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Friday th 20th of July 2018
...Don't Drink the Mummy Juice
- 15:50
Do Brown Recluse Spider Bites Really Lead to Amputations?
- 15:20
A Rare Condition Is Causing a Boy's Skin to Turn to 'Stone.' What Is Stiff Skin Syndrome?
- 14:50
Why Is Washington Spending 3 Years and $1.5 Million to Count Cats?
- 13:30
Blob-Like Sea Monster Washes Up on Maine Beach
- 12:01
Last Survivor of Uncontacted Tribe, 'Man of the Hole' Is Spotted in the Amazon
- 12:01
Woman Tried to Treat Athlete’s Foot with Raw Garlic. It Burned Through Her Toe.
- 09:30
South Korean Company Claims Sunken Russian Warship Contains $132 Billion Worth of Gold
- 08:31
Century-Old Burials of 95 Convict Slaves Uncovered in Texas
- 07:33
This Creepy Hole-Fish Is So Excited to Eat Literally Anything
- 07:00
Thursday th 19th of July 2018
Syphilis: Symptoms & Treatment
- 19:40
Diabetes May Increase Risk for Cancer, Especially for Women
- 17:10
That Massive Black Sarcophagus Was Opened. Here's What's Inside.
- 16:40
Your Earliest Memory Probably Never Happened
- 14:10
Photos: Spiky-Headed Dinosaur Found in Utah, But It Has Asian Roots
- 13:12
Mystery of Spiky-Skulled Utah Dinosaur Solved
- 13:12
This Robot Just Wants To Hug A Jellyfish Without Committing Jellymurder
- 11:10
'Alien' Mummy DNA Probe May Have Crossed Ethical Lines
- 11:10
Arctic Circle Burns As Record Heat Broils Northern Europe
- 11:10
No, Caffeine Doesn't Help You Lose Weight
- 06:30
In Photos: Ireland's Newgrange Passage Tomb and Henge
- 06:30
Drone Reveals Massive Stonehenge-Like Circular Monument in Ireland
- 06:30
Why the July 27 Lunar Eclipse Will Last So Freakishly Long
- 06:30
Wednesday th 18th of July 2018
We Are Now Living in a New Geologic Age, Experts Say
- 17:50
This Woman Stumbled into a 'Hobo Parsnip' Plant. Days Later, Her Legs Were Severely Burned.
- 16:30
More Pregnant Women Are Having Heart Attacks. But Why?
- 15:30
Conservatives More Likely to Know 'the Meaning of Life' Than Liberals, Massive Study Finds
- 14:30
Oldest Fossil of a Baby Snake Discovered Trapped in Amber Tomb
- 14:30
Salmon with a Side of Squirm: Woman Finds Wriggling Worm in Fillet
- 14:30
Can Elon Musk Fix Flint's Water Problems?
- 12:10
Shroud of Turin Is a Fake, Bloodstains Suggest
- 08:50
Butterflies Sip Turtle Tears in Stunning Video
- 06:10
Why Do Crows Copulate with Corpses?
- 06:10
Does Eating Beef Jerky Cause Psychiatric Symptoms? Not So Fast.
- 06:10
Tuesday th 17th of July 2018
What Is Dry Cleaning?
- 19:00
CDC Chief Says Son Nearly Died from Cocaine Laced with Fentanyl
- 18:31
This Big-Eyed, Deep-Sea Shark Looks Like an Anime Character
- 18:00
Lava Bomb Slams Boat Tour in Hawaii, Injuring 23
- 17:01
Jupiter Now Has a Whopping 79 Moons
- 15:40
UK-Based Think Tank Says Editing Human Embryos Is 'Morally Permissible'
- 13:30
Why Does Pregnancy Cause Weird Dreams?
- 13:01
Scientists May Have Wildly Underestimated the Giant Dinosaurs of the Ancient World
- 12:30
12-Million-Ton Iceberg Threatens Greenland Village
- 10:31
Liver Cancer Death Rates Rise As Overall Cancer Death Rates Fall in the US
- 06:51
This Magnetic Wire Could One Day Pull Cancer Cells from Your Blood
- 06:51
Monday th 16th of July 2018
Gonorrhea: Symptoms & Treatment
- 23:30
Why 8 Endangered Rhinos Died in Mission to Save Them
- 19:00
Einstein Letter on Immigration Up for Auction
- 16:50
Scientists Prove Einstein Right Using the Most Elusive Particles in the Universe
- 16:50
A Stash of a Quadrillion Tons of Diamonds May Be Hiding Deep Inside Earth
- 16:20
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