Science Daily

Monday th 12th of September 2011

Pressure for positive results puts science under threat, study shows - 21:30

Researchers find way to measure effect of Wi-Fi attacks - 21:30

Messy better than neat: Tangled coat of nanowires increases solar cell efficiency by absorbing more light - 21:30

Researcher launches teen contraceptive website - 21:30

Graphene may open the gate to future terahertz technologies - 21:30

Bursting neurons follow the same beat, sometimes - 20:30

Identifying dangerous intersections with help of new computer simulation - 20:30

Parabolic mirrors concentrate sunlight to power lasers - 19:30

Allowing part-time surgeons may help address workforce shortage - 19:30

Flu vaccines for nursing home workers effective in reducing outbreaks, study finds - 19:30

Polonium poisoning case sheds light on infection control practices - 19:30

Sustainability scientists suggest how countries can cooperate on climate - 19:30

Is smartphone technology the future of US elections? - 19:30

Unique study shows efficacy of imaging technology in evaluating heart drug dalcetrapib - 19:30

Honduran earthquake of 2009 destroyed half of coral reefs of Belizean Barrier Reef lagoon - 18:30

Cardiovascular drug may offer new treatment for some difficult types of leukemia - 18:30

Protein BVES identified as a suppressor of colorectal cancer progression - 18:30

Team finds stable RNA nano-scaffold within virus core - 18:30

Stimulation of female genital regions produces strong activation of various brain sites - 18:30

Cognition research aims to reduce medical errors - 18:30

Manipulative mothers subdue show-off sons, bird researchers demonstrate - 18:30

Peach specialist unveils CaroTiger, new late-season peach cultivar - 18:30

Study finds no link between intracerebral hemorrhage and statin use among patients with prior stroke - 18:30

Study evaluates intranasal insulin therapy for adults with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s - 18:30

U.S. public may not be aware of important uncertainties about drug benefits and harms - 18:30

Association found between long-term use of nonaspirin anti-inflammatory drugs and renal cell cancer - 18:30

Infections related to cardiovascular implantable electronic devices associated with increased risk of death and increased health care costs - 18:30

Treatment of cardiovascular risk factors appears to improve sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction - 18:30

Repeated use of ophthalmic antibiotics among patients undergoing intraocular injection therapy linked to antimicrobial resistance - 18:30

Freeze and desist: Disabling cardiac cells that can cause arrhythmia - 18:30

Sugar-free polyol gum, lozenges, hard candy: Nonfluoride varnishes help prevent cavities, study finds - 17:30

Health fears over CO2 storage are unfounded, study shows - 17:30

Novel drug combination offers therapeutic promise for hard-to-treat cancers - 17:30

Link between high cholesterol and Alzheimer's disease revealed in new study - 17:30

Raising a child doesn't necessarily take a village, study of African villages suggests - 17:30

First German genome decoded; Researchers analyze two chromosome sets in the human genome separately for the first time - 16:30

Gene responsible for three forms of childhood neurodegenerative diseases found - 16:30

Day/night cycle even more important to life than previously suspected - 16:30

Fathers wired to provide offspring care; Study confirms that testosterone drops steeply after baby arrives - 16:30

First proof in patients of an improved 'magic bullet' for cancer detection and radio-therapy - 16:30

Research offers means to detoxify mycotoxin-contaminated grain intended for ethanol, animal feed - 16:30

Blacks develop high blood pressure one year faster than whites, study finds - 16:30

Confronting meaninglessness - 16:30

Scientists generate first detailed map of human neuroreceptor - 15:31

Key signal that prompts production of insulin-producing beta cells points way toward diabetes cure - 15:31

Blood proteins associated with early development of lung cancer: Discovery brings promise of blood test to detect the disease a step closer - 15:31

Lung cancer signatures in blood samples may aid in early detection - 15:31

A deep male voice helps women remember - 15:31

A tale of (more than) 2 butterflies: Appalachian tiger swallowtail butterfly is hybrid of other swallowtails - 15:31

Evolution keeps sex determination flexible - 15:31