Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Recent, vigorous exercise is associated with reduced breast cancer risk

14 years ago from Physorg

Post-menopausal women who engage in moderate to vigorous exercise have a reduced risk of breast cancer. This comes from researchers writing the open access journal BMC Cancer who investigated the...

Winnipeg doctor seeks alternate H1N1 treatment

14 years ago from CBC: Health

A Winnipeg doctor is searching for better ways to treat people who contract swine flu.

Chemicals linked to genetic disease found

14 years ago from UPI

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 30 (UPI) -- UCLA scientists say they've identified two chemicals linked to a missing protein in children with ataxia-telangiectasia -- a progressive neurological disease.

Universal Screening Lowers Risk Of Severe Jaundice In Infants

14 years ago from Science Daily

Screening all newborns for excessive bilirubin in the blood can significantly decrease the incidence of severe jaundice which, in extreme cases, can lead to seizures and brain damage, according to...

Microchip That Can Detect Type And Severity Of Cancer Created

14 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have used nanomaterials to develop a microchip sensitive enough to quickly determine the type and severity of a patient's cancer so that the disease can be detected earlier for...

Gut worms may protect against allergies

14 years ago from UPI

NOTTINGHAM, England, Sept. 29 (UPI) -- British and Vietnamese scientists say they've discovered parasitic gut worms, such as hookworms, might help prevent and treat asthma and other allergies.

Risk Of Bone Fractures Associated With Use Of Diabetes Drug

14 years ago from Science Daily

New research suggests that there is an association between thiazolidinediones -- a type of drug introduced in the 1990s to treat type 2 diabetes -- and bone fracture.

Drug That Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier Reduces Formation of Brain Metastases in Mice

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- The drug vorinostat is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and reduce the development of large metastatic tumors in mice brains by 62 percent when compared to mice...

Researchers believe hormone therapy should not be stopped prior to mammograms

14 years ago from

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) are recommending that menopausal women on hormone therapy (HT) continue their treatment prior to having their annual mammogram screenings. These recommendations appear...

Strategies For Reducing Painful Breast Cancer Drug Side Effects

14 years ago from Science Daily

New research has identified patterns that may help breast cancer patients at risk of serious joint pain from aromatase inhibitors. In a recent study, researchers found that estrogen withdrawal may...

Vital Signs: Risks: Diabetes Tied to Heart Rhythm in Women

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Researchers found that the disease increased the risk of developing atrial fibrillation, a potentially dangerous problem that doctors often missed.

More than half million kids get bad drug reactions

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- More than half a million U.S. children yearly have bad reactions or side effects from widely used medicines that require medical treatment and sometimes hospitalization, new research...

People playing the odds on health care over costs

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Call it a health care gamble: the decision by some people to opt out of health insurance, paying cash for routine care while playing the odds that...

Reclaimed Riddle

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- It was the "yuck factor" of reclaimed water that got Karyna Rosario thinking. As communities increasingly turn to reclaimed water as a source for irrigation - and some...

When a Twin is not a Twin

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- A woman in Fort Worth, Arkansas is carrying two babies that may not be twins, and which may have been conceived two and a half weeks apart. The...

How to deliver the news? New advice for doctors diagnosing prenatal Down syndrome

14 years ago from Physorg

New prenatal tests for Down syndrome are soon to be offered to all pregnant women across the United States, yet telling an expectant couple that their child will be born...

Hundreds protest western N.L. health cuts

14 years ago from CBC: Health

A rally to protest health care cuts on Newfoundland and Labrador's, Great Northern Peninsula, drew hundreds to a community there over the weekend. About 400-people gathered in Flower's Cove on...

Malaria super drug may resurge

14 years ago from Science Alert

Scientists have found how malaria survives the drug chloroquine, and could use the findings to bring the 'wonder drug' back into operation.

BioMed Analysis: Pooling patents for HIV drugs

14 years ago from SciDev

A UNITAID patent pool could revolutionise HIV treatment and research in developing countries — if payment can be agreed, says Priya Shetty.

Outspoken N.L. breast cancer patient dies

14 years ago from CBC: Health

A Mount Pearl woman who reluctantly spoke out about how problems with breast cancer testing in Newfoundland and Labrador affected her died Friday.

H1N1 supplies steal space from rehab programs

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Stockpiles of supplies for fighting an expected H1N1 pandemic this fall are crowding out some programs for patients in the Saskatoon Health Region.

Staffing is the key to quality care in a nursing home

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

The cornerstone to quality care in a nursing home is staffing. Those with larger staffs tend to have less turnover, more stability and are more likely to meet the needs...

Infant Development: Do Infants Only Start To Crawl Once They Can See Looming Danger?

14 years ago from Science Daily

Do infants only start to crawl once they are physically able to see danger coming? According to one researcher, infants' ability to see whether an object is approaching on a...

Revolutionary Drug Could Be New Hope For Adrenal Cancer Patients

14 years ago from Science Daily

Medical researchers are starting a clinical trial for a drug designed to combat adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), a rare but deadly cancer that attacks the adrenal glands. They hope the new...

Math Used As A Tool To Heal Toughest Of Wounds

14 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists expect a new mathematical model of chronic wound healing could replace intuition with clear guidance on how to test treatment strategies in tackling a major public-health problem. The researchers...

Phthalates Hard To Avoid In Food: Junk Food No Worse Than Healthful Food For These Potentially Harmful Substances

14 years ago from Science Daily

Phthalates -- the softening agents in synthetic materials -- were a hot topic during the last decade and have been linked to deformities in the male genitals, diabetes, premature births...

Video: Forever Young

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

New advances in medical science have many of us living longer, but how can we still look younger than our years? Mo Rocca spoke with Dr. Sam Rizk, one of...

Smoking And Heart Disease Risks Can Cut Life Span By 10 Years

14 years ago from Science Daily

Middle aged men who smoke, have high blood pressure and raised cholesterol levels can expect a 10--15 year shorter life expectancy from age 50 compared with men without these risk...