Archive of feed items published on the 29th of August 2012
Aspirin may help men with prostate cancer live longer from Science Blog
Hurricane Isaac begins putting New Orleans to the test from LA Times - Science
Obama calls for cars to get almost 55 mpg from LA Times - Science
New song transmitted from Mars Curiosity rover from LA Times - Science
Tech pushes athletes beyond human limits from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hurricane Isaac prepares to test New Orleans from LA Times - Science
Morocco's illegal mussel pickers ply non-eco trade from Physorg
Signing out: Armstrong autographs under hammer from Physorg
Cook Islands declares world's largest marine park from Physorg
Cricket to offer Muve exclusively on Android plans from Physorg
Double-star system hosts planets from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tuning a piano 'moulds the mind' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Koala hitches canoe ride in Australia from BBC News: Science & Nature
Connoisseur of chaos from MIT Research
AUDIO: Amateur stargazer finds second supernova from BBC News: Science & Nature
India's nuclear watchdog criticized from News @ Nature
Adelaide joins with Italy to develop 'super spaghetti' from Physorg
Connoisseur of chaos from Physorg
David Lederman, Pioneer of Artificial Heart, Dies at 68 from NY Times Science
Green Blog: On Our Radar: Green Tuesday at the White House from NY Times Science
A Classic Experiment For Budding Scientists
Blood test for unsafe drinking from BBC News: Science & Nature
NYC seeking to identify Potter's field bodies with help of DNA from CBSNews - Science
Make your own action figures with a 3-D printer from Physorg
Dwarf pair pump out gravity waves from BBC News: Science & Nature
Building blocks of life found around young star from Physorg
How to avoid jack-knifing your truck from Physorg
Guides to the gallows from Harvard Science
‘From Austen to Zola’ from Harvard Science
China aims high from the bottom of the world from News @ Nature
Sweet building blocks of life found around young star from Science Daily
Sweet building blocks of life found around young star from Science Daily
Existing theories on the moon formation eclipsed from Science Daily
From solo to sociable—how locusts try to avoid cannibalism from Physorg
Oil spill cleanup: Smart filter can strain oil out of water from Physorg
Haitians struggle with the costs associated with crime from Physorg
Researchers devise a new way to plot circadian clock from Physorg
Heat flow control for future nanoelectronics from Physorg
Solar System genealogy revealed by meteorites from Physorg
YouTube SpaceLab winners to watch their experiments live from space from European Space Agency
Dad's brain means more than his money from Physorg
QUT engineer develops electricity-free home cooling system from Physorg
AgriLife Extension expert: Spider mite damage to corn affected by irrigation level from Physorg
Expedition returns wealth of data on whales, sea lions and birds from Physorg
New automotive technology prevents accidents caused by drowsiness during driving from Physorg
A model for development: biologists create first predictive computational model of gene networks from Physorg
Small but powerful: Fermilab develops magnets for the future High Luminosity LHC from Physorg
Shifty, but secure eyes from Physorg
Building ultra-low power wireless networks from Physorg
A long-term view of critical materials: from coal to ytterbium from Physorg
Optical fibers in materials: an artificial nervous system from Physorg
What matters for science is who runs the country from News @ Nature
Building Ultra-Low Power Wireless Networks from Newswise - Scinews
Small droplets grow differently from Physorg
Cooler waters help diminish Isaac's punch from Physorg
Graphene-based materials kill bacteria through one of two possible mechanisms from Physorg
Development of coating technique by high speed particles with velocity of 1,000m/s from Physorg
Researchers grow regularly-ordered nanometer-scale crystalline thin film using 3D porous material from Physorg
Beliefs Drive Investors More than Preferences from Science Blog
Non-infectious diseases hit the globe from Science Alert
New antibody for spinal cord trauma from Science Alert
How locusts avoid cannibalism from Science Alert
Tiger Mom and Cubs Caught on Camera from Live Science
Suomi NPP captures smoke plume images from Russian and African fires from Physorg
