Live Science

Tuesday th 7th of August 2018

Rare Medieval Bible Returned to Canterbury Cathedral 500 Years After It Was Lost - 09:30

The Universe Is Expanding. But Astrophysicists Aren't Sure How Fast. - 06:58

5 Things to Know About the New Tick Species in the US - 06:09

Monday th 6th of August 2018

Incredible Hulk? Nah, This Glowing, Green Light in the Night Sky Is a Comet - 17:30

The Planet Is Dangerously Close to the Tipping Point for a 'Hothouse Earth' - 16:00

Angry People Think They’re Smarter Than They Are - 14:50

Amateur Archaeologist Discovers 1,800-Year-Old Golden Ring from Rome - 14:20

People Are Feeding Their Dogs Grain-Free Diets, and It May Be Bad for Their Hearts - 12:50

What Caused Massive Magnitude-7.0 Indonesian Earthquake? - 12:50

Lithuania's 'Great Synagogue' Fell to the Nazis, But Archaeologists Have Uncovered It - 06:30

This Unusual Meteorite Flew Around in Space Before Earth Was Born - 06:30

Sunday th 5th of August 2018

Here's What We Know About CRISPR Safety - 09:20

Ancient Roman Library Discovered Beneath German City - 08:30

Saturday th 4th of August 2018

Should the Moon Be Quarantined? - 08:20

Trump Hails Astronauts That Will Fly on SpaceX and Boeing Spaceships. And Space Force, Too? - 08:20

Sorry Elon Musk, Colonizing Mars Is Unlikely. And It's a Bad Idea, Space Scientist Says - 07:50

Why Do Dogs Scratch the Ground After They Pee? - 07:50

Friday th 3rd of August 2018

States of Matter: Bose-Einstein Condensate - 21:10

22-Year-Old Survives Rare 'Internal Decapitation' Injury from Crash. He Previously Beat Brain Cancer. - 17:30

This Hospital Superbug Can Now Withstand Hand Sanitizer - 15:50

A Mysterious, Powerful Force is Flinging Radio Waves at Us From Deep Space - 15:20

The Link Between Climate Change and 'Flesh-Eating' Bacteria - 13:20

Search for Alien Life Should Be a Priority, Scientists Tell Senators - 11:20

Physicists Tied Laser Beams into Knots - 10:50

'Hobbits' Lived on the Same Island As Today's Pygmies, But They Aren't Related - 06:50

Rat Lungworm Cases Are Popping Up in the US, Report Finds - 06:50

That Newfound Mineral Isn't Harder Than Diamond — But It Is from Space - 06:50

This Amazing Photo Reveals a Lunar Eclipse Like You've Never Seen It Before - 06:50

Thursday th 2nd of August 2018

This Man Won The Top Prize in Mathematics — Then Someone Immediately Stole It - 16:20

Canadian Geese Have a Bizarre, Death-Defying Strategy For Surviving Hailstorms (Video) - 15:50

The Bermuda Triangle: A Breeding Ground for Rogue Waves or a Pit of Human Mistakes? - 15:30

Earth's Soil Is Hyperventilating Thanks To Climate Change - 15:01

A Woman Died from Dry Ice Fumes. Here's How It Can Happen - 12:20

New Stonehenge Mystery: Who Were These 10 'Outsiders' Buried at the Site? - 10:50

This Scale Ranks Extraterrestrial-Life Discoveries, Grounding Overblown Headlines - 07:00

Life Needs Sunlight — and That Could Change Where We Look for Aliens - 07:00

Meet Goliath, a Massive Tadpole as Long as Your Face - 06:30

Facts About Niobium - 00:56

Wednesday th 1st of August 2018

Death Valley Smashes Heat Record, 2nd Year in a Row - 17:30

The World's Deepest, Rarest Diamonds Revealed a Big Secret About Our Planet's Interior - 15:30

Your Gut Bacteria May Make It Harder to Lose Weight - 14:00

Salads Sold at Trader Joe's, Kroger, Walgreens May Be Contaminated with Cyclospora Parasite - 13:30

Planet Nine: 'Insensitive' Term Riles Scientists - 13:30

30 Years Ago, Humans Bungled the Best Chance to Stop Climate Change - 12:00

NASA Created a Rare, Exotic State of Matter in Space - 10:30

What's the Coldest Place in the Universe? - 10:30

This Whale-Dolphin Hybrid Is Not a 'Wholphin.' Here's Why. - 09:30

Nicole Kidman Rescues Tarantula from Drowning. Turns Out, Spider Was Looking for Love. - 06:40

In Photos: The Deadly Carr Fire Blazes Across Northern California - 06:40

Tuesday th 31st of July 2018

Macular Degeneration: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments - 22:50