Latest science news in Paleontology & Archaeology
New genetic changes found in schizophrenia
NEW YORK, May 13 (UPI) -- U.S. and Canadian researchers say they have discovered a previously unknown genetic abnormality in an animal model of schizophrenia.
Real-life skull tale inspires movie
New Zealanders retain ethnicity
When migrants start to call themselves New Zealanders it doesn't mean that they've lost their original ethnicity, revealed the latest integration study.
Genetics Confirm Oral Traditions Of Druze In Israel
DNA analysis of residents of Druze villages in Israel suggests these ancient religious communities offer a genetic snapshot of the Near East as it was several thousands of years ago....
'Early Birds' Adapt To Climate Change
Individual birds can adjust their behavior to take climate change in their stride, according to a study by scientists from the University of Oxford. A study of the great tit...
Sahara made slow transition from green to desert: study
The Sahara became the world's biggest hot desert some 2,700 years ago after a very slow fade from green, according to a new study which clashes with the theory that...
PHOTOS: 1,000 Tombs Discovered in Colombia
The massive burial site contains a treasure trove of artifacts and information about two little-known South American civilizations, experts said.
Ancient habitation in Chile among oldest in the Americas, report says
Radiocarbon dating of seaweed puts the settlement at about 14,000 years old, on a par with a cave site in Oregon and much older than the Clovis sites of the...
1,000 Ancient Tombs, Unique Remains Found in Colombia
Among the unusual finds are a possible victim of human sacrifice and a skeleton with curiously curved bones, anthropologists report.
Ancient Beachcombers May Have Travelled Slowly
New evidence, more questions. That's the thumbnail of the first new data reported in 10 years from Monte Verde, the earliest known human settlement in the Americas. read more
Teeth Offer Clues to Human Diet Evolution
Mapping mountains and valleys of fossil teeth can shed light on ancient humans' diets.
Spain claims $500 million in sunken treasure
(AP) -- Spain formally laid claim Thursday to a shipwreck that yielded a $500 million treasure, saying it has proof the vessel was Spanish.
New Zealanders retain ethnicity
When migrants start to call themselves New Zealanders it doesn't mean that they've lost their original ethnicity, revealed the latest integration study.
Seed Dispersal In Mauritius -- Dead As A Dodo?
Walking through the last rainforests on the volcanic island of Mauritius, located some 800 km east of Madagascar, one is surrounded by ghosts. Since human colonisation in the 17th century,...
What's Bugging Locusts? It Could Be They're Hungry -- For Each Other
Since ancient times, locust plagues have been viewed as one of the most spectacular events in nature. In seemingly spontaneous fashion, as many as 10 billion critters can suddenly swarm...
Egyptian elite tombs accessible for all
A number of elite tombs from Ancient Egypt are now accessible to all thanks to the launch of the Mastabase. The Mastabase is a CD-ROM containing descriptions and hieroglyphic inscriptions...
How the Wealthy Medici Changed the World
Like a medieval ATM, one family bankrolled the cultural movement that dragged Europe out of the Dark Ages and into modernity.
Skeletons found near Plains of Abraham
Two nearly intact human skeletons discovered near the Plains of Abraham last winter date back to the 19th century or earlier, archeologists say.
Etruscan tombs uncovered in Italy
ROME, May 7 (UPI) -- Italian archaeologists say they've found more than two dozen tombs in the Etruscan burial grounds at Tarquinia north of Rome.
Druze people are living 'gene sanctuary'
Fossil hunters move in as cliff gives way
Worrying event for home owners but exciting times for beach scavengers
Animal Interaction Behind Cambrian Explosion? 'Missing' Ancestors Of Today's Animals May Not Be Missing After All
An event as simple as the world's first bite may have sparked an ancient "explosion" of life 500 million years ago that led to the rise of the broad groups...
Dino-Era Bird Fossil Found; One of Oldest Known
The 131-million-year-old Confucius bird was built more aerodynamically than earlier fliers such as Archaeopteryx.
The cooperative view: New evidence suggests a symbiogenetic origin for the centrosome
Two scientists who relocated to the MBL in Woods Hole after their New Orleans laboratory was disrupted by Hurricane Katrina publish their study of centrosomal RNAs in this week's PNAS...
Did Comets Cause Ancient American Extinctions?
Debate has heated up over a controversial theory that suggests huge comet impacts wiped out North America's large mammals nearly 13,000 years ago.
Charcoal reveals Aboriginal history
A radiocarbon dating study on ancient charcoal found that Aboriginal people lived in Western Australia up to 35,000 years ago.
Tropics insects 'face extinction'
Many tropical insects could face extinction by the end of this century due to rising temperatures, scientists say.
One-third of ivory items in US may be illegal: study
Nearly one-third of ivory items for sale in the United States may have been illegally imported after a US moratorium on the trade imposed in 1989, conservation groups said in...