Latest science news in Health & Medicine

EA Sports adds ex-49ers QB Colin Kaepernick to 'Madden NFL 21'

3 years ago from UPI

EA Sports announced Tuesday that free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been added to Madden NFL 21.

BCAA supplements can enhance your workout, but should you take them?

3 years ago from PopSci

BCAA powders taste delicious—but will they make me stronger? (John Arano via Unsplash/)People starting on a health journey often turn to supplements, probably because we like buying things more than we like doing...

Method to derive blood vessel cells from skin cells suggests ways to slow aging

3 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have used skin cells called fibroblasts from young and old patients to successfully create blood vessels cells that retain their molecular markers of age. The team's approach revealed clues...

Targeted drug found effective in patients who have lung cancer with certain mutations

3 years ago from Science Daily

A targeted therapy called capmatinib can provide significant benefits to patients who have advanced lung cancer with specific gene mutations, according to recently published results from a phase two clinical...

Older women with type 2 diabetes have different patterns of blood use in their brains

3 years ago from Science Daily

A researcher is reporting that the brains of older women with Type 2 diabetes do not use as much oxygenated blood as those who don't have the disease. The research...

Rochester, N.Y., police chief retires amid Daniel Prude protests

3 years ago from UPI

Rochester, N.Y.'s police chief announced his resignation Tuesday after days of protest in response to the police killing of Daniel Prude.

Generation Z isn't all that into lab-grown meat, according to new study

3 years ago from UPI

New survey results out of Australia suggest young consumers are especially concerned about climate change, sustainability and animal welfare, but they aren't all that into lab-grown meat.

Low-dose electrical stimulation helps adults with dyslexia read, study finds

3 years ago from UPI

Electrical stimulation of the brain improves reading accuracy in adults with dyslexia, according to a study published Tuesday by PLOS Biology.

As COVID-19 risk dips, Orange County gets OK to reopen indoor restaurants, theaters

3 years ago from LA Times - Health

Orange County joins San Diego as the only counties in Southern California not having "widespread risk" under the state's COVID-19 monitoring system.

Brain astrocytes show metabolic alterations in Parkinson's disease

3 years ago from Science Daily

A new study using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology links astrocyte dysfunction to Parkinson's disease (PD) pathology. The study highlights the role of brain astrocyte cells in PD pathology...

Elevated clotting factor V levels linked to worse outcomes in severe COVID-19 infections

3 years ago from Science Daily

New research points to disturbances in blood clotting protein factor V activity as both a potential cause of blood clotting disorders with COVID-19, and to potential methods for identifying at-risk...

Small study shows convalescent plasma is safe to use in pediatric patients with COVID-19

3 years ago from Science Daily

Early findings show that convalescent plasma appears to be a safe and possibly effective treatment for children with life-threatening cases of COVID-19.

Delayed immune responses may drive COVID-19 mortality rates among men and the elderly

3 years ago from Science Daily

COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infections tend to be more severe among older adults and males, yet the mechanisms underlying increased mortality in these two demographics are unknown. A new study suggests that...

NSAIDs not associated with more severe coronavirus disease, study finds

3 years ago from Science Daily

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and diclofenac, is not associated with any adverse effects in people who have tested positive for COVID-19, according to a...

Novichok compound poisoned Navalny

3 years ago from C&EN

German government reports toxicology findings on samples from poisoned Russian politician

Study: NSAID pain relievers don't increase risk for severe COVID-19

3 years ago from UPI

People who use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, to treat pain are not at risk for more severe illness from COVID-19, according to a study published Tuesday by the journal...

Lithuania to direct multinational exercise that includes U.S. troops

3 years ago from UPI

Lithuania will direct and host a multinational defense exercise with military personnel from 10 countries -- including the United States -- this month in Lithuania, Germany and Poland.

New nanosystem enhances treatment for melanoma in animal models

3 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have developed an innovative nanotechnological drug delivery system that significantly enhances the effectiveness of treatment for the aggressive skin cancer melanoma.

A spillover effect: Medicaid expansion leads to healthier dietary choices

3 years ago from Science Daily

Besides providing health care to millions, the Medicaid program helps recipients make healthier food choices, according to new work.

Almost 14 million U.S. adults vape, with use rising fastest in young

3 years ago from UPI

The number of Americans using electronic cigarettes is soaring, especially among youth, a new study finds.

Companies working on coronavirus vaccines pledge to put science above politics

3 years ago from LA Times - Health

Top executives of nine drugmakers likely to produce the first coronavirus vaccines signed a pledge to boost public confidence in approved vaccines.

Companies working on coronavirus vaccines pledge to put science above politics

3 years ago from LA Times - Science

Top executives of nine drugmakers likely to produce the first coronavirus vaccines signed a pledge to boost public confidence in approved vaccines.

Cholesterol's effects on cellular membranes

3 years ago from Science Daily

New findings have far-reaching implications in the general understanding of disease, the design of drug delivery methods, and many other biological applications that require specific assumptions about the role of...

Investigational drug stops toxic proteins tied to neurodegenerative diseases

3 years ago from Science Daily

An investigational drug that targets an instigator of the TDP-43 protein, a well-known hallmark of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), may reduce the protein's buildup and neurological...

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally may account for 19 percent of US COVID-19 cases in August

3 years ago from PopSci

A new study shows that valved masks and face shields offer less protection than cloth masks. A multi-layer cloth mask is a proven and effective way to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. (Pexels/)Labor...

Fighting cardiovascular disease with acne drug

3 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have found the cause of dilated cardiomyopathy - a leading cause of heart failure - and identified a potential treatment for it: a drug already used to treat acne.

Brain's immune cells promising cellular target for therapeutics

3 years ago from Science Daily

Inspired by the need for new and better therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, researchers are exploring the link between uncontrolled inflammation within the brain and the brain's immune cells, known as...

Mini-organs could offer treatment hope for children with intestinal failure

3 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have grown human intestinal grafts using stem cells from patient tissue that could one day lead to personalized transplants for children with intestinal failure.