Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Kim Kardashian shares photo after North West's first steps

9 years ago from UPI

Veronica LinaresLOS ANGELES, July 24 (UPI) -- Proud momma Kim Kardashian took to Instagram Wednesday to share a photo of her daughter North West after she took her first steps.

NASA rover's images show laser flash on Martian rock

9 years ago from Science Daily

Flashes appear on a baseball-size Martian rock in a series of images taken Saturday, July 12 by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on the arm of NASA's Curiosity...

Looking back at the Jupiter crash 20 years later

9 years ago from Science Daily

Twenty years ago, human and robotic eyes observed the first recorded impact between cosmic bodies in the solar system, as fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 slammed into the atmosphere of...

Solar sail to hitch free ride on light breeze in 2016

9 years ago from News @ Nature

LightSail 1 will launch from SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket to demonstrate propellant-free propulsion.Nature News doi: 10.1038/nature.2014.15580

Finding NEEMO

9 years ago from Physorg

NEEMO – NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations – trains astronauts for life in space. Living and working in an underwater base is similar to being on a space station. This...

A Deep Look | Space Wallpaper

9 years ago from

This space wallpaper is a deep-field image obtained using the Wide Field Imager (WFI), a camera mounted on a relatively modestly sized telescope, the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre located at the La...

NASA's Van Allen Probes show how to accelerate electrons

9 years ago from Science Daily

One of the great, unanswered questions for space weather scientists is just what creates two gigantic donuts of radiation surrounding Earth, called the Van Allen radiation belts. Recent data from...

NOAA's GOES-R satellite Magnetometer ready for spacecraft integration

9 years ago from Science Daily

The Magnetometer instrument that will fly on NOAA's GOES-R satellite when it is launched in early 2016 has completed the development and testing phase and is ready to be integrated...

Dark matter hunters may get three new experiments

9 years ago from

NSF and DOE have approved three new facilities to look for the exotic particles that might make up dark matter.

United Arab Emirates plans Mars trip by 2021

9 years ago from UPI

Ed AdamczykABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, July 16 (UPI) -- The United Arab Emirates announced formation of a space agency Wednesday, and plans to explore Mars by 2021.

Ideas Wanted for NASA Mission to Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa

9 years ago from

NASA has issued an open call for designs of scientific instruments to send on a future mission to explore Jupiter's moon Europa.

Space Station Salutes Apollo 45th Anniversary | Video

9 years ago from

ISS astronauts Steve Swanson and Reid Wiseman praise the Apollo program for leading the way to today's and future space programs.

In a world awash with data, projects proliferate for informaticist

9 years ago from Physorg

In a small, nondescript office on the Northern Arizona University campus, those keystrokes Greg Caporaso is fervently tapping into his laptop spell possibility.

More solar power slated for Virginia grid

9 years ago from UPI

Daniel J. GraeberSTERLING, Va., July 16 (UPI) -- New rooftop installations in northern Virginia are part of a program aimed at installing 30 megawatts of solar power in the state,...

James Webb and the search for life beyond Earth

9 years ago from Physorg

Before the invention of the telescope, before every continent was on a map, even before the revelation that Earth was not the center of the Universe, humans have wondered at...

Charting the heavens like never before, via Sloan Digital Sky Survey

9 years ago from Physorg

The next phase of a global drive to map the night sky will bring the cosmos into greater focus than at any in human history.

ESA's spaceplane set for flight

9 years ago from Physorg

( —All eyes are on ESA's spaceplane to showcase reentry technologies after its unconventional launch on a Vega rocket this November.

Scottish wildcat 'safe haven' set up

A location on the remote Ardnamurchan peninsula in the north west Highlands has been designated as a Scottish wildcat sanctuary.

The $5 million cooler

9 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A cooler with built-in blender, Bluetooth and more becomes a Kickstarter sensation, giving new meaning to the word "cool"

FEATURE: What do ISS astronauts do with their dirty laundry?

9 years ago from Science Alert

Without washer and dryer, all International Space Station residents throw out their clothes after just a few weeks of use. 

Would-Be Rescuers of Wayward Spacecraft Had Previously Solved a NASA Mystery

9 years ago from NY Times Science

A project by Dennis Wingo and Keith Cowing involved the rescuing of magnetic tapes from five robotic craft photographing the moon’s surface.

Amazing World View Balloon Flight Video Reveals Stunning Look at Earth (Exclusive)

9 years ago from

On June 18, Arizona-based World View launched a scaled-down version of its balloon system to an altitude of nearly 23 miles. The unmanned flight featured spectacular views of Earth from...

MakerBot 3D printers coming to some Home Depots

9 years ago from CBSNews - Science

MakerBot moves one step closer to bringing 3D printing to the masses

Military's Space Plane Program Eyes Future Hypersonic Flight

9 years ago from Live Science

A new unmanned military space plane is being developed to launch small satellites into orbit and serve as a test bed for a futuristic fleet of hypersonic vehicles.

Second suspect charged in stray bullet killing of girl

9 years ago from UPI

Frances BurnsPATERSON, N.J., July 15 (UPI) -- Two young men have now been charged with killing Genesis Rincon, a 12-year-old girl hit by a stray bullet as she rode a...

Ocean-Watching Satellite Reveals Secrets of Soil (Image)

9 years ago from Live Science

A NASA instrument designed to study the oceans turns out to be useful for studying land, too. The Aquarius instrument reveals levels of moisture in soil around the globe.

Large number of dark matter peaks found using gravitational lensing

9 years ago from Physorg

A number of studies have shown that dark matter is the principle mass component of the universe making up about 80% of the mass budget. The most direct technique to reveal the...

Boeing to continue remanufacturing missile warhead arming devices

9 years ago from UPI

Richard TomkinsHEATH, Ohio, July 15 (UPI) -- Warhead arming devices on U.S. cruise missiles will continue to be remanufactured by Boeing.