Archive of feed items published on the 3rd of June 2009
Report: Tech Giants Targeted In DOJ Probe from CBSNews - Science
Health Insurers Balk at Some Changes from NY Times Health
W.H.O. Says It Is Closer to Declaring Flu Pandemic from NY Times Health
Obama Urges Quick Action on Insurance from NY Times Health
Obesity does not worsen asthma, but may reduce response to medications from Science Blog
Analysis Finds Elevated Risk From Soot Particles in the Air from NY Times Science
Proposal would combat rescissions of health insurance policies in California from LA Times - Health
Kenneth E. Stager dies at 94; curator of birds and mammals at L.A. County Natural History Museum from LA Times - Science
Personal ties exposed in eHealth's untendered contracts from CBC: Health
Schools rapped over GCSE sciences from BBC News: Science & Nature
Belch-o-meter: collar measures methane in bovine burps from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Nature's ghosts' caught on film from BBC News: Science & Nature
US in nuclear disclosure blunder from BBC News: Science & Nature
Storm threat from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cleaning up from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nintendo builds on winning formula at E3 from Physorg
Microsoft ads say search is sick, Bing is the cure from Physorg
Cooperation not compulsion on clean technology transfer from SciDev
Pigs offer new stem cell source from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ancient mammals shifted diets as climate changed from Physorg
Sony latest to demo videogame motion-sensing controller from Physorg
Why birds in cities are singing louder than their country cousins from BBC News: Science & Nature
Growing climate change may escalate ME conflict from UPI
Open-access publishing gains another convert from News @ Nature
Online therapy treats the blues from Science Alert
Sub Sets Record in Dive to Ocean's Deepest Trench from Live Science
Opinion: Social justice not a nano problem from Science Alert
Freedman, Kennicutt, Mould Share 2009 Gruber Cosmology Prize from Newswise - Scinews
Highs & Lows of Roller Coasters Explained by Expert on Coaster's 125th Birthday from Newswise - Scinews
SPACE PHOTOS THIS WEEK: Black Holes, Shuttle, ISS, More from National Geographic
Air France Crash Site in Breeding Zone for Storms? from National Geographic
Particles Larger Than Galaxies Fill the Universe? from National Geographic
Explosive Digs May Cut Off Kenya Wildlife Migration from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Orphaned-Orangutan Rescue Highlights Threats from National Geographic
While you were sleeping from Science Blog
New Memory Chips Do the Twist from Live Science
Underdog Team Aims For Moon from
Hotline helps cardiac health from Science Alert
New MIT radio chip mimics human ear (w/Video) from Physorg
Special ESA prize to be awarded in European Satellite Navigation Competition from European Space Agency
Students miss ‘morning after’ from Science Alert
Bioenergy Makes Heavy Demands On Scarce Water Supplies from Science Daily
Olive Industry Waste, Such As Olive Pits, Pomace And Pruning Remains Used To Decontaminate Sewage from Science Daily
Safe, Efficient Routes For Dangerous Goods from Science Daily
Washing Hands Properly Helps Stop Spread of Contagious Diseases from Science Daily
New Radar Improves Defense Of Earth's Technologies Against Threat Of Space Weather from Science Daily
Cantabrian Cornice in Spain Has Experienced Seven Cooling And Warming Phases Over Past 41,000 Years from Science Daily
Black-tailed Godwits En Route To Africa With Hypermodern Satellite Transmitters from Science Daily
Oxygen Plus MRI Might Help Determine Cancer Therapy Success from Science Daily
Obesity Does Not Worsen Asthma, But May Reduce Response To Medications from Science Daily
Stores, brands tap into power of frugal bloggers from Physorg
Theater owners behind on 3-D projectors from Physorg
Justice probing tech company recruiting from Physorg
Anti-piracy pup sniffs out 35,000 illegal DVDs from Physorg
Equatorial region known for massive storms from AP Science
Drawing from nature to build a better radio from MIT Research
Cantabrian cornice has experienced seven cooling and warming phases over past 41,000 years from Science Blog
Single women gaze longer from Science Blog
