Science Daily

Monday th 12th of September 2011

Nuclear detector: New materials hold promise for better detection of nuclear weapons - 15:31

Gene therapy kills breast cancer stem cells, boosts chemotherapy - 15:31

High-fat diet and lack of enzyme can lead to heart disease in mice - 15:31

X-ray protein probe leads to potential anticancer tactic - 15:31

Oil and gas operations in the Gulf of Mexico claim 139 lives in helicopter crashes; Mechanical failure most common cause, study finds - 15:31

Researchers focus on secondary stroke prevention after study reveals room for improvement - 15:31

Enzyme might be target for treating smoking, alcoholism at same time - 15:31

Quitting smoking enhances personality change - 15:31

Ferroelectrics could pave way for ultra-low power computing - 14:30

Astronomers find extreme weather on an alien world: Cosmic oddball may harbor a gigantic storm - 14:30

Astronomers find 50 new exoplanets: Richest haul of planets so far includes 16 new super-Earths - 14:30

Tinnitus discovery could lead to new ways to stop the ringing: Retraining the brain could reanimate areas that have lost input from the ear - 14:30

Even low-dose aspirin may increase risk of GI bleeding - 12:30

Out of the darkness: Special issue looks inside the minds, lives and hearts of responders to Sept. 11 - 11:30

New clues to molecular understanding of autism - 11:30

Scientists use commercial enzyme to improve grain ethanol production - 10:30

Airplanes: New tool analyzes black-box data for flight anomalies - 10:30

The risk of suffering from insomnia is 67 percent higher if a family member is insomniac - 10:30

Rotating magnetic moments: Spin pumping effect demonstrated for first time - 10:30

Psoriasis patients face higher than average death risk after a heart attack - 10:30

New method could help prevent osteoarthritis - 10:30

Producer responsibility solution to electronic waste in developing countries - 10:30

'Trojan Horse' particle sneaks chemotherapy in to kill ovarian cancer cells - 10:30

Physicist detects movement of macromolecules engineered into our food - 10:30

New species of ancient predatory fish discovered - 10:30

Breath and sweat used to detect trapped humans - 09:30

Exposure to white-light LEDs appears to suppress body's production of melatonin, research suggests - 09:30

New research to help stroke patients who can't swallow - 09:30

Motives matter: Why we volunteer has an impact on our health - 09:30

Can scientists look at next year's climate? - 09:30

Social contacts, self-confidence crucial to successful recovery through Alcoholics Anonymous - 09:30

Hyperventilation may trigger febrile seizures in children; Controlling acid-base status could lead to novel treatment strategies - 08:30

Breast cancer patients with BRCA gene diagnosed almost eight years earlier than generation before - 08:30

Fast-paced, fantastical television shows may compromise learning, behavior of young children - 08:30

Sunday th 11th of September 2011

International study identifies new gene targets for hypertension treatment - 21:30

Discovery of blood pressure genes could help prevent cardiovascular disease - 21:30

Genome-wide hunts reveal new regulators of blood pressure; Genetic variants linked to increased risk of hypertension, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases - 21:30

Research points to potential therapy for tumor-associated epilepsy - 19:30

A guiding light for new directions in energy production: Optofluidics could help solve the energy challenge - 18:30

Common gene variant associated with aortic dissection: Study reveals risk factor that doubles chance of developing silent killer - 18:30

Researchers team with glowing cats against AIDS, other diseases; New technique gives cats protection genes - 17:30

Squeezed laser will bring gravitational waves to the light of day - 17:30

Sea levels much less stable than earlier believed, new coral dating method suggests - 16:30

Critical similarity found between two types of do-it-all stem cells - 16:30

Saturday th 10th of September 2011

NASA Launches Mission to Study Moon From Crust to Core - 17:30

Researcher sees spring-like protein as key to muscle behavior - 13:30

Teeny teeth indicate ancient shark nurseries - 13:30

Gray blobs floating after Hurricane Irene identified as potato sponges - 13:30

U.S. experiences second warmest summer on record: Texas has warmest summer on record of any state - 13:30

Never too soon: Means to reduce violence may start in utero - 13:30