NASA's 'Mighty Eagle' robotic prototype lander takes 100-foot free flight from Physorg
The latest advance in imaging technology helps optimize catalysts for use in onboard fuel processing from Physorg
Chimpanzees create social traditions from Physorg
Endangered Tiger Cubs Caught on Camera Near Proposed Dam from Live Science
Soaking up the Sun: Drexel-Penn Partnership to Make Dye-Sensitized Solar Panels More Efficient from Newswise - Scinews
Adelaide Joins with Italy to Develop 'Super Spaghetti' from Newswise - Scinews
Could a Cancer Drug Prevent Learning Disabilities in Some Kids? from Newswise - Scinews
NASA Sees Hurricane Isaac Makes Double Landfall in Louisiana from
NASA Sees Hurricane Isaac Affecting the Northern Gulf Coast from
Extreme Stargazing: The Biggest, Brightest and Best Night Sky Sights from
Blue Moon Science: Friday's Full Moon Explained from
Space Sugar Discovered Around Sun-Like Star from
Sweet Science: Sugar Molecules Found Near Young Star | Video from
VIDEO: Weather affects summer apple crop from BBC News: Science & Nature
California's temporary workers face increased likelihood of poverty, says new study from Physorg
Scientist at Work Blog: Separating the Dinosaurians From the Crocodilians from NY Times Science
Caffeine flushed into Pacific Ocean stresses marine life from CBC: Technology & Science
Mosquitoes in Sudbury test positive for West Nile virus from CBC: Technology & Science
Seven days: 24–30 August 2012 from News @ Nature
Biologists create first predictive computational model of gene networks that control development of sea-urchin embryos from Science Daily
Earphones potentially as dangerous as noise from jet engines from Science Daily
5 Ways Computers Boost Drug Discovery from Live Science
Australia joins EU carbon market from BBC News: Science & Nature
Last blue moon until 2015 appears Friday from CBSNews - Science
'Anternet' discovered: Behavior of harvester ants as they forage for food mirrors protocols that control Internet traffic from Science Daily
Las Cumbres Observatory spectrographs acquire target robotically from Science Daily
Researchers Confirm Decline in Breeding Chinstrap Penguins in Antarctic Peninsula from Newswise - Scinews
Climate Change Could Increase Levels of Avian Influenza in Wild Birds from Newswise - Scinews
Deadline Confidence Judgment: Turns Out Profiling Works
Brazil unveils tool to track emissions from News @ Nature
Climate change could increase levels of avian influenza in wild birds from Science Daily
Satellites See Isaac Make Landfall Over Louisiana from
Stunning Night Sky Views by Photographer Jeffrey Berkes (Gallery) from
Tracking Shuttle Exhaust Reveals More Information About Atmospheric Winds from Science Blog
Climate change could increase levels of wild bird flu from Science Blog
Earphones ‘potentially as dangerous as noise from jet engines,’ from Science Blog
"Birdmuda Triangle:" Pigeons vanishing in England from CBSNews - Science
Space sugar discovered around sun-like star from CBSNews - Science
Found in Orbit Around a Young Sunlike Star: Sugar from PopSci
Recycled dishes form telescope network from News @ Nature
Cooler waters help diminish Isaac's punch from Science Daily
Math ability requires crosstalk in the brain from Science Daily
Decline in breeding chinstrap penguins in Antarctic Peninsula confirmed from Science Daily
Snail Dad Does All the Parenting, Takes on Stepchildren from Live Science
Oversized Fat Droplets: Too Much of a Good Thing from Newswise - Scinews
Chimp grooming postcode lottery from BBC News: Science & Nature
Proba-2's espresso-cup microcamera snaps Hurricane Isaac from Physorg
Small GEO satellite platform lands at ESA from Physorg
Study outlines voting disparity for Asian and Latino populations from Physorg
Judge sets December hearing on Samsung phone ban from Physorg
Climate change could increase levels of avian influenza in wild birds from Physorg
Japan estimates monster quake could kill 320,000 from Physorg
Japan toilet maker unveils 'poop-powered' motorbike from Physorg
Sri Lankan airline swaps paper manuals for iPads from Physorg
'Penis-head' fish discovered in Vietnam from Physorg
Forest dam threatens Thailand's tigers: WWF from Physorg
In Arctic, Greenpeace picks new fight with old foe from Physorg
Intel's plans for quadcore SoC chips discovered from Physorg
Las Cumbres Observatory spectrographs acquire target robotically from Physorg
