Science Daily

Thursday th 27th of October 2011

New approach to overcome key hurdle for next-generation superconductors - 12:30

Natural intestinal flora involved in the emergence of multiple sclerosis, study finds - 11:31

Researchers examine 21-year series of nipple sparing mastectomy cases and find no cancers - 09:30

Lower dose of corticosteroids just as effective as higher for shoulder pain, study finds - 09:30

Statin therapy fails to slow progression of atherosclerosis in pediatric lupus patients, study finds - 09:30

New process for manufacturing nanocellulose: Using nanocellulose to create novel composite materials - 08:30

Quantum dots cast light on biomedical processes - 08:30

Misleading morphology: Three European parasitoid wasp 'species' are seasonal forms of just one - 08:30

Foot ulcers: Research identifies factors key to healing diabetes-related foot sores - 07:30

Wednesday th 26th of October 2011

Astronomers discover complex organic matter exists throughout the universe - 21:30

Slowing quivering hearts: Promising results from landmark ARISTOTLE trial finds new drug may revolutionize the treatment of atrial fibrillation - 19:31

Poverty-related stress affects readiness for school - 19:31

Good relationship with teacher can protect first graders from aggression - 19:31

Does reading achievement spur independent reading, or vice versa? - 19:31

Preschoolers' classmates influence their language skills - 19:31

Study uncovers clues to young children's aggressive behavior - 19:30

Friendship makes a difference in stress regulation - 19:30

Inadequate supply of protein building blocks may explain pregnancy failures in bovine cloning experiments - 19:30

Study shows benefits, limits of therapy for rare inflammatory syndrome - 19:30

Whipple procedure wound infections cut in half with new measures - 19:30

Infection is an important post-stroke problem - 19:30

Scientists predict faster retreat for Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier; Underwater ridge critical to future flow - 19:30

Future 'comb on a chip': Compact frequency comb could go places - 18:30

Improved characterization of nanoparticle clusters for environmental and biosensors research - 18:30

Quantum computer components 'coalesce' to 'converse' - 18:30

Potential new drug target could stop debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis - 18:30

Multiple malaria vaccine offers protection to people most at risk - 18:30

Food chemical regulations rely heavily on industry self-policing and lack transparency, report finds - 17:30

Boaters' risk of illness on Chicago River similar to other waterways - 17:30

Study analyzes only known footage of the largest woodpecker that ever lived - 17:30

Annual screening with chest X-ray does not reduce rate of lung cancer deaths, study finds - 17:30

Better estimating vaccine coverage: Vaccination coverage estimates can be improved by combining administrative data with survey data - 17:30

Update to U.S. smart grid framework released - 17:30

High-quality white light produced by four-color laser source; Diode lasers could challenge LEDs for home and industrial lighting supremacy - 16:30

Access to legal aid depends a lot on where you live, report says - 16:30

Researchers nurture innovative biofuel crops to reduce our carbon footprint - 16:30

Religious, spiritual support benefits men and women facing chronic illness, study finds - 16:30

New tool clears the air on cloud simulations - 16:30

Want to resist temptation? Thinking might not always help you, study suggests - 16:30

Gene responsible for relapses in young leukemia patients - 15:31

Researchers complete mollusk evolutionary tree - 15:30

Human brains are made of the same stuff, despite DNA differences - 15:30

Restraint improves dielectric performance, lifespan - 14:30

Genetic basis of human metabolic individuality identified; Research may lead to highly targeted, individualized therapies - 14:30

Found in the developing brain: Mental health risk genes and gender differences - 14:30

Source found for immune system effects on learning, memory - 14:30

Faraway Eris is Pluto's twin - 14:30

Testing geoengineering: Models help determine type of testing that might be effective - 13:30

Lab-made skin cells will aid transplantation, cancer, drug discovery research, say scientists - 13:30

Recycling thermal cash register receipts contaminates paper products with BPA - 12:30