Science Daily

Friday th 15th of July 2011

Source of empathy in the brain? - 15:31

Scientists discover new role for vitamin C in the eye and the brain - 15:31

Dynamics behind magical thinking and charismatic leadership revealed - 15:30

Breakthrough toward quantum computing - 15:30

Fires in central Africa cause pollution 'butterfly' - 15:30

Thursday th 14th of July 2011

When the first choice isn't available, why don't consumers choose the obvious second choice? - 21:30

Shop when you're happy: Positive feelings improve consumer decision-making abilities - 21:30

Size matters: Why do people eat less when they have big forks? - 21:30

When will a message of social responsibility backfire? - 21:30

Cod mislabelling four times more prevalent in Ireland than UK, study shows - 21:30

Genome blueprint for horse and human vaccines - 21:30

Stem cell study reveals complexity of glue molecule’s role in cancer - 21:30

A new gene identified for restless legs syndrome - 21:30

Protein may help diagnose and treat lymphoma in people and dogs - 21:30

Swarms of locusts use social networking to communicate - 21:30

The unfolding 'SAGA' of transcriptional co-activators - 21:30

Abnormal brain ultrasounds in premature infants indicate future risk of psychiatric disorders - 21:30

'Amplified' nanotubes may power the future - 21:30

Dentists can identify people with undiagnosed diabetes - 21:30

Your brain on androids - 21:30

First adenovirus to jump between monkeys and humans confirmed - 19:30

Speed limit on babies' vision - 19:30

Novel combined therapy extends life, diminishes pain in brain cancer patients - 15:30

Does Chinese chocolate taste better than Swiss? Depends on when you find out - 15:30

Fast-shrinking Greenland glacier experienced rapid growth during cooler times - 14:30

Loss of large predators has caused widespread disruption of ecosystems - 14:30

Editing the genome: Scientists unveil new tools for rewriting the code of life - 14:30

Loss of top animal predators has massive ecological effects - 14:30

Loss of large predators disrupting multiple plant, animal and human ecosystems - 14:30

High social rank comes at a price, wild baboon study finds - 14:30

'Dry rot' genome offers lessons for biofuel pretreatment processes: Breaking down cellulose without blasting lignin - 14:30

Early-stage melanoma tumors contain clues to metastatic potential - 14:30

Stereotypes can affect how women 'angels' invest, according to new study - 14:30

Safety of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT): American Society for Radiation Oncology publishes white paper - 14:30

No difference in women's and men's self-esteem in youth and early adulthood, study finds - 13:30

Timothy syndrome mutations provide new insights into the structure of L-calcium channel - 13:30

New clues to the structural dynamics of BK channels - 13:30

New technology allows disabled children to explore their creative side - 13:30

Enzymes for cell wall synthesis conserved across species barriers - 13:30

Mutation in a protein-sorting gene is linked with Parkinson's disease - 13:30

Wood products part of winning carbon-emissions equation, researchers say - 13:30

How to grow wires and tiny plates: Liquid processing method can control shapes of nanowires and produce complete electronic devices - 13:30

NASA spacecraft to enter asteroid's orbit on July 15 - 13:30

Dust storms: New way to undercut dust emissions - 12:30

Link found between increased crops and deforestation in Amazon, but issue not so cut and dry - 12:30

Benefit of blood glucose lowering to near-normal levels remains unclear - 12:30

Bone marrow transplant survival more than doubles for young high-risk leukemia patients - 12:30

Current, not prior, depression predicts crack cocaine use - 12:30

Environmental factors predict underserved children's physical activity - 12:30

Supercomputer: SDSC's Trestles provides rapid turnaround for diverse researchers - 12:30