Science Daily

Tuesday th 25th of October 2011

Surgical treatment within six months of lumbar disc herniation symptoms associated with improved outcomes - 14:30

Study explains paradox of insulin resistance genetics - 13:30

Evidence for the existence of a hypnotic state? Key may be in the glazed staring eyes, researchers suggest - 12:30

Dormant malaria parsites in red blood cells may contribute to treatment failure, study suggests - 12:30

Geoscientists find key to why some patients get infections from cardiac implants - 12:30

Nanotubes key to microscopic mechanics - 12:30

Saliva can explain children’s weak immune defense, Swedish research shows - 12:30

'Junk DNA' defines differences between humans and chimps - 12:30

Multidisciplinary research urged for optimal melanoma surgery - 11:31

Electron accelerator scientists report breakthroughs - 11:31

New test can precisely pinpoint food pathogens - 11:31

Birthplace for primitive life on Earth? Researchers identify mud volcanoes in Greenland as niche for early life - 10:30

Peer pressure in preschool children: Children as young as 4 years of age conform their public opinion to the majority - 10:30

Simple compound with surprising antifreeze properties - 10:30

Strawberries protect the stomach from alcohol, rat experiments suggest - 09:30

Innovative transdermal patch for delivery of HIV medicine - 09:30

Quality-of-life for women an issue: In some matters of the heart, women do not fare as well as men - 09:30

Double duty for blood pressure drugs: How they could revolutionize how we treat valve disease - 09:30

Young, apparently healthy -- and at risk of heart disease: New study pinpoints hidden thickening of the arteries in young adults - 09:30

Generation X Report: Survey paints a surprisingly positive portrait - 09:30

Obesity limits effectiveness of flu vaccines, study finds - 09:30

Monday th 24th of October 2011

High fizzy soft drink consumption linked to violence among teens - 21:30

Doctors happily cite alcohol as cause of death, but not smoking, for fear of stigmatization, UK study finds - 21:30

Public support for geoengineering research, survey finds - 19:30

Independent life after a death: Spousal death can lead to loss of independent living for seniors - 19:30

Unraveling the mysteries of the natural killer within us - 19:30

Novel oral treatment for leishmaniasis has potential to save thousands of lives - 19:30

Research highlights photonic and plasmonic nanostructures with applications in optical communications, energy generation and biomedical research - 19:30

HPV linked to cardiovascular disease in women - 19:30

Study confirms males and females have at least one thing in common: Upregulating X - 18:30

Morning UV exposure may be less damaging to the skin - 18:30

Biologists unravel how plants synthesize their growth hormone - 18:30

Increased tanning bed use increases risk for deadly skin cancers - 18:30

Coffee consumption associated with decreased risk for basal cell carcinoma - 18:30

Analgesics use associated with increased risk for renal cell carcinoma - 18:30

Dietary patterns may be linked to increased colorectal cancer risk in women - 18:30

High fluid intake appears to reduce bladder cancer risk - 18:30

Could additives in hot dogs affect incidence of colon cancer? - 18:30

Blood vessel mapping reveals four new 'ZIP codes'; Targeting specific addresses could help fight cancer, obesity and other diseases - 18:30

Antidepressant linked to developmental brain abnormalities in rodents - 18:30

Rural women more likely to be diagnosed with most serious form of breast cancer, study finds - 18:30

High-dose vitamin D may not be better than low-dose vitamin D in treating multiple sclerosis - 17:30

Insomnia could moderately raise your heart attack risk, study suggests - 17:30

Yoga eases back pain in largest U.S. yoga study to date - 17:30

Yoga and stretching exercises beneficial for chronic low back pain, study finds - 17:30

Study evaluates industry payments to orthopedic surgeons - 17:30

Probability model examines proportion of women who survive following detection of breast cancer through screening - 17:30

Non-targeted hiv testing in emergency departments identifies only a few new cases, French study finds - 17:30

Stem rust-resistant wheat landraces identified - 17:30

Harsh discipline fosters dishonesty in young children, study suggests - 16:30