Science Daily

Monday th 24th of October 2011

Ancient cooking pots reveal gradual transition to agriculture - 16:30

Study offers clues as to why some patients get infections from cardiac implants - 16:30

Perinatal antidepressant stunts brain development in rats; Miswired brain circuitry traced to early exposure - 16:30

Fewer marten detections in California forest linked to decline in habitat - 16:30

Researchers identify mysterious life forms in the extreme deep sea - 16:30

Math disability linked to problem relating quantities to numerals - 16:30

Experts recommend the inclusion of rainwater-collection systems in cities - 15:31

How motherhood behavior is influenced by alterations in brain function - 15:31

Genetic difference in staph infects some heart devices, not others - 15:31

NASA caught Tropical Storm Rina forming, strengthening - 15:31

Mentoring programs: How effective are they? - 15:31

Mastering chess: Deliberate practice is necessary but not sufficient, psychologists find - 15:31

Water disinfection byproducts linked to adverse health effects - 15:31

Magnetic nanoswitch for thermoelectric voltages - 14:30

Forest fires in Mediterranean basin are becoming larger and more frequent, study finds - 14:30

Researchers build transparent, super-stretchy skin-like sensor - 14:30

Structure of key protein associated with Parkinson's disease determined - 14:30

Daily smoking, low mastery associated with repeat episodes of depression in people with a history of depression - 14:30

Fewer drugs listed on public drug plans after introduction of Canada’s common drug review but faster listing for coverage - 14:30

Nanoparticles and their size may not be big issues - 14:30

Physical fitness could have a positive effect on eye health - 14:30

Studying depression: Researchers demonstrate rare animal model - 14:30

Discovery illuminates elusive proton channel gene in dinoflagellates - 14:30

British study may improve glaucoma assessment and treatment - 14:30

NASA telescopes help solve ancient supernova mystery - 13:30

Gallium nitride is non-toxic, biocompatible; holds promise for implants, research finds - 12:30

Gun traffickers exploit differences in state laws, economist says - 12:30

Heart surgeons-in-training benefit from hands-on homework - 11:31

Spinal cord injuries associated with increased risk of heart disease, study finds - 11:31

Heart transplant surgery safe and effective: Canadian retrospective spanning three decades finds survival rates now close to 90 per cent - 11:31

Consumers don't pay as much attention to nutrition fact labels as they think, eye-tracking study finds - 11:31

NSAID use associated with lower colorectal cancer mortality rates among postmenopausal women - 11:31

Gene variant increases risk of kidney disease in African-Americans - 11:31

Hold your forces: Mechanical stress can help or hinder wound healing depending on time of application - 11:31

Run-off, emissions deliver double whammy to coastal marine creatures, study finds - 11:31

Planning for life beyond a cancer diagnosis: Clinicians offer options to protect fertility prior to cancer treatment - 11:31

Researchers identify a genetic mutation associated with high risk of age-related macular degeneration - 11:30

Exposure to chemical BPA before birth linked to behavioral, emotional difficulties in girls - 10:30

More time outdoors may reduce kids' risk for nearsightedness, research suggests - 10:30

Vitamin B-based treatment for corneal disease may offer some patients a permanent solution - 10:30

New device measures viscosity of ketchup and cosmetics - 10:30

Significant weight gain in postmenopausal women increases risk for endometrial cancer, research suggests - 10:30

Sleeping sickness drug may provide long-term protection against nonmelanoma skin cancers - 10:30

Body weight, diet may be risk factors for non-Hodgkin lymphoma - 10:30

Taking the pulse of charge-separation processes: Self-organization gives rise to more efficient organic solar cells - 10:30

Researchers' detective work shows possible side effect in macular degeneration drug - 10:30

The cost of consumer fibbing: Can it hurt to tell a little white lie? - 09:30

When do consumers try to increase social standing by eating too much? - 09:30

How does hand orientation help consumers imagine using products? - 09:30

Is it best to withhold favorable information about products? - 09:30