Twitter data crunching: The new crystal ball from Physorg
Oversized fat droplets: Too much of a good thing from Physorg
New research eclipses existing theories on the Moon formation from Physorg
More than words from Harvard Science
Nigeria to combat vitamin A deficiency with hybrid maize from SciDev
Mangoes implicated in California salmonella outbreak from LA Times - Health
Slow-Churning Isaac Captured in Detailed Satellite Image from Live Science
NASA Captures Amazing View of Tropical Storm Isaac at Night (Photos) from
Amazing Photos: Royal Observatory’s 2012 Space Photographer of the Year Finalists from
London set for Paralympics opener from BBC News: Science & Nature
Young scientists make the cut from
Landslide deaths 'four times higher than thought' from SciDev
Boy discovers piece of whale vomit worth $60,000 from CBSNews - Science
After the Higgs: The new particle landscape from News @ Nature
My brain made me do it: Neuroscience used as a defense from MSNBC: Science
Why Hurricane Isaac Is Moving So Slowly from Live Science
Gene Linked to Happiness in Women from Live Science
Stunning Stargazing In Yosemite National Park | Video from
ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Present 2012 Scholarships and Fellowships from Newswise - Scinews
Popular Scientific Research Repository, arXiv, Adopting New Governance Model as It Continues to Grow from Newswise - Scinews
American Society of Agronomy Announces 2012 Award Recipients from Newswise - Scinews
Seoul hikes cyberplans against Pyongyang from UPI
Endangered tiger cubs caught on tape new proposed dam from CBSNews - Science
Video Game Improves Vision for Adults Born with Cataracts from Live Science
Animal Illustrations Preceded Poet's Nonsense Verse from Live Science
Sweet! Astronomers spot sugar molecule near star from AP Science
In Arctic, Greenpeace picks new fight with old foe from AP Science
Jaw-Dropping Space Pics: UK Contest to Pick Astronomy Photographer of the Year from
Genetic test to identify wildcats from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Hurricane Isaac seen from space from BBC News: Science & Nature
Synchronized x-ray and optical lasers measure how light changes matter on atomic scale from Physorg
Single gene has major impact on gaits in horses and in mice from Physorg
Large methane reservoirs suggested beneath Antarctic ice sheet from Physorg
Climate change stories from the abyss from Physorg
Pinpointing hot spots: Small droplets of friction-generated melts weaken faults and can lead to 'megaquakes' from Physorg
Warning on deterioration of famous Swedish warship, Vasa from Physorg
Israeli archeologists find rare stone age figures from Physorg
Soaking up the Sun: partnership to make more efficient dye-sensitized solar panels from Physorg
TacSat-4 participates in Navy fleet experiment Trident Warrior from Physorg
A new use for atomically engineered gold from Physorg
Phys Ed: Finding Your Ideal Running Form from NY Times Health
New York State Is Investigating Energy Drinks from NY Times Health
Rare Illness Has Killed 2 Lodgers at Yosemite from NY Times Health
Humira From Abbott Supported for Ulcerative Colitis from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Apricot, Cherry and Almond Galette — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: Effects of Delirium Are Found to Linger from NY Times Health
Editorial: An Uncontrollable Outbreak of Drug-Resistant Bacteria from NY Times Health
Green Blog: Republican Platform Opposes Agenda 21 from NY Times Science
Hungry Monkeys Not Living Longer from Science NOW
West Nile Virus cases spike in Ontario and U.S. from CBC: Health
Patients demand answers about paramedic wait times from CBC: Health
Boy discovers piece of whale vomit worth up to $60,000 from CBSNews - Science
Black Bears Can "Count" as Well as Primates from National Geographic
Photonics: Think thin, think vibrant from Science Daily
Oversized fat droplets: Too much of a good thing from Science Daily
Could a cancer drug prevent learning disabilities in some kids? from Science Daily
Pigeons vanish in the 'Birdmuda Triangle' from MSNBC: Science
JHU Oceanographer Available to Discuss Shrinking Arctic Sea Ice from Newswise - Scinews
New Approach Needed to Restore New England River Herring from Newswise - Scinews
Crop Science Society of America Announces 2012 Award Recipients from Newswise - Scinews
Soil Science Society of America Announces 2012 Award Recipients from Newswise - Scinews
