Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Alabama High School Student Names NASA's Mars Helicopter

Vaneeza Rupani's essay was chosen as the name for the small spacecraft, which will mark NASA's first attempt at powered flight on another planet.

Q&A with the Student Who Named Ingenuity, NASA's Mars Helicopter

As a longtime fan of space exploration, Vaneeza Rupani appreciates the creativity and collaboration involved with trying to fly on another planet.

Meet the People Behind NASA's Perseverance Rover

These are the scientists and engineers who built NASA's next Mars rover and who will guide it to a safe landing in Jezero Crater.

Newly Reprocessed Images of Europa Show 'Chaos Terrain' in Crisp Detail

Work is ongoing to refine images NASA's Galileo spacecraft captured of Europa as scientists prepare for exploration of Jupiter's icy moon.

NASA's Perseverance Rover Will Look at Mars Through These 'Eyes'

A pair of zoomable cameras will help scientists and rover drivers with high-resolution color images.

NASA Perseverance Mars Rover Scientists Train in the Nevada Desert

Team members searched for signs of ancient microscopic life there, just as NASA's newest rover will on the Red Planet next year.

NASA's Perseverance Rover Spacecraft Put in Launch Configuration

Stacking spacecraft components on top of each other is one of the final assembly steps before a mission launches to the Red Planet.

How Engineers at NASA JPL Persevered to Develop a Ventilator

As coronavirus hit, JPL engineers teamed up to make a ventilator prototype that could be mass produced to fill a massive need. It's not rocket science; it's something more.

NASA's Perseverance Rover Goes Through Trials by Fire, Ice, Light and Sound

The agency's new Mars rover is put through a series of tests in vacuum chambers, acoustic chambers and more to get ready for the Red Planet.

NASA Wins 4 Webbys, 4 People's Voice Awards

Winners include the JPL-managed "Send Your Name to Mars" campaign, NASA's Global Climate Change website, Solar System Interactive.

NASA Telescope Named for 'Mother of Hubble' Nancy Grace Roman

At the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, team members are building the Coronagraph Instrument for the spacecraft and contributing to the mission's science goals.

Air Deliveries Bring NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Closer to Launch

A NASA Wallops Flight Facility cargo plane transported more than two tons of equipment - including the rover's sample collection tubes - to Florida for this summer's liftoff.

The Detective Aboard NASA's Perseverance Rover

An instrument called SHERLOC will, with the help of its partner WATSON, hunt for signs of ancient life by detecting organic molecules and minerals.

Caltech Alum Robert Behnken Aboard Historic Demo-2 Launch

The SpaceX Crew Dragon flight with NASA's Behnken and Douglas Hurley marks the first launch of American astronauts on an American-made rocket from American soil in nearly a decade.

JPL Mission Breaks Record for Smallest Satellite to Detect an Exoplanet

About the size of a briefcase, the CubeSat was built to test new technologies but exceeded expectations by spotting a planet outside our solar system.

The Extraordinary Sample-Gathering System of NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover

Two astronauts collected Moon rocks on Apollo 11. It will take three robotic systems working together to gather up the first Mars rock samples for return to Earth.

Saturn's Moon Titan Drifting Away Faster Than Previously Thought

The new research by scientists at NASA and the Italian Space Agency has implications for the entire Saturn system as well as other planets and moons.

Three New Views of Mars' Moon Phobos

Taken with the infrared camera on NASA's Odyssey orbiter, the images reveal temperature variations aboard the small moon as it drifts into and out of Mars' shadow.

NASA's Mars Rover Drivers Need Your Help

Using an online tool to label Martian terrain types, you can train an artificial intelligence algorithm that could improve the way engineers guide the Curiosity rover.

New International Ocean Satellite Completes Testing

A team of engineers in the U.S. and Europe subjected the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft to a battery of trials to ready it for liftoff later this year.

While Stargazing on Mars, NASA's Curiosity Rover Spots Earth and Venus

This new portrait of the Red Planet's neighbors was taken during a time when there's more dust in the air on Mars.

NASA to Hold Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Launch Briefing

Learn more about the agency's next Red Planet mission during a live event on June 17.

Proposed NASA Mission Would Visit Neptune's Curious Moon Triton

One of four concepts being considered for a Discovery Program mission, Trident would investigate one of the solar system's most unusual worlds.

A Cosmic Baby Is Discovered, and It's Brilliant

Born from an exploded star, the infant magnetar belongs to a family of extreme objects called neutron stars. Its discovery may lend insight into these strange phenomena.

The Launch Is Approaching for NASA's Next Mars Rover, Perseverance

The Red Planet's surface has been visited by eight NASA spacecraft. The ninth will be the first that includes gathering Mars samples for future return to Earth.

Young Giant Planet Offers Clues to Formation of Exotic Worlds

Jupiter-size planets orbiting close to their stars have upended ideas about how giant planets form. Finding young members of this planet class could help answer key questions.

How NASA's Mars Helicopter Will Reach the Red Planet's Surface

The small craft will seek to prove that powered, controlled flight is possible on another planet. But just getting it onto the surface of Mars will take a whole lot...

NASA's TESS, Spitzer Missions Discover a World Orbiting a Unique Young Star

The newly discovered planet's parent star is still encircled by the disk of material from which both objects formed, giving scientists a glimpse at early planet evolution.