Latest science news in Astronomy & Space
NASA stresses importance of Russian spacecraft to keep space station functioning
Even before NASA finishes its study into the possibility of flying the space shuttle beyond its scheduled retirement in 2010, top agency officials have concluded that extending the life of...
Cassini Images Ring Arcs Among Saturn's Moons
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected a faint, partial ring orbiting with one small moon of Saturn, and has confirmed the presence of another partial ring orbiting with a second moon.
NASA to Explore 'Secret Layer' of the Sun
Next April, for a grand total of 8 minutes, NASA astronomers are going to glimpse a secret layer of the sun.
Steins: A diamond in the sky
( -- The first images from Rosetta's OSIRIS imaging system and VIRTIS infrared spectrometer were derived from raw data this morning and have delivered spectacular results.
Spiky Probe On NASA Mars Lander Raises Vapor Quandary
A fork-like conductivity probe has sensed humidity rising and falling beside NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, but when stuck into the ground, its measurements so far indicate soil that is thoroughly...
First Light from Space Telescope Reveals Gamma-Ray Sky
The first results from a powerful gamma-ray telescope launched into orbit earlier this summer show it is on track to unlock new secrets of the most energetic explosions in the...
Giant Furnace Opens To Reveal 'Perfect' LSST Mirror Blank
The single-piece primary and tertiary mirror blank cast for the LSST is "perfect", say project astronomers and engineers. The LSST, or Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, a large survey telescope being...
Improved telescope may find planets
Telescopes recalibrated using a Nobel Prize winning laser technique will measure the Universe with the precision of a fine tooth comb, and could even find new planets.
China Launches Two Satellites, Readies for Third Manned Spaceflight
China launched two satellites and is preparing for its third manned spaceflight.
Science: Countdown to launch of Geneva's particle accelerator
Scientists seeking answers to the universe are about to launch a revolutionary test
Russia warns of asteroid threat
MOSCOW, Sept. 5 (UPI) -- Russia's top space official said international cooperation is needed to deal with the threat of an asteroid collision with the Earth.
Solar energy can meet all the world's energy demands: expert
The world must speed up the deployment of solar power as it has the potential to meet all the world's energy needs, the chairman of an industry gathering which wrapped...
StellarWindow turns your laptop into a virtual planetarium
If you enjoy looking at the stars, but get a little impatient trying to figure out which way to hold your star map to identify the constellations, a new software...
Robot Scout: Fly Me (Safely) to the Moon
The first attempt to land humans on the moon -- Apollo 11 -- was a triumph that almost ended in disaster. At just 400 feet from the lunar surface, with...
Mars Water Mystery Surfaces
Phoenix lander detects changes in air humidity but finds on film of water on ground.
Theory of the Sun's Role in Formation of the Solar System Questioned
Results critical to interpretation of GENESIS spacecraft samples of the Sun.
Hurricane Gustav's Path And Development
The development and path of Hurricane Gustav is shown via a sequence of satellite images acquired by Envisat’s Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) instrument on 25 August, 28 August, 30...
Spore is More: Build Your Own Alien at Home
New video game Spore may, like "Star Trek", have significant spin-offs.
Cosmic Log: Black holes for kids
Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: Physicist Brian Greene usually writes about string theory and other stuff most adults can't understand, but his latest book is a black-hole tale for kids.
NASA seeks next Carl Sagan - and extraterrestrial life
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, famous for its manned missions to the moon, announced the creation of the Carl Sagan Postdoctoral Fellowships in Exoplanet Exploration...
NASA 2009 scholarship program opens
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 (UPI) -- The U.S. space agency says it will accept aeronautics scholarship applications through Jan. 16 for the academic year beginning during the fall of...
ESA prepares GOCE for next week's launch
MIRNY, Russia, Sept. 4 (UPI) -- The European Space Agency says its next spacecraft to be launched has been encapsulated in its protective fairing at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome...
Petascale Climate Modeling Heats Up
Computer scientists are generating new "petascale" computer models depicting detailed climate dynamics, which will build the foundation for the next generation of complex climate models. The project offers a golden...
Multiple CT scans aid radio ablatation
LEBANON, N.H., Sept. 4 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they've discovered merging multiple computerized tomography images can aid probe positioning during radiofrequency ablation.
A Titan discovery
European researchers step closer to explaining hydrocarbon formation on Saturn’s largest moon.
Big data: Data wrangling
Collecting and releasing environmental data have stirred up controversy in Washington, says David Goldston, and will continue to do so.
Sony Cybershot DSC-T500 Digital Camera
Sony is adding high-definition video recording to their digital camera line with the introduction of the Cybershot DSC-T500. The DSC-T500 has the ability to capture still images while in video...
A Conversation with Planetary Astronomer Heidi Hammel
With the "Mommy Wars" once again erupting around Sarah Palin's nomination for V.P., a piece of valuable insight arises in the scientific realm. Planetary astronomer Heidi Hammel has managed to...