Many trendy 'microgreens' are more nutritious than their mature counterparts from Physorg
Brain learns while you snooze from
True Nutrition Recalls Whey Protein - Made From Milk - Because It Has Milk
Male snails babysit for other dads from Science Blog
Arctic sea ice levels hit record low from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists map first steps in flu antibody development from Science Daily
Potential methane reservoirs beneath Antarctica from Science Daily
Hot spots pinpointed as earthquake trigger points: Small droplets of friction-generated melts can lead to 'megaquakes' from Science Daily
Large methane reservoirs beneath Antarctic ice sheet, study suggests from Science Daily
Single gene has major impact on gaits in horses and in mice from Science Daily
Climate change stories from the abyss: Ancient climate mirrored and influenced by geochemical processes deep within ocean from Science Daily
Calorie restriction falters in the long run from News @ Nature
Nanotechnology: Armed resistance from News @ Nature
Global survey reveals routes to boosting crop yields from News @ Nature
Horse gait traced to single mutation from News @ Nature
How Average Quakes May Turn Into Giants from Live Science
Ancient Animal Figurines Found in Israel from Live Science
Billions of Tons of Methane Lurk Beneath Antarctic Ice from Live Science
Too Hot for Love: Breeding Penguins Vanish from Antarctic Island from Live Science
Teach Robots from Home with Your Kinect from Live Science
Stunning Stargazing In Yosemite National Park | Video from Live Science
Extreme Stargazing: The Biggest, Brightest and Best Night Sky Sights from Live Science
The Blue Moon and Full Moon of 2012 (Photos) from
New antibacterial coating for sutures could reduce infections after surgery from Physorg
Tiny Mechanical Scale Weighs Molecules One at a Time from Science NOW
Island of Newfoundland slowly sinking, says geographer from CBC: Technology & Science
Life-like artificial universe built by supercomputer from CBSNews - Science
New antibacterial coating for sutures could reduce infections after surgery from Science Daily
Warning on deterioration of famous Swedish warship, Vasa from Science Daily
Many trendy 'microgreens' are more nutritious than their mature counterparts from Science Daily
Making dye-sensitized solar panels more efficient from Science Daily
New nanomaterial could help keep pilots and sensitive equipment safe from destructive lasers from Science Daily
Synchronized lasers measure how light changes matter: Effects of light at atomic scale probed by mixing x-ray and optical light waves from Science Daily
Normal Tot or Problem Child? Tantrum Frequency Holds Clues from Live Science
Baby Faces Enlisted to Fight Crime from Live Science
CDC Reports Jump in West Nile Cases and Deaths from Live Science
Apollo 8: First Around the Moon from
Galactic Collisions Fuel Supermassive Black Holes | Video from
Millions of Black Holes Seen by WISE Telescope (Photos) from
Mars Rover Snaps Test Shot Near Landing Site (Photo) from
Antarctic may host methane stores from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA's WISE Survey Uncovers Millions of Black Holes from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Astronomers spot multiplanet system with 2 'suns' at its core from CBC: Technology & Science
Quebec party mulls notwithstanding clause to retain MDs from CBC: Health
Bonanza of black holes, hot DOGs: NASA's WISE survey uncovers millions of black holes from Science Daily
For diabetics, a steady job is good for your health from Science Daily
Malignant mesothelioma patients likely to benefit from drug pemetrexed identified, study suggests from Science Daily
Diabetes can be controlled in patients after pancreas removal from Science Daily
New approach needed to restore New England river herring from Science Daily
Mystery surrounding death of two sisters nearly 50 years ago finally solved from Science Daily
Success in growth of regularly-ordered nanometer-scale crystalline thin film using 3-D porous material from Science Daily
How average quakes may turn into giants from MSNBC: Science
Report Slams Science Agency from C&EN
Food Advocates Want Labels For Tenderized Meat Too
Enlisting the AIDS virus to fight cancer from Science Blog
One-thrd less life on earth from Science Blog
Shrimpy larvae mystery solved from Science Blog
Double Planets Found Orbiting Twin Stars from National Geographic