Simple drug treatment may prevent nicotine-induced SIDS: Study from Science Blog
FDA approves drug to treat cancer in dogs from UPI
People who wear rose-colored glasses see more, study shows from Physorg
New research contributes to defense of Earth's technologies from Physorg
While you were sleeping: Sleep apnea's effect on the brain may be more severe than previously thought from Physorg
Single women gaze longer from Physorg
Could standard treatment for traumatic brain injury be wrong? from Physorg
PC maker Acer to sell netbooks with Google Android preinstalled from CBC: Technology & Science
Salmonella Has a Sweet Tooth from Live Science
Lithium-ion battery tech commercialized from UPI
Back To Normal: Surgery Improves Outcomes For Spine Patients, Study Finds from Science Daily
Atlantic And East Pacific Ocean Hurricane Seasons Begin For 2009 from Science Daily
Taiwan Rolls Out Plans To Boost Fertility Rates from Science Daily
Secret Of Sandcastle Construction Could Help Revive Ancient Building Technique, Researchers Say from Science Daily
Sexual Partner Status Affects A Woman's, But Not A Man's, Interest In The Opposite Sex from Science Daily
Commonly Used Medications May Produce Cognitive Impairment In Older Adults from Science Daily
Indirect Transmission Can Trigger Influenza Outbreaks In Birds from Science Daily
Easier Access To Media By Children Increases Risk For Influence On Numerous Health Issues from Science Daily
Electronic Memory Chips That Can Bend And Twist from Science Daily
Feeling Close To A Friend Increases Progesterone, Boosts Well-being And Reduces Anxiety And Stress from Science Daily
Leptin's Role In Brain Neurocircuitry Clarified from Science Daily
Revolutionary Ultrasonic Nanotechnology May Allow Scientists To See Inside Patient’s Individual Cells from Science Daily
Scientists Use Bed Bugs' Own Chemistry Against Them from Newswise - Scinews
'Secret' government documents left behind at news bureau: CTV from CBC: Health
WHO says swine flu cases approaching 20,000 from CBC: Health
Medicare Part D too complicated for seniors to identify lowest-cost plan from Science Blog
Despite increased danger, youth gang members still feel safer from Science Blog
The Future of Food from Live Science
Study points to effective melanoma drugs from UPI
Strengthening health systems 'rhetoric, not reality' from SciDev
People with Down syndrome oppose universal prenatal testing from CBC: Health
FDA approves cancer treatment for dogs from AP Health
Equatorial region known for massive storms from Physorg
FDA approves cancer treatment for dogs from Physorg
Single Women Look Longer at Men from Live Science
Atlantis Returns Home in Dramatic Fashion from
Gene regulating neuroblastoma tumors found from UPI
Mammoths roasted in prehistoric barbecue pit from MSNBC: Science
Physicists Propose New Ultracold Scheme for Scalable Quantum Information Processing from Physorg
Changing climate likely to make 'super weed' even more powerful from Physorg
Small molecules mimic natural gene regulators from Physorg
Scientists uncover mode of action of enzyme linked with several types of cancer from Physorg
Promise? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Trading energy for safety, bees extend legs to stay stable in wind from Harvard Science
Dive Deep: Virtual Tour of the Mariana Trench from Live Science
Changing Climate May Make 'Super Weed' Even More Powerful from Newswise - Scinews
Small Molecules Mimic Natural Gene Regulators from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists unravel the mystery of white-nose syndrome from Physorg
Estrogen linked to lowered immunity in fish from Science Blog
Small molecules mimic natural gene regulators from Science Blog
Changing climate likely to make 'super weed' even more powerful from Science Blog
New MIT radio chip mimics human ear from Science Blog
China Blocks Twitter, Hotmail and Flickr from Live Science
Investment in Green Energy Quadruples in 4 Years from Live Science
ESA offers satellite navigation prize from UPI
Arsenic exposure may decrease immunity to flu from SciDev
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 21 May–3 June from SciDev
Alpine Antarctica, before the ice from
How Antarctica Got Its Ice from Live Science
Einstein’s ‘Spooky Physics’ Gets More Entangled from Live Science
