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Monday th 13th of August 2018
The Grim Reaper Pulses Through Dying Cells in Unremitting Waves
- 17:00
Why Are Hundreds of Weird, Heart-Shaped 'Sea Potatoes' Washing Ashore in England?
- 17:00
People of Easter Island Weren't Driven to Warfare and Cannibalism. They Actually Got Along.
- 15:30
Giant Pterosaur Sported 110 Teeth (and 4 Wicked Fangs)
- 14:01
Brainy Crows Trained to Pick Up Trash at Theme Park
- 13:10
Woman Dies After Getting Nipped by Her New Puppy
- 12:20
Orca Mother, Who Pushed Her Dead Calf for 1,000 Miles and 17 Days, Moves On
- 10:30
Photos Show Horrifying Scenes from California Wildfires
- 07:10
Black Widow Spiders Bring Their Venom to Canada As Planet Warms
- 06:41
Sunday th 12th of August 2018
NASA's Solar Probe Blasts Off to the Sun
- 11:30
How Does PrEP, the HIV-Prevention Medication, Work?
- 11:00
18 Ways Pregnancy May Change Your Body Forever
- 11:00
Saturday th 11th of August 2018
These Psychedelic Drugs Show Promise for Treating Mental Health Disorders
- 09:00
Friday th 10th of August 2018
App for Preventing Pregnancy Gets FDA Marketing Approval. Is It Reliable?
- 17:40
This Amazing Map Shows How California 'Breathes' Water Throughout the Year
- 15:20
Laziness May Have Driven Homo Erectus to Extinction
- 14:50
Keto Diet Linked to a Higher Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Mice
- 13:10
Researchers Find Source of Strange 'Negative' Gravity
- 12:40
Fastest Creature on Earth Could Inspire Nimble Nanobots
- 11:20
An Underwater Irish Canyon Is Sucking CO2 Out of the Atmosphere
- 11:20
Could Scientists Detect a 'Zombie' Virus Before an Outbreak Occurred?
- 10:50
Ancient Octagon-Shaped Tomb Reveals Morbid Tales from Mongol-Ruled China
- 06:40
In Photos: Ancient Tomb of Chinese Couple Discovered
- 06:40
Science of 'The Meg': How Scientists Know the World's Largest Shark Is Gone Forever
- 06:14
Here's How to Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower This Weekend
- 06:14
Thursday th 9th of August 2018
Why the Perseid Meteor Shower Blazes Through the Sky Every Summer
- 17:30
NASA Spotted a Vast, Glowing 'Hydrogen Wall' at the Edge of Our Solar System
- 16:10
A Weird Water Behavior That Intrigued Da Vinci Finally Has an Explanation
- 16:10
Trophy Heads and Mummies Discovered in Ancient Peruvian Pits
- 13:50
Inducing Labor at 39 Weeks Lowers Risk of C-Section
- 13:50
Here’s How the First Americans Arrived in the New World … Maybe
- 09:00
Weird, 570-Million-Year-Old 'Leaf' Fossil Is Actually from an Animal
- 06:30
Most People Don't Know This: Not Getting Enough Exercise Ups Your Cancer Risk
- 06:30
How Does a Poppy Seed Bagel Trigger a Positive Drug Test?
- 06:30
Wednesday th 8th of August 2018
This Meteor 'Exploded' Over Greenland, But Nobody Saw It. Here's Why It Matters.
- 17:10
Are Tighty-Whities Bad for a Man's Sperm Count?
- 17:10
Why This Little Boy's Cough Sounds Like a Squeaky Toy
- 16:50
CVS-Brand Nasal Spray Recalled for Potential Bacterial Contamination
- 16:20
Sexy Sea Worms Light Up Bermuda in One-of-a-Kind Mating Ritual
- 15:50
Bizarre Rogue 'Planet' with Incredible Auroras Puzzles Scientists
- 13:21
Your Brain Contains Magnetic Particles, and Scientists Want to Know Why
- 11:10
The EPA Is Making It Easier to Use Asbestos Again. Why Is It Dangerous?
- 11:10
China Just Tested a Hypersonic Weapon That Could Launch Nukes at 6 Times the Speed of Sound
- 10:10
California Wildfires Rage in Astronaut Photos from the Space Station
- 09:40
The Weird Reason Roman Emperors Were Assassinated
- 08:20
3-Year-Old Killer Whale Is Starving, and Biologists Don't Know Why
- 06:30
Tuesday th 7th of August 2018
NASA's Planet-Hunter Caught Stunning Video of a Distant Comet
- 15:00
Your Plastic Bags Are Releasing Greenhouse Gases
- 14:30
Mendocino Wildfire Becomes California's Largest, and It's Still Growing
- 10:30
Baby Born with Itty, Bitty Tooth … Which a Dentist Promptly Pulled
- 10:30
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