC exposure limits by as much as double for children, study finds - 21:20

Is BPA linked to breast cancer? - 21:20

Starburst captured: Students photograph exploding star in pinwheel galaxy - 21:20

Skill triumphs over fish scarcity and draws experienced anglers back to overfished lakes - 15:30

Evolution of a Stream: Plants and sea-life claim new territory as glaciers retreat in Glacier Bay, Alaska - 15:30

Efficacy of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma vaccine demonstrated in dogs - 15:30