Mechanical systems all tangled up from
Hydrogen Peroxide Marshals Immune System from Newswise - Scinews
Physicists Show Quantum Entanglement in Mechanical System from Newswise - Scinews
Americans spending more time on social networks: study from Physorg
Ghost alps of Antarctica are glimpsed after 14 million years from Physorg
Microsoft, Sony take aim at Nintendo during E3 from Physorg
Physicists demonstrate quantum entanglement in mechanical system from Physorg
Common diabetes drug may 'revolutionize' cancer therapies from Physorg
Hydrogen peroxide marshals immune system (w/Video) from Physorg
Origin of Antarctic ice revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Shunt' makes mice super fat burners
Mobile health clinics: Saving lives and money
Analysis Finds Elevated Risk From Soot Particles in the Air from NY Times Health
Doctors see more cases of 'cellphone elbow' from CBC: Technology & Science
Beef recalled in Oregon and Washington from UPI
Consequences of coextinctions are studied from UPI
Doctors see more cases of 'cellphone elbow' from CBC: Health
Diet may reduce risk of prostate cancer from Physorg
Estrogen linked to lowered immunity in fish from Physorg
Recent smoking-cessation research highlights importance of keeping teens from smoking from Physorg
Effective over-the-counter prostate cancer test kit likely in next few years from Physorg
To the moon, by way of MIT from MIT Research
Recent smoking-cessation research highlights importance of keeping teens from smoking
Calls grow for action on stalled Amazon reserve proposals
Memory with a twist: NIST develops a flexible memristor
Closing the gaps in the human genome
Scientists look to geckos for stilettos
NIST processes to help build next-generation nuclear plants
Liver injury possible from thyroid drug from UPI
Scientists study how lightning is created from UPI
MDCT angiography leads to successful treatment of severely blocked arteries in the legs from Physorg
Hospitalized patients need better understanding of CPR and outcomes from Physorg
Soap-sniffing technology encourages hand washing to reduce hospital-acquired infections, save money from Physorg
Despite increased danger, youth gang members still feel safer (w/Video) from Physorg
Unmanned sub touches deepest part of world's ocean from CBC: Technology & Science
Astronauts Debunk NASA 'UFO' Videos from Live Science
Air France jet vanished in massive storm zone from MSNBC: Science
Winnipeg paramedics might have contracted swine flu from patients from CBC: Health
Eastern Health released cancer numbers under duress: documents from CBC: Health
St. John's cancer specialist 'ecstatic' with PET scanner decision from CBC: Health
Simple drug treatment may prevent nicotine-induced SIDS: Study from Physorg
Women may not be so picky after all about choosing a mate from Physorg
The Aerospace Corporation nanosatellite tests the latest generation of solar cells from Physorg
Cantabrian cornice experienced seven cooling, warming phases over past 41,000 years from Physorg
A million-year-old mammoth skeleton found in Serbia: report from Physorg
Biologists consider unifying framework to explain evolutionary puzzles from Physorg
'Gay penguins' rear adopted chick after hatching egg from BBC News: Science & Nature
Suffer stroke symptoms? Second strokes often follow within hours
Bioenergy makes heavy demands on scarce water supplies
Black-tailed godwits en route to Africa with hypermodern satellite transmitters
Researchers call for new space headache category following astronauts' survey
Skin cells provide new knowledge about brain functions
Cantabrian cornice has experienced 7 cooling and warming phases over past 41,000 years
Squid 'sight': Not just through eyes
Cassini Finds Titan's Clouds Hang on to Summer from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NIST physicists demonstrate quantum entanglement in mechanical system from Science Blog
Hydrogen peroxide marshals immune system from Science Blog
Soap-sniffing technology encourages hand washing to reduce hospital-acquired infections, save money from Science Blog
Study: Estrogen lowers immunity in fish from UPI
New Theory Postulates Galaxy-Sized Neutrinos, Expanding Since the Beginning of Time from PopSci
Innovative method to teach tots about personal cleanliness from Physorg
