Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

Top Scientific Meeting Urges Coordinated Response To Economic And Environmental Crises

14 years ago from Science Daily

A fix for the economy must address ecological threats, a top international scientific meeting here has urged. Human society is moving dangerously beyond the planet's natural limits in a striking...

THE ROUNDUP: Science and Nature News Around the Web

14 years ago from National Geographic

Energy agency warns of 6° C rise in temperatures; new beauty machine makes everyone gorgeous; and more.

Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Flies Into Space

14 years ago from Science Daily

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a sprit of brotherhood”,...

Craigslist Cracks Down On Prostitution Ads

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

The Web site Craigslist says it will crack down on ads for prostitution. It is doing so as part of an agreement with attorneys general in 40 states.

US executive branch drives foreign policy

14 years ago from Physorg

A new study in the journal International Studies Perspectives examines U.S. foreign policy towards three Middle Eastern states and finds that the executive branch is often the driving force in...

FDA seizes contaminated heparin

14 years ago from UPI

WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 (UPI) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced the Thursday seizure of 11 lots of contaminated heparin from Celsus Laboratories Inc. in Cincinnati.

Study focuses on improving blueberries

14 years ago from UPI

ATHENS, Ga., Nov. 6 (UPI) -- Scientists say they plan to use a $1.7 million federal grant to make the southeastern United States a leading blueberry producer.

World's largest truck goes robotic

14 years ago from MSNBC: Science

The largest truck in the world is about to become the largest robotic vehicle in the world. Computer scientists from Carnegie Mellon University have teamed up with engineers from Caterpillar...

Accelerated education alleviates nation's nursing shortage

14 years ago from

The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University is among the first institutions in the nation to receive funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) through...

Man Charged With Stealing Intel Secrets

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A former Intel Corp. engineer has been charged with stealing trade secrets worth $1 billion from the chip maker while he worked for its main rival, Advanced Micro Devices Inc.

Kenya prepares to approve biosafety legislation

14 years ago from SciDev

Kenya's parliament expects to approve its much-delayed biosafety bill before the Christmas break.

When the neighbor's noise makes its way through the walls

14 years ago from Physorg

Manufacturers of partition walls will possibly have to think further ahead in future than they have up to now: Christoph Kling shows in his dissertation at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany)...

Space tech improves public transport in rural areas

14 years ago from European Space Agency

Many rural areas face a lack of public transportation connections. Although the need of public transportation services is undeniable, allocating buses on scheduled routes and times is financially unjustifiable. The...

Review: Digital frame shows pictures from phones

14 years ago from AP Science

NEW YORK (AP) -- Digital picture frames were a big item last Christmas. This holiday season, there will be an innovation on store shelves: a frame...

Yahoo's Hadoop transforming how data is analyzed

14 years ago from Physorg

Behind Yahoo's push to open up Web search and advertising is software powerful enough to sort through the entire Library of Congress in less than half a minute.

UC team virtually rebuilds lost architecture of the Shakers

14 years ago from Physorg

The Shakers, a religious group that built 19 communities in the United States during the 1800s, had a prolific and distinct architectural construction and design style. Much of that architecture...

Acousticians discover the chink in the sound insulation value analysis

14 years ago from

Some people know more about their neighbours than they would like to. Whether the other tenants are just now listening to music, watching television, having visitors, vacuum cleaning or washing...

New 'super sensors' available soon

14 years ago from

The first commercially manufactured versions of the CSIRO-designed environmental and industrial sensor platform, FLECK, will be available in early 2009. The technology promises to open new opportunities for gathering information...

Looming Ecological Credit Crunch?

14 years ago from Science Daily

The world is heading for an ecological credit crunch as human demands on the world's natural capital reach nearly a third more than earth can sustain. That is the stark...

Perception test will check drivers

14 years ago from Science Alert

A new driving test, based on research on how we see and recognise hazards, will assess the skills of Queensland drivers getting their licenses.

Ernst Stuhlinger's Science Contributions to be Recognized

14 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Ernst Stuhlinger, a world-renowned space scientist, will be recognized for his unique contributions to aerospace scientific and technological advancements with a symposium at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

San Francisco Journal: At Specialty Garage, Making Hybrids Even Greener

14 years ago from NY Times Science

San Francisco is home to the only woman-run garage that offers the option of making hybrid vehicles fully electric.

Green Inc.: California Renewable-Energy Initiatives Defeated

14 years ago from NY Times Science

Two alternative energy ballot initiatives in California are shot down by voters who saw them as wrong-headed and expensive.

AMD cutting 500 workers, 3 pct of staff

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Advanced Micro Devices Inc. says it's cutting 500 workers, or 3 percent of its global staff, to help the struggling chip maker return to profitability.

Global broadband prices down 20 percent in 2008

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Prices for residential high-speed Internet service are down 20 percent globally from the start of the year, according to a British research firm.

156th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Nov. 10 - 14, 2008, in Miami, FL

14 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Underwater wi-fi, music over the internet, pitch perception in the brain, discovering how whales find their favorite salmon, detecting dangerous swimmers, helping people who have undergone laryngectomy, rhythm and movement...

Location, location, location -- and broadband

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Adam and Anita Paulk had a nice home outside Temple, Texas, with a big yard and a 10-minute commute to his job. But in Internet terms, the house...

Wikipedia seeks $6M -- 3 times last year's amount

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The nonprofit group that runs Wikipedia launched its annual appeal to donors Wednesday, seeking $6 million to cover the costs of the volunteer-created Internet encyclopedia. That figure...