Science Daily

Friday th 14th of October 2011

Cells have early-warning system for intruders - 19:30

Avoiding founder frustration in technology start-ups - 19:30

Social media study reveals unreported truths on the nature of street protests, experts say - 19:30

Mobile electrons multiplied in quantum dot films - 19:30

Heavy drinking undergraduates who are impulsive, aggressive may be at high risk for alcohol problems - 16:30

Genetically influenced responses to alcohol affect brain activation both with and without alcohol - 16:30

Alcohol consumption greatly increases serious injury risk for heavy and moderate drinkers - 16:30

Link between alcohol and harm is stronger in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden than in Italy, study suggests - 16:30

NASA's Dawn science team presents early science results - 16:30

Little evidence found to support use of PET-CT in primary bowel cancer, study finds - 15:31

Psychopathic killers: Computerized text analysis uncovers the word patterns of a predator - 15:30

Polycystic ovary syndrome and cardiovascular disease - 15:30

Redox flow batteries, a promising technology for renewable energies integration - 14:30

One in six mobile phones in the UK is contaminated with fecal bacteria, researchers found - 14:30

An effective treatment for anal incontinence - 14:30

Researchers discover material with graphene-like properties - 14:30

How to punish corporate wrongdoers to deter bad behavior - 14:30

Is the secret to world peace the ability to spin a good yarn? - 14:30

Reduce cyber attacks by protecting and rewarding secure networks on the Internet - 14:30

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of allergies, study suggests - 14:30

Obese children have up to double the risk of having asthma - 14:30

The future of airport passport control - 14:30

Imaging technology might help doctors determine best treatment for Crohn's disease patients - 14:30

Frustration inspires new form of graphene - 14:30

Vast hidden network regulates gene expression in cancer: Study illuminates the 'dark matter' of the genome - 14:30

Women's heart disease tied to small blood vessels - 13:30

Another clue to how obesity works - 13:30

Heart health impacts wellbeing of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - 13:30

Brain scans reveal drugs' effects on attention - 13:30

Differing structures underlie differing brain rhythms in healthy and ill, virtual modeling reveals - 13:30

Endangered species: Should cheap phosphorus be first on an elemental 'Red List?' - 13:30

Breast tenderness in women getting combo hormone therapy associated with increase in breast density - 13:30

A hidden order unraveled: Microscopic views on quantum fluctuations - 13:30

New study finds 400,000 farmers in southern Africa using 'fertilizer trees' to improve food security - 13:30

Nurses boost well-being for cancer survivors - 13:30

Russian ship finds tsunami debris where scientists predicted - 13:30

Emissions of atmospheric compounds: New scenarios for the IPCC - 13:30

MRIs could become powerful tools for monitoring cholesteral therapy - 13:30

Pediatric emergency department visits for psychiatric care on the rise - 12:30

Minority children less likely to receive CT scans following head trauma - 12:30

Parents who go online for pediatric health information are open to doctors' website recommendations - 12:30

Pulse oximetry: A viable screening tool for infants with suspected congenital heart disease - 12:30

Infecting hospital staff with contagious awareness - 12:30

Exercise before and during early pregnancy increases two beneficial proteins for mothers-to-be - 12:30

Gender differences in blood pressure appears as early as adolescence, with girls faring worse - 12:30

Better ways to predict kidney disease risk for African Americans: Gene testing could help identify patients who need early treatment - 09:30

Thursday th 13th of October 2011

Reversing smoke-induced damage and disease in the lung - 21:30

Climatic tipping points for tropical forest and savanna: Satellite data reveal where they are most vulnerable - 21:30

Agricultural pest management program efficiency challenged by information diffusion barriers among farmers - 21:30

Preventing dangerous nonsense in human gene expression - 21:30