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Tuesday th 31st of July 2018
Facts About Radon
- 22:50
How a Lick from a Dog Led to a Man's Leg and Arm Amputations
- 16:41
What If Earth Turned into a Giant Pile of Blueberries?
- 15:21
Modern-Day Soldiers Discover Ancient Warrior Clutching Spear
- 14:11
This Duck Supermom Leads 76 Ducklings in Amazing, Adorable Photo
- 14:11
Astrophysicists Just Saw an Amazing Structure in the Sun's Outer Atmosphere
- 14:11
Like Hell on Earth, Raging Firenado Plows Through California Town
- 12:50
Vaginal 'Rejuvenation' Procedures Are Unproven, Pose Serious Risks, FDA Warns
- 12:10
Shark Stolen from an Aquarium in a Baby Stroller Is Rescued and Recovering
- 12:10
Part of This Boy's Brain Was Removed. The Rest of His Brain Made Sure He Wouldn't Notice.
- 11:10
Hackers Target 3rd Dimension of Cyberspace: Users' Minds
- 06:40
9 Strange, Scientific Excuses for Why Humans Haven't Found Aliens Yet
- 06:10
Distress Calls Linked to Amelia Earhart Probably Don't Reveal Anything About Her Demise
- 06:10
What Caused This Man's Scalloped Pupil?
- 06:10
Why Do Paper Cuts Hurt So Much?
- 06:10
Monday th 30th of July 2018
Facts About Cadmium
- 20:30
Large Hadron Collider Just Spat Electron-ified Atoms to Almost the Speed of Light
- 17:50
Why Are Dozens of Dead Animals Washing Up on Florida Beaches?
- 17:50
Geometry Has a New Shape. Meet the 'Scutoid.'
- 16:50
Is Getting Your Genome Screened at a Doctor's Appointment a Good Idea?
- 16:50
This Swirling Algae Bloom Mixes Beauty and Danger
- 14:30
Where's the Tomb of King Tut's Wife? Valley of the Kings Dig Leaves Mystery
- 14:30
String Theory May Create Far Fewer Universes Than Thought
- 12:30
The Sun Had a Wild Youth. And These Blue Crystals Prove It.
- 11:31
How Do You Know If Your Cut Has Flesh-Eating Bacteria?
- 11:31
Another Dark-Matter Search Fails — Shedding Light on the Universe
- 09:40
Oldest Evidence for Life on Land Unearthed in South Africa
- 06:10
Sunday th 29th of July 2018
Is Sleeping with a Fan On Actually Bad for Your Health?
- 08:43
Dressed to Kill: Chilean Mummies' Clothes Were Colored with Deadly Toxin
- 08:43
How Quantum Computers Could Kill the Arrow of Time
- 08:43
Forgotten 'Dinosaur' Fossil Actually Belongs to a Weird, Hippo-Like Beast
- 08:43
Star Zooms Past Monster Black Hole, Confirms Relativity
- 08:43
Who Discovered Mars, Anyway? A Look Back at the History of the Red Planet
- 08:43
Look Up This Weekend for Closest Mars Views Since 2003
- 08:43
Worms Frozen for 42,000 Years in Siberian Permafrost Wriggle to Life
- 08:43
Why Is the US One of the 'Most Dangerous' Places in the Developed World to Give Birth?
- 08:43
April the Giraffe Is Pregnant Again. Yes, Her Cam Is Up and Running.
- 08:43
Shocking Global Map Shows the Extent of a Global Heat Wave
- 08:43
Facts About Rainforests
- 08:43
Why Do Some of Us Shiver When We Pee?
- 08:43
Are These Corals Feeding, Or Is This an Underwater Dance Party?
- 08:43
Longest Lunar Eclipse of the Century Dazzles Skywatchers
- 08:42
How Close Are We, Really, to Curing Cancer with CRISPR?
- 08:42
Weird Volcanoes Are Erupting Across the Solar System
- 08:42
Sunday th 22nd of July 2018
Sharks Get Bigger Home Protected by Mexican Navy
- 07:10
Photos: White Sands National Monument
- 07:10
Saturday th 21st of July 2018
Bug-Sized Robot Competitors to Swarm DARPA's 'Robot Olympics'
- 07:00
Should Breast-Feeding Women Really Drink Guinness?
- 06:30
Friday th 20th of July 2018
Hidden Compartments in This Wrecked Confederate Submarine Could Solve a 150-Year-Old Mystery
- 17:10
Tropical Pink 'Sea Pickles' Are Invading the Waters of the Pacific Northwest
- 15:50
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