Heatwaves to move toward coasts, study finds from Science Daily
ACE, workhorse of NASA's heliophysics fleet, is 15 from Science Daily
Rover leaves tracks in Morse code from Science Daily
Boeing tests CST-100 parachute protector from Science Daily
NASA's 'Mighty Eagle' robotic prototype lander takes 100-foot free flight from Science Daily
Storm Surge: The Deadliest Part Of A Hurricane | Video from Live Science
Boat Lost in Japan Tsunami Washes Up in Canada from Live Science
Dramatic Moonset on Cerro Paranal from
Black Hole 'Bonanza': Millions Found by NASA Space Telescope from
Collagen-Seeking Synthetic Protein Could Lead Doctors to Tumor Locations from Newswise - Scinews
Heatwaves to Move Toward Coasts, Study Finds from Newswise - Scinews
Walls of Lunar Crater May Hold Patchy Ice, LRO Radar Finds from Newswise - Scinews
Scripps Researchers Pinpoint Hot Spots as Earthquake Trigger Points from Newswise - Scinews
Computer viruses could take a lesson from showy peacocks from Physorg
Tropical Storm Kirk looks more like a comet on NASA infrared imagery from Physorg
Bill would allow sale of homemade foods from LA Times - Health
The virtue of vaccines from LA Times - Health
Hope of greater global food output, less environmental impact of agriculture from Science Daily
Eyeless Australian fish have closest relatives in Madagascar from Science Daily
Computer viruses could take a lesson from showy peacocks from Science Daily
Walls of lunar crater may hold patchy ice from Science Daily
Collagen-seeking synthetic protein could lead doctors to tumor locations from Science Daily
Scaled-Down: New Nano Device Can Weigh Single Molecules from Scientific American
Antarctic breeding penguins vanishing from MSNBC: Science
Next-Gen Airport Scanners Will Be Faster and More Secure from Live Science
World's Thinnest Transistor is Two-Thirds Complete from Live Science
In NYC, identifying the dead, and finding closure from AP Science
Veterinarians Squeamish About Working On Dead Animals Might Reconsider Their Careers
Chocolate may sweeten stroke risk in men from CBC: Health
Discovery of new colossal magnetoresistance mechanism from Science Daily
Satellites Spy Tropical Storm Kirk from Live Science
Cave Fish Cousins Separated By Ocean, Linked by DNA from Live Science
International Study of Impacts of Biofuel Production from Newswise - Scinews
Physics faculty try innovative teaching methods from Physorg
Eyeless Australian fish have closest relatives in Madagascar from Physorg
Morality for robots? from Physorg
Study shows hope of greater global food output, less environmental impact of agriculture from Physorg
Twin stars found with multiple planets from UPI
Japan starts up first offshore wind farm from UPI
British 'lion' may be large feral housecat from UPI
EPA waives clean fuel rules in storm from UPI
Calorie limits don't extend lifespan but might keep you healthier from LA Times - Health
Hurricane Isaac Captured in Eerily Beautiful Images from Orbit from PopSci
A sweet surprise: sugar molecules found near star from CBC: Technology & Science
Earthquake Strikes Los Angeles Area from Live Science
NASA Curiosity Rover Begins Eastbound Trek on Martian Surface from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Rover Leaves Tracks in Morse Code from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Rare find: Feathered dinosaur feasts on flying food from Physorg
Southern elephant seals likely detect prey bioluminescence for foraging from Physorg
Modern lives in US are multi-screen: Google from Physorg
Samsung unveils voice-controlled camera from Physorg
African-American males most likely to lose academic scholarships, study finds from Physorg
Samsung reveals new Galaxy Note II from Physorg
Google builds birthday reminders into search from Physorg
Chief creative officer leaves Zynga from Physorg
NASA sees Hurricane Isaac make double landfall in Louisiana from Physorg
UC Riverside developing biofuel formulations for California from Physorg
'Nano machine shop' shapes nanowires, ultrathin films from Physorg
Heatwaves to move toward coasts, study finds from Physorg
News in Brief: Highlights from the IAU Meeting from
Celiac: My Trendy Experience
Scientific Truth-Seeking: An Evolving Process
FYI: How Long Can a Brain Live in a Dish? from PopSci
Endangered tiger cubs caught on camera from MSNBC: Science
NASA Curiosity rover begins eastbound trek on Martian surface from Science Daily
