
Thursday th 14th of October 2010

Anti-vomiting drug could prevent thousands of hospitalizations, save millions of dollars - 13:00

Large gaps found in public understanding of climate change - 13:00

Study: Waist circumference, not BMI, is best predictor of future cardiovascular risk in children - 12:32

Charcoal biofilter cleans up fertilizer waste gases - 12:32

CR Magazine sheds light on the burden of cancer on the streets - 12:31

Of worms and women: Common causes for reproductive decline with age - 12:31

Scientists discover inner workings of potent cancer drug - 12:31

Biologists identify influence of environment on sexual vs. asexual reproduction - 12:02

The kids are all right: Few negative associations with moms' return to work after having children - 12:02

Study: Belief in rumors about proposed NYC mosque linked to opposition to all mosques - 12:02

Scientists find signals that make cell nucleus blow up like a balloon - 12:02

In childhood obesity, gene variants raise risk - 12:02

New look at multitalented protein sheds light on mysteries of HIV - 12:02

Not all doctors follow cancer screening guidelines - 11:31

Cyberwars: Already underway with no Geneva Conventions to guide them - 11:31

JILA unveils improved 'molecular fingerprinting' for trace gas detection - 11:31

Bouncing water droplets reveal small-scale beauty (w/ Video) - 11:31

Faster CARS, less damage: Chemical microscopy shows potential for cell diagnostics - 11:31

Is anxiety contagious? Surprising research finds common stress levels in social groups - 11:02

UK police force publishes all incidents to Twitter - 11:02

Psychological first aid for survivors of disaster - 11:02

Study links immune protein to abnormal brain development - 11:02

Birth of nanoparticles seen by Argonne scientists for the first time - 10:31

Indian executive describes design innovations of Tata Nano - 10:31

New research helps clinicians predict treatment outcomes for children with OCD - 10:31

Success in mergers and acquisitions - 10:31

FDA may limit anemia drug use for kidney disease - 10:31

Verizon to join AT&T in selling Apple's iPad - 10:31

Unsung hero: Researchers produce high-res model of Ndc80 in action - 10:31

Biomarker shows potential for early diagnosis of lung cancer - 10:31

Orchid tricks hoverflies: Eastern marsh helleborine mimics aphid alarm pheromones to attract pollinators - 10:31

Questions fuel 'Ask A Biologist' website success - 10:31

Scientists make cancer breakthrough in the way anti-cancer drugs are tested - 10:31

Paraplegics have been given new hope for walking (w/ Video) - 10:01

Camera that saved Hubble leaves nest for good - 10:01

Twitter app in the classroom increases involvement, research finds - 10:00

Exposed rocks point to water on ancient Mars - 10:00

World's most challenging terrain virtually tested by Buick - 10:00

Chilean miners: A long road back to 'normal' - 10:00

Genetic blueprint of bacteria causing Lyme disease unraveled - 09:30

Researchers show how cells open 'doors' to release neurotransmitters - 09:30

Probing deeper into oceans requires help from high tech equipment - 09:30

Architecture of soil particles greatly influences if, when pollutants migrate - 09:30

'Bigfoot of ants' found (again) - 09:30

Magnetic ceramics films for smaller transformers - 09:30

Satisfying job leads to better mental health - 09:30

Water's interaction with platinum requires a closer look, researchers find - 09:30

New research results change the understanding of atmospheric aerosol properties and climate effects - 09:01

A reinvention of agriculture is needed to meet global challenges - 09:01

New malware could steal users social media behavior and info: researchers - 09:01