Science Daily

Thursday th 10th of November 2011

Women see naked men differently too - 21:30

Parkinsonian worms may hold the key to identifying drugs for Parkinson's disease - 21:30

Ocean temperatures can predict Amazon fire season severity - 21:30

Combination 'epigenetic' therapy may restore anti-cancer gene activity in late-stage lung cancer patients - 20:30

Knocking out key protein in mice boosts insulin sensitivity - 20:30

A light wave of innovation to advance solar energy - 20:30

New target identified to stop the spread of breast cancer - 20:30

Woodsmoke from cooking fires linked to pneumonia, cognitive impacts - 20:30

Astronomers find clouds of primordial gas from the early universe, just moments after Big Bang - 16:32

Plant with 'eggbeater' texture inspires waterproof coating - 16:32

Biological clock controls activation of skin stem cells - 15:30

'Fishy lawnmowers' help save Pacific corals - 15:30

Scientists defuse the 'Vietnam time bomb': A key mechanism by which a bacterial pathogen causes the deadly tropical disease melioidosis has been discovered - 15:30

Sea change can forecast South American wildfires - 15:30

Attention and awareness uncoupled - 15:30

Giant planet ejected from the solar system? - 15:30

National School Lunch Program improves health of children in low-income households, study suggests - 15:30

A fetus can sense Mom's psychological state - 15:30

More than 50 percent decline in elephants in eastern Congo due to human conflict - 15:30

Deepwater Horizon oil spill: New approach to assessing impacts of ecological damage - 15:30

Exploring the last white spot on Earth - 14:31

Hubble uncovers tiny galaxies bursting with starbirth in early Universe - 14:30

Rare earth metal shortages could hamper deployment of low-carbon energy technologies - 14:30

Judges are more ordinary than we imagine, new research suggests - 14:30

Psychologists increase understanding of how the brain perceives shades of gray - 14:30

Scientists discover how to design drugs that could target particular nerve cells - 14:30

Flexible rack systems sort molecules - 14:30

Using light, researchers convert 2-D patterns into 3-D objects - 14:30

Whiskers marked milestone in evolution of mammals from reptiles - 14:30

First large-scale study of pain reveals risk factors - 14:30

More fiber, but not necessarily less fat, good for teen diets - 14:30

Trees on tundra's border are growing faster in a hotter climate - 13:30

Nano car has molecular 4-wheel drive: Smallest electric car in the world - 10:30

Temperature differences give rise to electricity - 00:30

Depression and chronic stress accelerates aging - 00:30

New analysis of carbon accounting, biomass use, and climate benefits - 00:30

Fundamental discovery casts enzymes in new light - 00:30

Simulating black hole radiation with lasers: Lasers produce the first Hawking radiation ever detected - 00:30

Wednesday th 9th of November 2011

Obese monkeys lose weight on drug that attacks blood supply of fat cells - 23:30

New advances in the study of silicon structure - 23:30

People with Parkinson's disease more likely to have leg restlessness than restless leg syndrome - 22:30

Sound, digested: New software tool provides unprecedented searches of sound, from musical riffs to gunshots - 22:30

Diagnoses of autism spectrum disorders vary widely across clinics - 22:30

California making headway in battle against childhood obesity but successes are uneven - 22:30

Biologists slow the aging process in fruit flies: Study has implications for humans - 21:30

Potential new NASA mission would reveal the hearts of undead stars - 21:30

'Tis better to give than to receive? Life scientists find that giving support offers health benefits -- to the giver - 21:30

Fish flu: Genetics approach may lead to treatment - 21:30

Are electron tweezers possible? Apparently so - 21:30

Physicists chip away at mystery of antimatter imbalance - 21:30