Science Daily

Monday th 1st of August 2011

Artificial nanoparticles influence heart rate and rhythm, study finds - 11:32

Nicotine can protect the brain from Parkinson's disease, research suggests - 11:32

Microbes consumed oil in Gulf slick at unexpected rates, study finds - 11:32

Herschel telescope detects oxygen molecules in space - 11:32

NASA's Dawn spacecraft views dark side of Vesta - 11:32

NASA satellite tracks severity of African drought - 11:32

Cold electrons to aid better design of drugs and materials - 10:31

Manipulating light at will: Research could help replace electronic components with optical technology - 10:31

Sunday th 31st of July 2011

Best post-transplant drug regimen identified for patients with new kidneys, study suggests - 23:30

Physics could be behind the secrets of crop-circle artists - 23:30

Scientists reveal mechanism behind 'oncogene addiction' in acute leukemia - 23:30

Computational chemistry shows the way to safer biofuels - 20:30

Novel gene associated with asthma in African-Americans confirmed - 17:30

Dissecting the genomes of crop plants to improve breeding potential - 17:30

Seventy percent of 8-month-olds consume too much salt, UK study shows - 17:30

Engineering innovative hand-held lab-on-a-chip could streamline blood testing worldwide - 17:30

Genome-wide study reveals three new susceptibility loci for adult asthma in Japanese population - 17:30

Physicists show that quantum ignorance is hard to expose - 17:30

Mechanism that determines cell position in the intestinal epithelium identified - 17:30

Discovery of a new magnetic order - 16:30

Saturday th 30th of July 2011

Sun-free photovoltaics: Materials engineered to give off precisely tuned wavelengths of light when heated - 17:30

Averting bridge disasters: New technology could save hundreds of lives - 08:30

Soybean genetic treasure trove found in Swedish village - 08:30

Friday th 29th of July 2011

Fast ripples confirmed to be valuable biomarker of area responsible for seizure activity in children - 23:30

Study of golf swings pinpoints biomechanical differences between pros and amateurs - 23:30

Warming climate could give exotic grasses edge over natives - 23:30

Increasing potency of HIV-battling proteins - 23:30

Restoring happiness in people with depression - 23:30

Dissecting dyslexia: Linking reading to voice recognition - 22:30

Motorcycle helmets hard on hearing - 22:30

Warmed-up organic memory transistor has larger memory capacity - 22:30

Scientists build battery in a nanowire: Hybrid energy storage device is as small as it can possibly get - 22:30

Missed opportunities for HIV diagnosis in emergency departments - 22:30

Powerful fluorescence tool lights the way to new insights into RNA of living cells - 22:30

'Wonder material' graphene tapped for electronic memory devices - 20:31

Solar cells get a boost from bouncing light - 20:30

REM sleep behavior disorder is a risk factor for Parkinson's disease - 20:30

Physicists report progress in understanding high-temperature superconductors - 19:30

Chemists make first molecular binding measurement of radon - 19:30

Lowering of ERS-2 observation satellite orbit continues - 04:30

Colugos glide to save time, not energy - 04:30

Getting ready for ALMA’s first scientific observations - 04:30

In the pursuit of dangerous clumps: Customized surfaces help reveal the causes of diseases - 04:30

Experts complacent about network attacks: Study shows physical attacks to communications network infrastructure deemed low priority risk - 03:31

Veterinary medicine students experience higher depression levels than peers, research finds - 03:31

Male circumcision lowers prevalence of penile precancerous lesions among African men, study finds - 03:31

Rainforest plant developed sonar dish to attract pollinating bats - 03:31

Chemists transform acids into bases: Research offers vast family of new catalysts for use in drug discovery, biotechnology - 03:31

Plant immunity discovery boosts chances of disease-resistant crops - 03:31

First large-scale map of a plant's protein network addresses evolution, disease process - 03:31