Science Daily

Tuesday th 1st of November 2011

Personal stem cell banks could be staple of future health care - 16:30

Pesky ants found in Hawaii demonstrate invasive characteristics - 16:30

Online interactions can lead to risky financial decision-making, study suggests - 16:30

Structure, not scientists to blame for Los Alamos failings - 15:32

Scientists design experimental treatment for iron-overload diseases - 15:32

Wetlands: Drying intensifying wildfires, carbon release ninefold, study finds - 15:32

Hormone in birth control shot linked to memory loss - 15:32

Could social media be used to detect disease outbreaks? - 15:32

How a cancer-causing bacterium spurs cell death - 15:32

Conflicting views of a child's behavior problems from parents, teachers, and the child may be helpful to clinician - 14:20

Digging up clues: Research on buried blow flies to help crime scene investigators - 14:20

Vitamin D study suggests no mortality benefit for older women - 14:20

More radionuclide therapy is better for prostate cancer patients, study suggests - 14:20

Growing without cell division - 14:20

Anti-clotting drugs do not increase bleeding risk in GI procedure, study finds - 14:20

Switching senses: Leeches shift the way they locate prey in adulthood - 14:20

Obese adolescents benefit from high-dose vitamin D supplements: High doses safely combat nutritional deficiencies, study suggests - 14:20

Novel technique switches triple-negative breast cancer cells to hormone-receptor positive cells - 14:20

Health risk from eating well-done meat may be underestimated - 13:20

How daughter cells receive the same number of chromosomes - 13:20

New algorithm could substantially speed up MRI scans - 13:20

Bacteria may readily swap beneficial genes: Microbes trade genetic coding for antibiotic resistance and more - 13:20

Babies understand thought process of others at 10 months old - 13:20

Boeing to build commercial spacecraft at Kennedy, create 550 jobs - 13:20

Large asteroid to pass by Earth Nov. 8, but what if it didn't? - 13:20

Transporting salmon without infections or lice - 12:20

Abnormal oscillation in the brain causes motor deficits in Parkinson's disease - 11:30

For land conservation, formal and informal relationships influence success - 10:30

Multidrug-resistant acinetobacter baumannii found growing in nearly half of infected patient rooms - 10:30

'Protein microarrays' may reveal new weapons against malaria - 10:30

No higher risk of breast cancer for women who don't have BRCA mutation but have relatives who do - 08:30

Yoga aids chronic back pain sufferers, study suggests - 08:30

Monday th 31st of October 2011

Fighting violent gang crime with math - 23:30

Nerve protein linked to learning and memory - 23:30

High levels of master heat shock protein linked to poor prognosis in breast cancer patients - 23:30

Bigger birds in central California, courtesy of global climate change - 23:30

Doctors can learn empathy through a computer-based tutorial - 23:30

Enzymes act like a switch, turning antibiotic resistance on and off in enterococci - 23:30

Putting the body back into the mind of schizophrenia - 23:30

U.S. Navy researchers fire 1,000th shot on laboratory electromagnetic railgun - 23:30

Modern genetics answers age-old question on Garrod's fourth inborn error of metabolism - 23:30

Fat cells in abdomen fuel spread of ovarian cancer - 22:30

Surgeons perform novel procedures prior to lung transplant - 22:30

Shared genes with Neanderthal relatives not unusual - 22:30

Live longer with fewer calories? Key enzyme involved in aging process found - 22:30

Obesity and depression independently increase health costs - 22:30

Savannas and forests in a battle of the biomes - 22:30

Fighting fire with fire: 'Vampire' bacteria has potential as living antibiotic - 22:30

Technical aptitude: Do women score lower because they just aren't interested? - 22:30

Mathematically detecting stock market bubbles before they burst - 22:30