Swedish study highlights hospital disaster potential
NASA announces $6.9M in grants from UPI
Diabetes drug may help fight cancer, mouse study suggests from CBC: Health
Be your best friend if you'll be mine: Alliance Hypothesis for Human Friendship from Physorg
Space rock yields answers about origins of life on Earth from Physorg
Electronic pill shows its smarts by measuring pH levels in digestive tract from Physorg
E3 Takes Video Gaming To Another Level from CBSNews - Science
Titan's clouds move slower than expected from UPI
Lilly resubmits Cymbalta application from UPI
Columbus State Part of $1.2 Million Grant to Improve Astronomy Teaching from Newswise - Scinews
Cornell Hosts Workshop on Large-scale Wind Power, June 12-13 from Newswise - Scinews
SoCal 10-year-old copes with unusual cancer from AP Health
Oxygen + MRI might help determine cancer therapy success, researchers find from Physorg
Climate change models find staple crops face ruin on up to 1 million square km of African farmland from Physorg
Using magic to learn about maths from Physorg
Wage gap linked to customer bias from Science Blog
Innovative method to teach tots about personal cleanliness from Science Blog
Electronic pill shows its smarts by measuring pH levels in digestive tract from Science Blog
Software may speed journey from catwalk to consumer from Physorg
Young Australians not as 'sex savvy' as they think from Physorg
Warning for diplomats over misuse of science from News @ Nature
Potion Put a Smile on Dead Faces from Live Science
Obama's Pick for NASA Chief May Win Quick Senate Approval from
Parks can save birds as climate changes from UPI
No scars: New obesity surgery goes through mouth from AP Health
Montreal dad got to hospital in time, but still delivered wife's baby himself from CBC: Health
Tiananmen security tight on crackdown anniversary from Physorg
Cancer Researchers Identify New Mutant Genes from Physorg
Ancient arctic mammals' life style studied from UPI
NASA schedules June 13 Endeavour launch from UPI
Researchers discover pathway with implications for obesity from Physorg
Easily grossed out? You're more likely a conservative from Physorg
NAB: House majority opposes new performers royalty from Physorg
Yahoo CEO: Shake-up needs more time, not Microsoft from Physorg
Antarctic land mass may look like parts of Europe, research suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA Targets June 13 Launch for Shuttle Endeavour from
Stem-Cell-Coated Contact Lenses Are Curing the Blind from PopSci
Bridging the gap to quantum world from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pounding the pavement: Traditional training methods are still safer, more effective from Physorg
Cybersecurity expert says White House lack of 'czar' is subpar from Physorg
The Abyss: Deepest Part of the Oceans No Longer Hidden from Physorg
Endeavour 'Go' for Launch on June 13 from Physorg
Waiting times too long for bariatric surgery from Physorg
Cassini Finds Titan's Clouds Hang on to Summer from Physorg
Vibrating ions get entangled from News @ Nature
Mouse patent sparks 'uncivil' spat from News @ Nature
Funding struggle for mercury monitoring from News @ Nature
Europe's parliamentary priorities from News @ Nature
Quaternary geologists win timescale vote from News @ Nature
Spooky research cuts from News @ Nature
Sweden likely winner for neutron source from News @ Nature
University wins injunction against animal activists from News @ Nature
Economic gloom threatens renewables investment from News @ Nature
Malaria vaccine enters phase III clinical trials from News @ Nature
Africa declares its stance for climate-change talks from News @ Nature
Changes at the top for Indian science from News @ Nature
Open-access publishing gains another convert from News @ Nature
Correction from News @ Nature
Climate future from News @ Nature
Microscopic marvels: Magnifying power from News @ Nature
Microscopic marvels: Seeing the system from News @ Nature
Microscopic marvels: Microscope for the masses from News @ Nature
How Cigarettes Cause Sudden Infant Death from Live Science
20 Years After Tiananmen, China Is Now Undemocratic 2.0 from PopSci
Squids use symbiosis to detect light from UPI
University of Cincinnati study finds needle biopsies safe in 'eloquent' areas of brain from Physorg
Wage gap linked to customer bias from Physorg