Driving an electron spin vortex 'skyrmion' with a microcurrent from Science Daily
Sea Lights Help Seals Hunt in the Dark from Live Science
Last Meal Found in Stomach of Fuzzy Dinosaur from Live Science
Dinosaur Guts: Photos of a Paleo-Predator from Live Science
'Blue moon' on same day as Neil Armstrong service from AP Science
Yelp shares surge as insiders hold on to stock from Physorg
NASA satellite sees remnants of Tropical Storm Bolaven racing over China and Russia from Physorg
'Blue moon' on same day as Neil Armstrong service from Physorg
Scientist creates test, treatment for malaria-like sickness in horses from Physorg
Sony to sell ultra-HD '4K' TV set in US stores (Update) from Physorg
Women gets 4 years for stealing Motorola secrets from Physorg
Planet has two parent stars and a sibling, NASA telescope finds from Reuters:Science
Newly discovered dust-obscured galaxies may be missing link from Reuters:Science
EPA waives clean fuel rules in storm from UPI
Internet addiction may have genetic link from UPI
Twin stars found with multiple planets from UPI
Japan starts up first offshore wind farm from UPI
British 'lion' may be large feral housecat from UPI
Seoul hikes cyberplans against Pyongyang from UPI
Pictures: Mass Sacrifice Found Near Aztec Temple from National Geographic
Sugar Found In Space: A Sign of Life? from National Geographic
Using Fertilizer Wisely Could Help Feed 9 Billion People from Scientific American
Calorie Restriction Fails to Lengthen Lifespan in Primates from Scientific American
New cancer drug is ten times more potent from Science Daily
Rare find: Feathered dinosaur feasts on flying food from Science Daily
CDC: 103 ill with salmonella tied to mangoes from AP Health
Eureka! Light Bulb-Shaped Flare Erupts From Sun | Video from
Signals from Mars: Why Sent a Song from the Red Planet from
'Light Bulb' Solar Storm Erupts from Active Sun from
Rolling In SpaceShipOne - Mike Melville Pilot | Video from
Hurricane Isaac Spied By International Space Station | Video from
The Blue Moon and Full Moon of 2012 (Photos) from
AMD whets Steamroller appetite at Hot Chips from Physorg
Obama goes social with Reddit online chat from Physorg
Man sent to prison for Internet-based Ponzi scheme from Physorg
Rover Leaves Tracks in Morse Code from Physorg
Curiosity rover begins eastbound trek on martian surface from Physorg
WISE survey uncovers millions of black holes from Physorg
Low-cal longevity questioned from
Fermilab Physicists Present Their Reworked Plans for Giant Neutrino Experiment from Science NOW
Republican Party Platform Has a Lot to Say About Science from Science NOW
Isaac could bring drought relief for some from UPI
Tune a piano? Tune your brain from UPI
Life 'precursors' found around young star from UPI
Fuzzy dinosaur hunted its last meal from MSNBC: Science
Scientist creates test, treatment for malaria-like sickness in horses from Science Daily
Flu is transmitted before symptoms appear, study suggests from Science Daily
Internet Addiction Tied to Gene Mutation from Live Science
Will People Really Be Forced to Stop Eating Meat? from Live Science
New 'Heartland' Virus Discovered in Sick Missouri Farmers from Live Science
Mars Rover Curiosity Begins 1st Long Martian Drive from
New technique could mean super thin, strong graphene-based circuits from Physorg
Space Pictures This Week: Martian Vista, Neil Armstrong from National Geographic
2nd LulzSec hacker arrested for Sony Pictures attack from CBC: Technology & Science
Glowing fish help seals hunt in the dark from MSNBC: Science
NASA sees Hurricane Isaac make double landfall in Louisiana from Science Daily
'Nano machine shop' shapes nanowires, ultrathin films from Science Daily
US performs worst on potentially preventable death rates compared to France, Germany, and UK from Science Daily
Why Beetle Species Outnumber Tuataras from Live Science
Saturn and its Largest Moon Reflect Their True Colors from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Japanese spacecraft to search for clues of Earth's first life from Physorg
Pandora loss shrinks as revenue rises from Physorg
Bacterial cause found for skin condition rosacea from Physorg
Making efficient color filter for display applications from Physorg
Judge refuses to delay NY case for Google appeal from Physorg
Indie stores, Kobo reading service reach e-deal from Physorg
GI pathogen at lake linked to human fecal contamination from Physorg
What's In A Dinosaur's Stomach?
