Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Ain't No Cure For The Winter Time Blues...Or Is There?

16 years ago from PopSci

Stop apologizing for those downward mood swings you are experiencing as the days get shorter—it’s not you, it’s your serotonin abandoning you for the winter. For the first time, scientists...

Should Babies Be Put on a Sleep Schedule?

16 years ago from Live Science

We had only one rule when my daughter was born — sleep when the baby sleeps.

Infidelity Gene? Genetic Link To Relationship Difficulties Found

16 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have found a link between a specific gene and the way men bond to their partners. The results offer a better understanding of such problems as autism and social...

Value Of Direct-to-consumer Drug Advertising Oversold, Study Finds

16 years ago from Science Daily

In the first-ever controlled study measuring the effectiveness of pharmaceutical direct-to-consumer advertising, researchers found only a modest effect on drug sales. In some cases, DTCA had no effect at all.

Low Birth Weight Children Appear At Higher Risk Of Psychiatric Disturbances

16 years ago from Science Daily

Low-birth-weight children appear to be at higher risk for psychiatric disturbances from childhood through high school than normal-birth-weight children, according to a new report. In addition, low-birth-weight children from urban...

Study: Wolves would rather eat salmon

16 years ago from UPI

VICTORIA, British Columbia, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- Canadian scientists say they determined wolves, when feasible, prefer hunting in waterways for salmon rather than pursuing deer and other hoofed...

Academic health centers should take lead in promoting the sharing of biomedical research data

16 years ago from Physorg

Academic health centers (AHCs) have a critical role in enabling, encouraging, and rewarding the sharing of biomedical research data, say a team of academics in this week's PLoS Medicine. ...

Americans adopting HIV-positive kids from Ethiopia

16 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Solomon Henderson inherited just three things from his birth parents, who left him at an Ethiopian orphanage when he was 1 year old: a picture of Jesus,...

Sex Differences Seen In Response To Common Antidepressant

16 years ago from Science Daily

Women with depression may be much more likely than men to get relief from a commonly used, inexpensive antidepressant drug, a new national study finds. But many members of both...

A Room With A Viewpoint: Conservation Messages And Motivation

16 years ago from Science Daily

People are more likely to reuse hotel towels if they know other guests are doing it too.

Low-income? No Car? Expect To Pay More For Groceries

16 years ago from Science Daily

Households located in poor neighborhoods pay more for the same items than people living in wealthy ones, according to a new study.

Bonobos May Have Greater Linguistic Skills Than Previously Thought

16 years ago from Science Daily

What happens when linguistic tools used to analyze human language are applied to a conversation between a language-competent bonobo and a human? New findings indicate that bonobos may exhibit larger...

Campus Diversity Important Predictor Of Interracial Friendships

16 years ago from Science Daily

Campus racial diversity predicts diversity in future friendships, and it's generally higher for minorities than whites.

Animal rights groups might do better to campaign where there is significant suffering for questionable benefits

16 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Opinion surveys over the last decade have shown consistently that most people can accept the use of animals in medical research, but this support is conditional. They want to know...

Personal Health: Let the Mind Help Tame an Irritable Bowel

16 years ago from NY Times Health

Irritable bowel syndrome has a strong connection to the mind.

Vital Signs: Awareness: Stadiums Sell Alcohol to Young and Drunk

16 years ago from NY Times Health

Stadium vendors often sell alcohol to fans notably intoxicated or under age, a study finds.

Proud Is Proud, Sighted or Not, Researchers Find

16 years ago from NY Times Health

Scientists have long assumed that nonverbal expressions associated with pride and shame are learned socially, but new research shows otherwise.

Essay: Addiction Doesn’t Discriminate? Wrong

16 years ago from NY Times Health

Anyone can theoretically become an addict. However it is more likely the fate of some, including truant young men, the children of addicts and those with depression.

Mind: Spot on Popularity Scale Speaks to the Future; Middle Has Its Rewards

16 years ago from NY Times Health

High school students know that popularity is far more than a temporary competition, and in recent years psychologists have confirmed that intuition.

Well: Early Focus on One Sport Raises Alarms

16 years ago from NY Times Health

Around the country, little girls are donning leotards and tumbling into gymnastics classes — but what are the risks of competitive sports on young bodies?

Drug discovery on a chip

16 years ago from Chemistry World

Affinity testing on the tiniest scale identifies a potential drug for hepatitis C

Fears raised by bovine TB cases in Britain

16 years ago from UPI

TRURO, England, Sept. 1 (UPI) -- Concern in Britain is high after a woman and her dog tested positive for bovine tuberculosis in Cornwall county, experts say.

The first autism disease genes

16 years ago from Physorg

The autistic disorder was first described, more than sixty years ago, by Dr. Leo Kanner of the Johns Hopkins Hospital (USA), who created the new label 'early infantile autism'. At...

Pakistan must continue S&T support

16 years ago from SciDev

Pakistan's new government must continue to support science and technology, says an editorial in Nature.

Science Weekly Extra podcast: Ben Goldacre on homeopathy; science coverage in the media; MMR; plus the placebo effect

16 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Writer of the Guardian's Bad Science column, Ben Goldacre discusses homeopathy, nutritionists, and the placebo effect

Harry L. Kozol, Expert in Patty Hearst Trial, Is Dead at 102

16 years ago from NY Times Health

Dr. Kozol, one of the country’s premier experts in brain disorders, helped establish the emerging fields of forensic psychiatry and neuropsychiatry.

Indians’ Water Rights Give Hope for Better Health

16 years ago from NY Times Health

At the Gila River Indian Community, there are hopes that planned irrigation will help combat an obesity epidemic and soaring rates of diabetes.

Paraben's CSI Stick Copies Data from Cell Phones

16 years ago from Physorg

Beware the next time someone borrows your cell phone or you leave it unattended. You may become the next victim of having all your cell phone data copied to the...