Live Science

Friday th 11th of August 2017

Opioid Crisis Is a 'National Emergency': What Happens Now? - 17:02

Rare Tan-and-White Striped Zebra Dies at Hawaiian Ranch - 17:02

Anthrax & Plague: How 1 Vaccine Could Protect Against 2 Bioterror Threats - 16:32

Elusive Neutrinos Detected in Never-Before-Seen Interaction - 15:32

Pig-to-Human Transplants: CRISPR Gene Editing May Make This Possible - 14:32

How a Man's Spicy Food Challenge Made Him Go Deaf for 2 Minutes - 14:32

Beyoncé Backlash: Is Drinking While Breast-Feeding OK? - 13:32

Last Day to Order Eclipse Glasses from Amazon Via Ground Shipping - 12:02

Medieval Gospel Made of Sheep, Calves, Deer ... and Goat? - 11:02

A Sonic Attack in Cuba? How an Acoustic Weapon Might Work - 10:02

What the Google Gender 'Manifesto' Really Says about Silicon Valley (Op-Ed) - 07:32

Brothers Unexpectedly Discover Fossil of Japan's Oldest Water Bird - 07:02

Why Do Ticks Spread So Many Diseases? - 07:02

Thursday th 10th of August 2017

Suicide: Statistics, Warning Signs and Prevention - 22:32

Why This Meteorologist Is Eager for the Total Solar Eclipse - 18:32

Can a Solar Eclipse Really Blind You? - 18:02

North Korea Threatens Guam: Facts About the US Territory - 16:42

What Is Global Warming? - 13:32

Marijuana's Popularity Among US Adults Continues to Grow. Here's Why - 09:32

In Photos: 13-Million-Year-Old Primate Skull Discovered - 08:32

'Nastiest' Jurassic Croc Named for Motorhead's Lemmy - 08:02

US Men's Condom Use Is on the Rise - 08:02

Myths Aside, Eclipses Don't Endanger Pregnancies - 07:32

Fire and Fury: How to Survive a Nuclear Attack - 06:32

Why Are These Water Buffaloes Covered with Tiny Frogs? - 06:32

Here's What the Last Common Ancestor of Apes and Humans Looked Like - 06:32

Franklin Becomes First Atlantic Hurricane of the Season - 00:02

Wednesday th 9th of August 2017

What is Biology? - 22:02

El Nino's Absence May Fuel a Stormy Hurricane Season - 17:32

Rare Wildfires Burning in Greenland Seen from Space - 15:32

Photos: These Mammal Ancestors Glided from Jurassic Trees - 15:32

First 'Winged' Mammal Lived Alongside Dinosaurs 160 Million Years Ago - 15:32

Would You Eat Parasitic Worm Eggs? Why One Company Wants to Sell Them As Food - 14:32

What is an Atom? - 13:32

Stone Age Cannibals Engraved Marks on Human Bones - 13:32

How Do You Make a Likable Robot? Program It to Make Mistakes - 13:02

A Guide to Hurricane Season 2017 - 11:32

Marijuana Use Linked to Increased Risk of Dying from High Blood Pressure - 09:02

Eclipses Were Regarded As Omens in the Ancient World - 07:32

In Photos: Exploring an Early Maori Site in New Zealand - 07:02

Maori Artifacts Point to Early Polynesian Settlement in New Zealand - 07:02

Man Left Wheelchair-Bound from Using Denture Cream - 07:02

Google Manifesto: Does Biology Explain Gender Disparities in Tech? - 07:02

Tuesday th 8th of August 2017

Glen Campbell's Death: How Does Alzheimer's Kill? - 19:22

Titanosaur Photos: Meet the Largest Dinosaur on Record - 19:22

Ginormous, 70-Ton Titanosaur Is the Largest Dinosaur on Record - 19:22

July Was Record Hot for Parts of Alaska and the West - 17:52

Here's What It's Like to Be the Planetary Protection Officer at NASA - 14:32

Climate Change's Impact in the US? It's Already Here, Scientists Say - 14:32

Why Your Moscow Mule Drink May Be Hazardous - 14:02