Latest science news in Paleontology & Archaeology
Scientists puzzled by how seafloor life survives
Much of the seafloor long thought to be barren is instead teeming with microbes, researchers said today.
Is Indy Chasing A Fake? Two Well-known Crystal Skulls Did Not, After All, Come From Ancient Mexico
Two well-known crystal skulls, held in the British Museum and the Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, did not come from ancient Mexico as was once thought. Modern scientific techniques suggest that...
Researcher: Burmese pythons moving out
GAINESVILLE, Fla., May 24 (UPI) -- Burmese pythons are multiplying rapidly in the Everglades and moving north in Florida and south to the Keys, a University of Florida...
Archaeologists not jonesing over Jones
NEWCASTLE, Australia, May 23 (UPI) -- Indiana Jones may dazzle movie-goers with his archaeological antics but he gives real-life archaeologists fits because they say he's doing everything wrong.
Humpbacks make a comeback in Pacific
A new study says humpback whales have returned from the brink of extinction in the North Pacific Ocean over the past four decades.
Creatures discovered 1.6 km beneath seabed
Researchers discovered the bacteria-like organisms at record depths where they tolerate extreme pressure and temperatures of up to 100C
Raiding the Pantry to Add Sparkle and Shine
There’s no need to pay $4.99 for a bottle of cleaner with ingredients the company won’t name when you can make your own with well-known ingredients for pennies.
The Space Archaeologists
If it weren’t for the landmines, Lingapura would be a great place to dig. For part of the 10th century, this pocket of northwestern Cambodia was the capital of the...
Dinosaur Tracks Discovered on Arabian Peninsula [News]
Dinosaur tracks recently discovered on the Arabian Peninsula are not only the first of their kind in the region, but they also reveal more about the herding behavior of the...
Life After Extinction: Is There a Tiger in the Mouse? [News]
For the first time, researchers have inserted the genetic material of an extinct animal into a living one. The finding shows how lost information about species from the past can...
Online daters lack caution
Online dating makes meeting people easy, but can lead to emotionally investing too fast or building fantasies about the other person, according to an expert.
11-Year-Old Wins National Geographic Bee
With Alex Trebek moderating and a live laughing kookaburra bird strutting on stage, a Nebraska sixth grader won by knowing just where Cochabamba is.
Thrill of small discoveries still inspires veteran astronomer
Astronomer Sidney van den Bergh has been witness to a 'golden age' in his chosen field. He spoke with CBC News online about a lifetime of stargazing and other pursuits.
Scientists discover "frogamander" fossil
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The discovery of a "frogamander," a 290 million-year-old fossil that links modern frogs and salamanders, may resolve a longstanding debate about amphibian ancestry, Canadian scientists said on...
Souvenir hunters vandalise Stonehenge
Suspected souvenir-hunters broke into Stonehenge and vandalised the ancient monument, English Heritage said today
A missing link settles debate over the origin of frogs and salamanders
An Early Permian landscape, with Gerobatrachus hottoni lunging at the mayfly Protoreisma between stands of Calamites and under a fallen Walchia conifer. The description of an ancient amphibian that millions...
China sends emergency relief to quake-hit pandas
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has sent emergency bamboo-shoot rations to pandas at a reserve in the Sichuan earthquake zone because no one there is collecting it for them, state media...
Amazon Indians Attack Official Over Dam Project
Waving machetes and clubs, painted Kayapo Indians attacked and may have slashed an official over a proposed dam that may displace them and ruin fishing grounds.
PHOTO IN THE NEWS: Gold Toothpick-Earwax Spoon Found
The tiny grooming tool discovered on the seafloor off Key West, Florida, is just the latest treasure revealed during the hunt for the shipwrecked Spanish galleon Santa Margarita.
Scientific row brews over mega-rat
Palaeontologists are exchanging finely-chiselled blows over the mightiest rodent to bestride the Earth.
Pharaoh's Unusual Feminine Appearance Suggests Two Gene Defects
The feminine features and elongated head of ancient Egypt`s King Akhenaten may be attributed to two genetic defects called aromatose excess syndrome and craniosynostosis, said Yale School of Medicine dermatology...
Cenozoic fossil parrot found in Denmark
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, May 20 (UPI) -- Scientists have discovered that what is now Denmark was once home to a parrot species with a wingspan of almost 20 feet.
'Mind-blowing' new creature discovered
Among the greatest mysteries in zoology for more than a century have been vaguely shrimp-like creatures known as y-larvae. Now researchers may have solved this puzzle by dosing the y-larvae...
Reproductive Plasticity Revealed: Neotropical Treefrog Can Choose To Lay Eggs In Water Or On Land
Researchers have discovered a treefrog known to lay eggs terrestrially, also lays eggs in water both at the surface and fully submerged. Although this yellow treefrog is the first vertebrate...
Understanding How Enzymes Help Keep Clothes Clean
Scientists from Novozymes and two Swedish research institutions have been honored with The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) Distinguished Paper Award, recognizing the best 2007 research article that appeared in...
Transitional Frog Lays Eggs on Water and Land
A tree frog is shedding light on the moment in history when our ancestors crawled onto land.
University of Chicago launches first archaeological dig at site of 1893 World's Fair
A group of undergraduates at the University of Chicago has come in touch with the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, launching the first archaeological dig of the famed Chicago fair site...
Asian vultures face extinction in the wild
LONDON, May 19 (UPI) -- British researchers say Asian vultures are facing the possibility of extinction in the wild within a decade.