Stanford researchers discover the 'anternet' from Biology News Net
Adelaide joins with Italy to develop 'super spaghetti' from Biology News Net
Chimpanzees create social traditions from Biology News Net
Flu is transmitted before symptoms appear, study suggests from Biology News Net
Saturn and its largest moon reflect their true colors from Science Daily
When to worry about kids' temper tantrums from Science Daily
Protein linked to increased risk of heart failure and death in older adults from Science Daily
Young children share rewards based on merit from Science Daily
Aspirin-clopidogrel no better than aspirin alone for patients with lacunar stroke, study suggests from Science Daily
Chocolate: A sweet method for stroke prevention in men? from Science Daily
Smallest antenna can increase Wi-Fi speed 200 times from Science Daily
Activating and deactivating gold nanoparticle catalysts may lead to longer-lasting hydrogen fuel cells from Science Daily
Graphene-based materials kill bacteria two ways from Science Daily
Twitter data crunching: The new crystal ball from Science Daily
Beyond Wind & Rain: Isaac Could Stir Up Oil from Live Science
Calorie limits don't extend lifespan but might keep you healthier from LA Times - Science
Low-Calorie Diet Doesn’t Prolong Life, Study of Monkeys Finds from NY Times Health
Well: What's Your Workout? A Food Star's Fitness Plan from NY Times Health
Telephone landlines to be obsolete in 5 years, say IT experts from CBC: Technology & Science
1 more legionnaires' disease death in Quebec City from CBC: Health
Peel school board takes steps to prevent student tragedies from CBC: Health
Benzene in California groundwater occurs infrequently and is mainly from natural sources, study finds from Science Daily
Mississippi River flows backwards due to Isaac from Science Daily
Internet addiction: Causes at the molecular level from Science Daily
What's behind rising food prices, beyond the U.S. drought from Science Daily
A Classic Experiment For Budding Scientists
Multiple Abortions Increase Risks For Subsequent Delivered Babies
Bacterial cause found for skin condition rosacea from Science Daily
Living against the clock; Does loss of daily rhythms cause obesity? from Science Daily
Green Blog: Pemex Finally Strikes Oil in Deep Waters from NY Times Science
Green Blog: A Late Bet on Coal May Not Pay Off from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon Organize Artists Against Fracking from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Indians in Venezuelan Amazon Report Attack by Gold Miners from NY Times Science
Space station science goes live on YouTube from UPI
Newfoundland sinking into ocean -- slowly from UPI
HTC says it won't fold to Apple from UPI
Math says Earth safe from asteroid from UPI
Planet search moves to Antarctica from UPI
Playstation hacking case brings 2nd arrest from UPI
'Talking' brain found better at math from UPI
Japanese spacecraft to search for clues of Earth's first life from Science Daily
MRI scanners affect concentration and visuospatial awareness from Science Daily
Smokers more than double their risk of burst aneurysm from Science Daily
Chronic stress linked to high risk of stroke from Science Daily
Increased risk of prematurity and low birth weight in babies born after three or more abortions from Science Daily
Malaria nearly eliminated in Sri Lanka despite decades of conflict from Science Daily
Mayo Clinic marks its first births from time-lapse incubator use for in vitro fertilization from Science Daily
A Slow-moving Isaac Brings Flooding to Gulf States from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Space station science goes live on YouTube from UPI
Newfoundland sinking into ocean -- slowly from UPI
HTC says it won't fold to Apple from UPI
Math says Earth safe from asteroid from UPI
Planet search moves to Antarctica from UPI
Playstation hacking case brings 2nd arrest from UPI
'Talking' brain found better at math from UPI
Isaac could bring drought relief for some from UPI
Tune a piano? Tune your brain from UPI
Life 'precursors' found around young star from UPI
Internet addiction may have genetic link from UPI
Ability to adapt, not time, key to species diversity from MSNBC: Science
West Nile Deaths Rise, but Isaac Unlikely to Add to Peril from NY Times Science
Op-Ed Contributor: The E.P.A. Can Fix the Chemical Flaw from NY Times Science
Up Close: Bianca Kosoy Adds Her Creative Touch to Equinox: Up Close from NY Times Health
Living tissue is laced with electronic sensors from Physics World
Boy discovers a bonanza in whale vomit from MSNBC: Science
Killing Kong from BBC News: Science & Nature
Watch Out for the Blue Moon from Science @ NASA
Plant Biotechnology As Time Travel?