Science Daily

Monday th 7th of November 2011

Brain parasite directly alters brain chemistry - 09:30

European biofuels are as carbon intensive as petrol, new study suggests - 07:30

2-D electron liquid solidifies in a magnetic field - 07:30

Dead of winter is tough on arthritis sufferers - 07:30

Adding nurse practitioner reduces unnecessary emergency department visits, study finds - 07:30

Molecule serves as a key in some protein interactions - 07:30

Concurrent chemo and radiation confers survival benefit in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients - 07:30

How should society pay for services ecosystems provide? - 07:30

Nitrogen fertilizers' impact on lawn soils - 07:30

New technology to monitor brain aneurysms - 07:30

Tropical forests fertilized by nitrogen air pollution, scientists find - 06:30

Vintage leather football helmets often as protective as modern helmets in common, game-like hits - 06:30

Coasts' best protection from bioinvaders falling short: Not enough ships able to flush out invasive species before they reach port - 06:30

Critical step to opening elusive class of compounds to drug discovery - 05:30

Model of enzyme's structure could spur new therapies - 05:30

Colorectal cancer: Jumping gene named Sleeping Beauty plays vital role in investigating cancer pathway - 05:30

Young women with rheumatoid arthritis at more risk for broken bones, study finds - 05:30

Most women with lupus can have successful pregnancy outcomes, study finds - 05:30

Life challenges prevent those with lupus from keeping doctors' appointments - 05:30

Stress triggers disease flares in patients with vasculitis - 05:30

Rheumatoid arthritis patients have low expectations after knee replacement surgery - 05:30

Tweaking withdrawal of rheumatoid arthritis medications before surgeries may reduce disease flares - 05:30

CT scans can help detect gout cases traditional tests miss, study finds - 05:30

Nursing error disclosure in nursing homes examined in new study - 05:30

Biodiversity can promote survival on a warming planet, mathematical model shows - 05:30

Scientists find evidence of ancient megadrought in southwestern U.S. - 05:30

Unique bipolar compounds enhance functionality of organic electronics - 05:30

Genome of 'orphan crop' pigeonpea cracked - 04:31

HIV study identifies key cellular defence mechanism - 04:31

Process important to brain development studied in detail - 04:31

Most lupus nephritis patients with end-stage renal disease opt for hemodialysis therapy - 04:31

Decrease in observed rate of TB at a time of economic recession - 04:31

Research shows 'weak evidence' for the benefit of exercise referral schemes - 04:31

Sunday th 6th of November 2011

Not one, not two, not three, but four clones: First quantum cloning machine to produce four copies - 20:30

Metabolic protein plays unexpected role in tumor cell formation and growth - 20:30

Engineers solve energy puzzle: How energy levels align in a critical group of advanced materials - 20:30

Study identifies factors linked with better medication response for treatment of juvenile arthritis - 20:30

Certain medications used for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis not associated with increased risk of hospitalization for serious infections - 20:30

Flash forward 100 years: Climate change scenarios in California's Bay-Delta - 20:30

Culprit identified: Fungus causes deadly bat disease - 20:30

Volunteers end simulated mission to Mars - 15:30

Voyager 2 to Switch to Backup Thruster Set - 15:30

Friday th 4th of November 2011

Nanotubes in environment 'rob' green algae of space and light - 09:30

Hubble directly observes the disc around a black hole - 09:30

Biologists use flies and mice to get to the heart of Down syndrome - 09:30

Thursday th 3rd of November 2011

New ways to image and therapeutically target melanoma using nanomedicine? - 22:30

Exercise provides clue to deadly ataxia - 22:30

Cerebral palsy-like brain damage prevented in mice - 21:30

Steps being taken towards achieving an early diagnosis of cancer of the large intestine - 21:30

New components for future computer memories - 21:30