Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

Appealing to Bloggers’ Influence, Gore Asks for Help in Promoting Energy Challenge

15 years ago from NY Times Science

Al Gore received an enthusiastic welcome at Netroots Nation, the annual conference of progressive bloggers.

Deal Seeks to Offer Drug for Malaria at Low Price

15 years ago from NY Times Health

The Clinton Foundation announced an agreement among several drug makers that it hopes will assure a supply of a crucial malaria medicine at reasonable prices for the world’s poor.

California fines two health plans $13 million

15 years ago from LA Times - Science

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield also agree to restore coverage to patients whose coverage was canceled after they became ill. ...

Economic worries loom over Google's 2Q earnings

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Google Inc. has successfully tackled a lot of complex problems during its first decade in business, but even the Internet search leader may be hard pressed to...

EU: Ringtone Web Sites Rip Off Consumers

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Eight out of 10 Web sites selling mobile phone ring tones and graphics are tricking consumers with hidden fees or false advertising for free products, the EU said.

Researchers Author Textbook on Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Researchers at Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center have assembled a textbook that describes the progress and lessons learned from more than five years of biological...

Yahoo calls Microsoft's actions 'stupefying'

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Yahoo Inc. sent a letter to shareholders Thursday in which it called Microsoft Corp.'s actions in its dance to acquire all or part of the Internet company...

GM researches high-tech windshields to aid vision

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- When Coke bottle glasses just won't cut it for safe driving, a futuristic windshield might do the trick. General Motors Corp. researchers are working on a windshield...

Professor explores social behavior and business misdeeds

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- Corporate misconduct can be the stuff of high drama. But prevailing theory has it that "settling up," the process of meting out consequences for corporate misdeeds, is largely...

RFID unlocks supply chain potential

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) promises to revolutionise retailing through advanced stock management, sophisticated promotions and supply chain optimisation. But cost-effective solutions have proved elusive because serious technical and...

EU warns teenagers of mobile phone ring-tone rip-offs

15 years ago from Physorg

The European Commission warned children and teenagers on Thursday to beware of mobile telephone ring-tone scams after hundreds of Internet sites were found to be charging too much for the...

Whitehall bid to cut IT emissions

15 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

The government unveils plans its hopes will help it become the first in the world to make its computer use "carbon neutral".

Millions raised for drug development

15 years ago from Chemistry World

New consortium promises a richer future for China’s biotech industry

Smithsonian dishes the dirt on, well, dirt

15 years ago from AP Science

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Dishing the dirt has a long history in Washington, but the Smithsonian Institution is taking it to new depths....

Iowa Group To Provide Home For Orangutans From Entertainment Industry

15 years ago from Science Blog

A group of orangutans who appeared in Hollywood films, television commercials and magazine advertisements is being relocated to Great Ape Trust of Iowa – a significant move that begins to...

Report: Invest $10 a person for better health

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Investing just $10 per person - roughly the price of a six-pack of beer and some chips - could greatly fuel community programs that get couch potatoes...

AOL exec Leonsis turns film passion into business

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Retired AOL executive Ted Leonsis is turning his passion for documentaries into an Internet service meant to give independent filmmakers broader viewership.

Mini ECG gets heart attack rehab patients mobile

15 years ago from Physorg

Dr Charles Worringham of Queensland University of Technology's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation said the unique 'Cardiomobile' monitoring system, developed by Gold Coast company Alive Technologies, was being further...

Context is everything: New research uncovers key to consumer preferences

15 years ago from Physorg

When consumers shop for televisions or cereal, what makes them prefer one option to another? Which brand will they purchase again and tell their friends about?

Simply Ways To Cut Your Power Bill

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Susan Koeppen's ideas don't even include buying new appliances!

Raw deal for foreign brides in Taiwan: study

15 years ago from Physorg

More than a quarter of a million women have been sold as wives and baby-makers in South East Asia, but they are getting a raw deal in health care and...

Boy, 11, Tracks Speeders with Toy Radar Gun

15 years ago from Live Science

Police can't be everywhere, so 11-year-old Landon Wilburn is on patrol in the Stone Lakes subdivision in Louisville. Landon told The Courier-Journal he used to shout at speeders to slow...

Bread Prices Stretch Egyptians -- And Their Government

15 years ago from National Geographic

Egypt is still suffering from riots and violence, despite expensive increases in bread subsidies, export bans, and strict regulation of fuel and utility prices. Part of Global Food Crisis: A...

S.F. Claims IT Worker Hijacked Passwords

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A city computer engineer accused of tampering with San Francisco's new computer network to give himself exclusive access was ordered held on $5 million bail.

Videogames getting more social

15 years ago from Physorg

Videogame makers are riding the social-networking wave with a flood of soon-to-be-released titles that let friends play online as teams and even create their own characters.

Drugs industry protecting 'morally unacceptable' patent system

15 years ago from Physorg

Major drugs companies are using fierce lobbying tactics to protect a pharmaceutical patent system that is "simply morally unacceptable", a world-leading political philosopher will tell a major meeting of UK...

New York City Taxi's Going Green

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Three major auto makers are promising to reserve 300 new hybrids each month for the city's yellow cab fleet.

Third Green500 List Released; Ranks Energy Efficient Supercomputers

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Supercomputer performance and energy efficiency can co-exist. Roadrunner, the top-ranked supercomputer in the TOP500, is ranked third on the Green500. The first sustained petaflop supercomputer, Roadrunner was developed by the...