Science Daily

Wednesday th 2nd of November 2011

Video game playing tied to creativity, research shows - 14:30

Did life once exist below Red Planet's surface? NASA study of clays suggests watery Mars underground - 14:30

Viral vector designed to treat a genetic form of blindness - 13:30

Solar power could get boost from new light absorption design - 13:30

Manufacturing microscale medical devices for faster tissue engineering - 13:30

Dirt prevents allergy, new research suggests - 13:30

Thousand-color sensor reveals contaminants in earth and sea: Technology spots environmental hazards from inches to light-years away - 13:30

Neuroscientist says protein could prevent secondary damage after stroke - 13:30

Analysis reveals malaria, other diseases as ancient, adaptive and persistent foes - 13:30

Genome-scale network of rice genes to speed the development of biofuel crops - 13:30

Precise early diagnosis of psychotic disorders possible - 12:30

Humanities researchers and digital technologies: Building infrastructures for a new age - 12:30

Mediterranean diet and exercise can reduce sleep apnea symptoms - 12:30

Understanding emotions without language - 12:30

Shorter hospital stay with person-centered healthcare - 09:30

Obesity hormone adiponectin increases the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly, study finds - 09:30

Architecture and design help the brain recover - 09:30

More years to life and life to years through increased motivation for an active life - 09:30

Launch of innovative research into malaria control without insecticide - 09:30

Australian technology aims to make storing radioactive waste safer - 09:30

Research supports broader screening for sudden cardiac death, Swedish study finds - 08:30

Tuesday th 1st of November 2011

Underage drinking by black teens - 23:30

How lonely you are may impact how well you sleep, research shows - 22:30

Poor sleep quality in first, third trimesters linked to preterm births - 22:30

Overweight teens want to lose weight, going about it the wrong way - 22:30

Preterm birth rate shows three year improvement in most states - 22:30

Molecule that prevents Type 1 diabetes in mice discovered; Has similar effect on human cells - 22:30

Bilateral hand transplant performed - 22:30

Live-action films of worm sperm help researchers track critical fertility enzymes - 22:30

New species of a tiny freshwater snail collected from a mountainous spring in Greece - 22:30

Research into unexplained miscarriages could impact heart and stroke treatment - 22:30

Workings of molecular motor revealed - 22:30

Improving patients’ experience in the emergency department by changing staff perceptions of their roles - 21:30

Age no longer a barrier to stem cell transplantation for older patients - 21:30

Spanish researchers design a new TV remote control - 20:30

New form of lighting rolled out: Newspaper-style printing process - 20:30

'Zombie' worms found in Mediterranean fossil - 20:30

New species of gall makers in the aphid genus of plant lice found in China - 19:32

Acute kidney injury in hospitalized diabetic patients linked to chronic kidney disease - 19:32

Finest silk made of the purest gold - 19:31

Low levels of alcohol consumption associated with small increased risk of breast cancer, study finds - 19:31

Recipients of organ transplants at increased risk for broad range of cancers, study finds - 19:31

Use of low-toxicity conditioning regimen prior to cell transplantation appears promising for older adults with blood, bone marrow cancers - 19:31

People rationalize situations they're stuck with, but rebel when they think there's an out - 19:31

Crowdsourcing nutrition in a snap: Counting calories in photos, PlateMate proves the wisdom of the (well-managed) crowd - 19:31

Landsat's TIRS instrument comes out of first round of thermal vacuum testing - 19:31

Rich club in the human brain? - 19:31

Hippocampus plays bigger memory role than previously thought - 19:31

New drug shows promise against multiple sclerosis - 18:30

New tool developed for the study of spatial patterns in living cells - 16:30