Study evaluates use of diaper alarm for toilet training children from Physorg
Health, life insurers hold billions in tobacco stocks: NEJM article from Science Blog
Could new government regulations lead to increased use of physical restraints? from Science Blog
Brain irradiation in lung cancer from Science Blog
University of Cincinnati study finds needle biopsies safe in 'eloquent' areas of brain from Science Blog
Wage gap linked to customer bias from Science Blog
Data on investigational drug TMC207 for MDR-TB published in New England Journal of Medicine from Science Blog
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Could new government regulations lead to increased use of physical restraints? from Physorg
The Quaternary Period Wins Out from Science NOW
Never Trust a Hungry Monkey from Science NOW
Calling All White Blood Cells from Science NOW
World's Oldest Pottery? from Science NOW
Penguins Scooped by Their Own Poop from Science NOW
Acidic Oceans and Swine Flu from Science NOW
Health, life insurers hold billions in tobacco stocks from Harvard Science
Powerful Ideas: Electronics Grown by Germs from Live Science
Also Made in China: The First Pottery from Live Science
Resonance Causes Choppers to Shake Themselves to Bits from PopSci
Warm water boosts sea star species growth from UPI
Hydrogen peroxide summons wound-healing blood cells from CBC: Health
New Opera Web browser offers more tab options from Physorg
Yahoo sues NFL Players Association from Physorg
Obama: Cut Medicare, Medicaid for health care from Physorg
Brain irradiation in lung cancer from Physorg
Obesity does not worsen asthma, but may reduce response to medications from Physorg
Health, life insurers hold billions in tobacco stocks from Physorg
Age Of Pottery Making Moved Back from C&EN
Hydrogen peroxide summons wound-healing blood cells from CBC: Technology & Science
Fake Astronaut Gets Hit by Artificial Solar Flare from Science @ NASA
Mexican president acknowledges lack of science from SciDev
Manitoba confirms 27 new cases of swine flu from CBC: Health
Gadgets: Even in a recession, you gotta have tunes from Physorg
Google tool tracks flu in Australia, New Zealand from Physorg
No scars: New obesity surgery goes through mouth from Physorg
Power-sipping cell phone displays come closer from Physorg
Federal judge tosses warrantless wiretap cases from Physorg
SoCal 10-year-old copes with breast cancer from Physorg
Under the Radar: Unearthing Antarctica's Surface below 10,000 Feet of Ice from Scientific American
Microsoft bringing 1080p video streaming to Xbox 360 from Physorg
Children should wear sunglasses when outside from Physorg
Armstrong's 'poetic' slip on Moon from BBC News: Science & Nature
Laser boosts light bulb efficiency from Physics World
Cyber Scammers Preying On Twitter, Google from CBSNews - Science
Insomniac flies resemble sleep-deprived humans
Cassini finds Titan's clouds hang on to summer
Chile pushes the use of renewables from SciDev
Fence owner invites scrawlers to write 'analog blogs' from CBC: Technology & Science
Cost shifting may make arthritis medications too expensive for Medicare beneficiaries
Study examines relationship between bone density and erosion in arthritis
Cell phone ringtones can pose major distraction, impair recall
Be your best friend if you'll be mine: Penn's Alliance Hypothesis for Human Friendship
Oestrogen linked to lowered immunity in fish
Diet may reduce risk of prostate cancer
Tai chi improves pain in arthritis sufferers
Australian men risk being lonely and isolated in retirement: Survey
Oxygen plus MRI might help determine cancer therapy success
While you were sleeping
U-M researchers link pathway to breast cancer stem cells
People who wear rose-colored glasses see more
Genes and smoking play role in rheumatoid arthritis
Culture, not biology, underpins math gender gap
Targeting breast cancer stem cells in mice
Women may not be so picky after all about choosing a mate
NIST physicists demonstrate quantum entanglement in mechanical system
Simple drug treatment may prevent nicotine-induced SIDS: Study
New MIT radio chip mimics human ear
Biomimetic-engineering design can replace spaghetti tangle of nanotubes in novel material
Carbon monoxide reverses diabetic gastric problem in mice
When hosts go extinct, what happens to their parasites?
