Latest science news in Health & Medicine
Ground beef recalled in British Columbia
British Columbia consumers are being warned not to eat ground beef distributed by Trimpac Meat Distributors of Vancouver because it may be contaminated with E. coli bacteria.
Statin Drug Used To Lower Cholesterol Effective For Hepatitis C Treatment, Study Shows
A statin drug used to lower cholesterol has been found to stop hepatitis C, especially in patients resistant to standard treatment. The drug, Fluvastatin, has been approved since 1993 by...
Sugar Linkage Could Lead To Better Treatment For Autoimmune Diseases
Researchers have identified a specific carbohydrate structure that confers anti-inflammatory activity to a glycoprotein antibody that could lead to improved treatment of autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. The...
Compound might stop cancer progression
OKLAHOMA CITY, May 14 (UPI) -- U.S. medical scientists say they have discovered a compound that, in laboratory tests, has shown success in preventing cancer.
Discovery of HPV in male oral cancers leads to vaccination call
There's growing evidence that the virus that causes cervical cancer in women is also linked to cancers in men, leading some health professionals to call for an HPV vaccination program...
Vitamin D protects cells from stress that can lead to cancer
By inducing a specific gene to increase expression of a key enzyme, vitamin D protects healthy prostate cells from the damage and injuries that can lead to cancer, University of...
Acupuncture And Myofascial Trigger Therapy Treat Same Pain Areas
Ancient acupuncture and modern myofascial pain therapy each focus on hundreds of similar points on the body to treat pain, although they do it differently, says a physician at Mayo...
Some Kids Benefit More From Asthma Drug
Girls and children who have asthma and are exposed to tobacco smoke respond particularly well to montelukast (Singulair), a new study shows. Researchers also identified two biomarkers that may help...
Really?: The Claim: If You’re Hyperventilating, Breathe Into a Paper Bag
Like a bandage for a cut or a crutch for a broken leg, the brown paper bag is a symbol for hyperventilation. But does it help?
Personal Health: Mosquito Thrives; So Does Dengue Fever
Dengue fever has increased rapidly in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide in recent years, thanks to factors both natural and man-made.
Vital Signs: Having a Baby: Mother’s Touch Helps Cut Newborns’ Pain
Even very premature babies benefit from skin-to-skin contact with their mothers during painful medical procedures, a Canadian study has found.
Vital Signs: Nutrition: Breast-Feeding Tied to Intelligence
Researchers have found evidence that prolonged breast-feeding is associated with improved scores on some intelligence tests in childhood.
Vital Signs: Vision: Vitamin E Benefit for Cataracts in Dispute
A large 10-year randomized trial has found no difference in cataract formation between those who took vitamin E and those who did not.
Rough Transition to a New Asthma Inhaler
For many people with asthma, the transition to CFC-free inhalers will not be a easy one.
A Child, a Bizarre Tumor and a Perilous Operation
A little girl, a rare tumor and a new surgical procedure that may make everything normal again.
Racism not an issue in firing of NBA coaches, study
Race is not a factor in the firing of NBA coaches, although white coaches with losing records had somewhat longer tenures before being fired than African-American coaches with more losses...
That Must Be Bob. I Hear His New Hip Squeaking.
Some patients’ noisy artificial hips are interrupting daily life and raising questions about more serious problems.
Scientists closer to preventing diabetes
ST. LOUIS, May 13 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they've taken the first step toward starting a "misdirected immune system attack" that might prevent development of type 1...
Alberta nurses rally for more workers, better work conditions
More than 150 nurses rallied in front of the Alberta legislature in Edmonton on Monday to call on the province to recruit more workers and improve working conditions.
A Lifesaving Beacon for Miners
InSeT System Cost to Develop: $475,000 Time: 2 years Prototype | | | | | Product
A Homebuilt Tumor-Killer
The Kanzius RF Field Generator Cost to Develop: $1 million+Time: 5 yearsPrototype | | | | | Product When a man with no medical degree and a diagnosis of...
The Natural Artificial Foot
K3 Promoter Cost to Develop: $100,000 Time: 8 years Prototype | | | | | Product Gordon Link, a diabetic and foot amputee, is not looking to climb Mount Everest,...
Air pollution, smoking affect latent tuberculosis
A toxic gas present in air pollution and tobacco smoke plays a significant role in triggering tuberculosis infection, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Alabama...
Novel mechanisms controlling insulin release and fat deposition discovered
Scientists at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet have in two recent studies shown that a receptor called ALK7 plays important roles in the regulation of body fat deposition as...
Hyperactivity is associated with decreased numbers of interneurons
A new study published in Biological Psychiatry on May 15th is “another example of how basic science research conducted in animals may help to identify new molecular targets that may...
Astronaut Health On Moon May Depend On Good Dusting
To prepare for a return to the moon, researchers are evaluating how dust deposits in the lungs in reduced gravity in order to assess the health risk of long-term exposure...
Fewer Caribou Born as Warming Causes Missed Meals
As plants bloom earlier due to rising temperatures, caribou are arriving at their calving grounds when the bounty is past its peak, leading to fewer births and a lower survival...
Ontario considering partial restrictions on older drivers
Ontario Transportation Minister Jim Bradley is looking at limiting driving privileges for older motorists, instead of a total licence suspension when a doctor says they could be a danger on...