Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Minority patients discouraged from cancer screening by negative messages

15 years ago from

New behavioural science research published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, found that constantly emphasising the negative consequences of a lack...

The Candidates' Technology Policy Reviewed

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

We're only a few days away from an election that, among a lot of other things, will help determine how America approaches its technological challenges - and we do have...

Study: Women Candidates Must Look Good

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Women running for top offices need to appear competent and attractive, according to a new study. For male candidates, seeming competent may be enough.

Nature Magazine endorses Obama (but not because of science policy)

15 years ago from Science Blog

Nature Magazine's latest issue, just published online, endorses Obama. Interestingly, this is not because of "any specific pledge to fund some particular agency or initiative at a certain level." Instead,...

In Decision To Grow, Bacteria Follow The Crowd

15 years ago from Science Daily

When it comes to the decision to wake up and grow, bacterial spores "listen in" to find out what their neighbors are doing and then they follow the crowd, according...

While Prevalent, Sexual Problems In Women Not Always Associated With Distress

15 years ago from Science Daily

The largest such study ever published finds that, while about 40 percent of women surveyed report having sexual problems, only 12 percent indicate that those issues are a source of...

Personality shapes perception of romance, but doesn't tell the whole story

15 years ago from

Personality researchers have long known that people who report they have certain personality traits are also more (or less) likely to be satisfied with their romantic partners. Someone who says...

Study shows difficult to read instructions decrease motivation

15 years ago from

It is not surprising that people are more willing to participate in a task if it does not require too much effort. What is interesting, however, is the way we...

New study explores social comparison in early childhood

15 years ago from

It has been shown (and probably experienced by all of us) that performing worse than our peers on a particular task results in negative self-esteem and poorer subsequent performance on...

Baby talk: The roots of the early vocabulary in infants' learning from speech

15 years ago from

Although babies typically start talking around 12 months of age, their brains actually begin processing certain aspects of language much earlier, so that by the time they start talking, babies...

The world's poor deserve better US leadership

15 years ago from SciDev

The US election has implications for science and foreign aid policy, and so for the poorest people across the developing world.

Dick Taverne: The prince has to choose

15 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Dick Taverne: If Charles wants to lecture us on the plight of the world he must renounce his claim to the throne

Lost in showbiz: Marina Hyde on Paris Hilton's space flight

15 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Hot on the heels of yesterday's blog special, Wordsworth with Lily Allen, comes a new celebucational series. Take your seats for Special Relativity with Paris Hilton.

New Study to Examine Relationship between Anger and Alcohol Abuse

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- Research suggests that alcoholics are more likely to experience emotions such as annoyances, frustrations and anger compared to non-alcoholics.

Research finds cross-race friendships can lower stress

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- Conventional wisdom holds that diversity pays off in higher education. Now researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have found scientific evidence that multiculturalism improves students' experiences on...

Experience soccer games through your cell phone vibration

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- Buzz`s a goal for the home team! By synchronizing a cell phone`s vibrations with the ball in the field, researchers have designed a method that allows cell...

Gender biases in leadership selection during competitions within and between groups

15 years ago from Physorg

What makes a great leader? Traits that we look for typically include a sense of power, great negotiating skills and lots of charisma. However, a recent study suggests that it...

Tech's Top 10 Election Lows

15 years ago from PopSci

Just as the 1960 election was the first to be truly shaped by the television medium, this year's presidential throwdown will go down as the first that was undeniably shaped,...

Groundbreaking findings on autism presented at Carnegie Mellon international symposium

15 years ago from

Today's autism research draws on a variety of scientific disciplines, from genetics to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to neural development. At the 35th Carnegie Symposium on Cognition, 'Development and...

The New Old Age: Where the Mommy Track Crosses the Daughter Track

15 years ago from NY Times Health

Workplace accommodations modeled on child care do not always benefit employees caring for aging parents.

How nonverbal cues in presidential debates are interpreted by voters

15 years ago from Physorg

Research on nonverbal vocal communication in the presidential debates, published by two Kent State University sociology professors, demonstrates that subtle, non-consciously perceived cues in candidates' voices may provide a clue...

New robot gets rid of bombs

15 years ago from Science Alert

Australian scientists have developed a robot called SPIKER that gets rid of explosives so that soldiers don't expose themselves to the risk.

Adolescent insomnia linked to depression and substance abuse during adolescence and young adulthood

15 years ago from

A study in the latest issue of the journal Sleep shows that adolescent insomnia symptoms are associated with depression, suicide ideation and attempts, and the use of alcohol, cannabis and...

Companies tend to business side of doctors' practices

15 years ago from Physorg

Small physician practices are beginning to make the costly and painful conversion from paper charts to electronic records, and a Mequon, Wis., investment group senses an opportunity in that long-awaited...

Time to reset your biological clock

15 years ago from MSNBC: Science

If you've been falling behind on sleep, this is the weekend to fall back into bed for an extra hour — and take advantage of the transition from daylight saving...

Like father, like son? Macho men produce macho sons, according to research

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- Researchers have found that men with strong masculine traits are likely to produce similarly macho sons but, according to the new study by the University of St Andrews,...

Like rest of society, doctors implicitly favor whites over blacks

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- In the first large study to explore possible unconscious bias among physicians, researchers have found that doctors mirror the attitudes of the majority in society and implicitly favor...

Review: Mini camcorders cheap, simple, imperfect

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- You may not fancy yourself the next Spielberg, but if you like to make videos and don't want to break the bank with a high-end camcorder, there...