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Monday th 16th of July 2018
CRISPR Gene Editing May Be Doing More Damage Than Scientists Thought
- 16:20
Amazon Prime Day: Best Health & Fitness Deals
- 15:20
Why an Escaped Jaguar Went on a Killing Spree at New Orleans Zoo
- 14:50
You Might Be Slightly Conscious Under Anesthesia
- 11:12
Ancient Papyrus Reveals Galen's Crazy Theory About 'Hysterical Suffocation'
- 11:12
Why Mars Appears to Be Moving Backward
- 06:10
A Rare Outbreak of 'Rabbit Fever' Popped Up at a German Winery. The Surprising Cause? Grapes.
- 06:10
Chinese Researchers Achieve Stunning Quantum Entanglement Record
- 06:10
Sunday th 15th of July 2018
Rare (Adorable) Asteroid Twins Discovered Near Earth
- 09:30
How Much Trash Is on Mount Everest?
- 09:30
Saturday th 14th of July 2018
Mummy Wearing Gold-Gilded Face Mask Discovered at Ancient Egypt Burial Ground
- 10:30
People Still Believe These 10 Myths About the Spanish Flu
- 08:10
Why Do Some People Hate the Taste of Beer?
- 07:40
Towers Toppled at Historic Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 17
- 07:40
Acid Rain: Causes, Effects and Solutions
- 07:40
Friday th 13th of July 2018
French Farmer Discovered a Rare Mastodon Skull, But Kept It Secret for Years
- 17:30
Why the FDA Just Approved a Drug for Smallpox, Nearly 40 Years After the Disease Was Eradicated
- 16:30
Earthquake in Mexico Cracked a Pyramid and Revealed an Ancient Temple
- 16:30
Early Humans Probably Didn't Evolve from a Single Population in Africa
- 16:00
1st Color X-Rays of Human Body Are Bloody Amazing
- 15:00
The Science Behind Your (Irrational) Fear of Friday the 13th
- 10:30
'Grandmother' Cells in the Brain Could Help the Body Shake Off Jet Lag
- 07:00
Possible Oldest Fragment of Homer's 'Odyssey' Discovered in Greece
- 06:30
Thursday th 12th of July 2018
You've Probably Never Heard of This STD. It Could Become the Next Superbug.
- 18:00
NASA Discovered Evidence of Life on Mars 40 Years Ago, Then Set It On Fire
- 16:50
This Towering Iceberg That Broke Free of Antarctica Last Year Doesn't Want to Leave
- 13:30
This Holey Skull May Have Watched Over Dead People in the Afterlife Some 2,500 Years Ago
- 12:31
The Sad Reason Kangaroos Are Acting Drunk
- 11:12
Why Are World Cup Players Spitting Their Drinks?
- 10:50
Here's What Ötzi the Iceman Ate Before He Was Murdered
- 10:50
Scientists Just Identified the First Blazing Source of Ghostly Cosmic Neutrinos
- 10:50
16th-Century Shipwreck Off Florida Coast Is Worth Millions. But It Belongs to France, not US.
- 06:50
Lemon-Yellow Bats Discovered in Africa. And They're Adorable Fuzz Balls.
- 06:50
Why Did People Panic When the Moon Changed Color?
- 06:50
Wednesday th 11th of July 2018
A Woman Had Strange Feelings in Her Legs. Doctors Found Parasites in Her Spine
- 16:30
Friday the 13th Eclipse Visible to Lucky Few
- 15:30
How Did the Massive 'Salty' Crocodile Captured in Australia Get So Freaking Big?
- 14:31
Earliest Evidence of Our Human Ancestors Outside of Africa Found
- 13:31
Watch a Rocket's Sound Waves Rip a Rainbow to Bits
- 11:40
Here's What Sophia, the First Robot Citizen, Thinks About Gender and Consciousness
- 09:00
1,600-Year-Old Mosaic Shows Biblical Spies Who Scouted Promised Land
- 06:09
Pliny the Elder Wasn't Crazy After All. There Were Whales in the Mediterranean.
- 06:09
What If AI Psychopath 'Norman' and Amazon's Alexa Got Together?
- 06:09
Tuesday th 10th of July 2018
Why Do Teeth Turn Yellow?
- 21:40
Books That Kill: 3 Poisonous Renaissance Manuscripts Discovered in School Library
- 16:51
What's Inside This Massive Egyptian Sarcophagus?
- 16:30
Discovery of 'First Giant' Dinosaur Is a Huge Evolutionary Finding
- 14:30
Earth's Oldest Color Dates Back More Than 1 Billion Years
- 12:00
Watch These Ghostly Faces Suddenly Reappear in the World's Oldest Photos
- 11:30
There's Spooky Plasma Music Traveling From Saturn to its Weirdest Moon
- 09:00
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