Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Shining rainbow rings around the sun photographed in Finland. What caused them?

2 weeks ago from Live Science

The extremely rare kaleidoscopic circles have a surprising Earth-based origin.

Supercomputer simulations provide a better picture of the Sun's magnetic field

2 weeks ago from Newswise - Scinews

The new findings challenge the conventional understanding of solar dynamics and could improve predictions of solar weather in the future

Astrophysicists confirm the faintest galaxy ever seen in the early universe

2 weeks ago from Physorg

An international research team led by UCLA astrophysicists has confirmed the existence of the faintest galaxy ever seen in the early universe. The galaxy, called JD1, is one of the...

Zany new trailer for Fox's 'Stars on Mars' reality show counts us down to launch (video)

2 weeks ago from

Fox released a new trailer for the wild new reality TV series "Stars on Mars" hosted by William Shatner that tosses contestants into a simulated Martian habitat.

Odd supergiant star Betelgeuse is brightening up. Is it about to go supernova?

2 weeks ago from

One of the brightest stars in the night sky has been getting oddly brighter, prompting speculations that it might soon explode in a supernova. Can we really expect that celestial...

Supercomputer simulations provide a better picture of the sun's magnetic field

2 weeks ago from Physorg

The sun's strong, dynamic magnetic field can catapult huge jets of plasma known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) out into the solar system. Sometimes these hit Earth, where they can...

New hot DOG in the sky: Astronomers discover a hot-dust-obscured galaxy

2 weeks ago from Physorg

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of a new, hot-dust-obscured galaxy (DOG). The galaxy, which received designation WISE J190445.04+485308.9, was found at a relatively low redshift of 0.415,...

Saturn's moon Enceladus is blasting a plume of water 6,000 miles high. Could life be lurking under its icy shell?

2 weeks ago from

The James Webb Space Telescope has found a 6,000 mile-long plume of water squirting into space from Saturn's tiny moon Enceladus, creating a massive watery cloud in the planet's orbit.

Hubble captures starry tentacles of faraway 'jellyfish galaxy' in stunning detail (photo)

2 weeks ago from

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has snapped a stunning image of a jellyfish galaxy, whose cosmic tentacles host massive amounts of star formation.

Galileo Second Generation enters full development phase

2 weeks ago from European Space Agency

The main procurements batch of Galileo Second Generation initiated last summer has been finalised, leaving the system ready for its In Orbit Validation development phase. Today, following the opening session...

UFO data is honestly a mess, NASA panel says

2 weeks ago from PopSci

This unidentified object, captured in South Asia and analyzed by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, may be a commercial aircraft. Department of Defense After decades of the US government generally avoiding discussion of...

Researchers improved the catastrophic failure assessment of sealed cabin for ultra large manned spacecraft in M/OD environment

2 weeks ago from Newswise - Scinews

Hypervelocity impacts of Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris (M/OD) seriously threaten the safety of manned spacecraft and astronauts in orbit. At present, M/OD above 10 cm, which can be monitored and...

DOE Announces $46 Million for Commercial Fusion Energy Development

2 weeks ago from Newswise - Scinews

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $46 million in funding to eight companies advancing designs and research and development for fusion power plants, representing a major step in President...

NASA's experts talk UAPs ahead of final report on unidentified flying objects

2 weeks ago from LA Times - Science

NASA is holding its first public meeting on UFOs a year after launching a study into unexplained sightings, or unidentified aerial phenomena.

NASA UFO team calls for higher quality data in first public meeting

2 weeks ago from Science NOW

The truth may be out there about UFOs, or what the government currently calls “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (UAPs). But finding it will require collecting data that are more rigorous than the anecdotal reports...

New 'quasi-moon' discovered near Earth has been travelling alongside our planet since 100 BC

2 weeks ago from Live Science

Astronomers recently identified asteroid 2023 FW13 as a quasi-moon, a space rock orbiting the sun nearly in tandem with Earth.

Japan has a wild idea to launch a satellite made of wood in 2024

2 weeks ago from

An international partnership has designed a wooden satellite scheduled to be jointly launched by the Japanese space agency (JAXA) and NASA sometime next year.

SpaceX's Dragon reentry and splashdown with Ax-2 astronauts looks amazing in these nighttime photos and videos

2 weeks ago from

Ax-2's SpaceX Dragon capsule Freedom put on quite a show as it streaked through Earth's atmosphere late Tuesday night (May 30), as videos show.

Danforth Center Scientist, Malia Gehan Named to Inaugural Class of TGI Fellows

2 weeks ago from Newswise - Scinews

Malia Gehan, PhD, assistant member, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, was selected to be part of the Taylor Geospatial Institute's inaugural class of TGI Fellows.  The program enables TGI member...

One spacecraft could visit all of Saturn's inner large moons

2 weeks ago from Physorg

If you've ever played Kerbal Space Program, you know how difficult it can be to get your spacecraft into the orbit you want. It's even more difficult in real life....

A Strawberry Moon, solstice, and meteor shower will dance across the skies this June

2 weeks ago from PopSci

Moon fans should keep their eyes peeled for the Strawberry Moon on June 3 and 4. NASA/Joel Kowsky June 1 and 2Mars Passes Through Beehive Star ClusterJune 3 and 4Full Strawberry MoonJune...

Monster black hole burps out hot gas in bright 'H' shape (photos)

2 weeks ago from

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory spied a massive "H" structure half the size of our entire galaxy made of blazing hot gas spewing from a distant supermassive black hole.

NASA researchers detect tsunamis by their rumble in the atmosphere

2 weeks ago from Physorg

New hazard-monitoring technology uses GPS signals to go wave-hunting in the Pacific Ring of Fire. GUARDIAN's long-term objective is to augment early warning systems.

NASA concludes first-ever public UFO briefing. What did we learn?

2 weeks ago from Live Science

The government is investigating hundreds of military UFO reports, but only a small fraction are truly "anomalous."

Researchers solve colorful Kuiper Belt puzzle

2 weeks ago from Physorg

The Kuiper Belt is a massive disk of icy bodies, including Pluto, that is located just outside of Neptune's orbit in our solar system. Objects observed in the Kuiper Belt...

Infant stars burst out of their cosmic cribs in a violent stellar nursery (photo)

2 weeks ago from

The two protesters burst from their cocoons of gas and dust in Lupus 3, a vast stellar nursery located about 500 light-years from Earth.

How to photograph SpaceX Starlink satellites in the night sky

2 weeks ago from

Discover the best methods and camera equipment to photograph Starlink satellites at night using this step-by-step method.

Brown recluse spider: Fact vs. fiction and tips for prevention

2 weeks ago from Physorg

Any spider can disturb a quiet night or a daytime chore around the house.