Common diabetes drug may 'revolutionise' cancer therapies
MIT: New system monitors foetal heartbeat
Improved DNA stool test could detect digestive cancers in multiple organs
Citalopram no better than placebo treatment for children with autism spectrum disorders
Report identifies early childhood conditions that lead to adult health disparities
New Radio Chip Mimics Human Ear from Science Daily
Common Diabetes Drug May 'Revolutionize' Cancer Therapies: Unexpected T-cell Breakthrough from Science Daily
Scientists Demonstrate All-fiber Quantum Logic from Science Daily
Simple Drug Treatment May Prevent Nicotine-induced SIDS from Science Daily
Estrogen Linked To Lowered Immunity In Fish from Science Daily
Musical Diaper Alarm Can Help With Toilet Training Children from Science Daily
Computer Graphics Researchers Simulate The Sounds Of Water And Other Liquids from Science Daily
Small Molecules Mimic Natural Gene Regulators from Science Daily
Sedatives May Increase Suicide Risk In Older Patients from Science Daily
Changing Climate Likely To Make 'Super Weed' Even More Powerful from Science Daily
Skin Cells Provide New Knowledge About Brain Functions from Science Daily
Lasers Are Making Solar Cells Competitive from Science Daily
Despite Increased Danger, Youth Gang Members Still Feel Safer from Science Daily
Saturn's Moon Titan: Cassini Finds Titan's Clouds Hang On To Summer from Science Daily
All The Carbon Counts: Including Land-based Carbon In Greenhouse Gas Control Strategies Lowers Costs And Preserves Forests from Science Daily
Mobile Health Care: Preventative Medicine Returns $36 For Every Dollar Invested, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Hydrogen Peroxide Marshals Immune System from Science Daily
Efforts To Quickly Develop Swine Flu Vaccine from Science Daily
Hispanic Children In U.S. At Greater Risk For Obesity Than Other Ethnic/Racial Groups from Science Daily
Genetically corrected blood cells obtained from skin cells from Fanconi anaemia patients
Texas A and M researchers examine 'invading' bacteria in DNA
Lower levels of key protein influence tumour growth in mice
Discoveries shed new light on how the brain processes what the eye sees
Alcohol and smoking are key causes for bowel cancer
World first: Chinese scientists create pig stem cells
Magnetic tornadoes could liberate Mercury's tenuous atmosphere
Estrogen linked to lowered immunity in fish from Biology News Net
Small molecules mimic natural gene regulators from Biology News Net
Electronic pill shows its smarts by measuring pH levels in digestive tract from Biology News Net
Changing climate likely to make 'super weed' even more powerful
Stanford scientists identify molecular powerbrokers involved in cancer's spread
Single women gaze longer
When evolution is not so slow and gradual
I-SPY trial offers key insights into locally advanced breast cancer
Elevated water temperature and acidity boost growth of key sea star species
Exercise more, not less, to ease aching back
Doctor autonomy linked to technology resistance and reduced health care quality from Science Blog
Soap-sniffing technology encourages hand washing to reduce hospital-acquired infections
Don't mistake an athlete for a 'toxic jock'
Researchers describe a new hominid
Study shows 53 million-year-old high Arctic mammals wintered in darkness
Cancer patients want genetic testing to predict metastasis risk
Researchers engineer metabolic pathway in mice to prevent diet-induced obesity
Mosquito evolution spells trouble for Galapagos wildlife
Aluminium-oxide nanopore beats other materials for DNA analysis
UF study finds ancient mammals shifted diets as climate changed
Study says confusion reigns over whole-grain claims in school lunches
Study shows people with mental health problems receive inadequate medical care
Scholar unconvinced new lie-detection methods better than old ones
Hospitalised patients need better understanding of CPR and outcomes
Protein may be strongest indicator of rare lung disease, study shows from Science Blog
Promising antimicrobial attacks virus, stimulates immune system from Science Blog