Science Blog

Monday th 27th of September 2010

‘Gold’ fish thrive, cancers die - 20:07

Sugary sports drinks mistakenly associated with being healthy - 18:56

No Evidence for a Popular Back Procedure - 17:49

Rain or shine, researchers forecast large photovoltaic power plant output - 17:07

Urban gardeners beware: There may be lead in your soil and food - 15:56

Electric cars hold greater promise for reducing emissions and lowering US oil imports - 15:14

A shot to the heart: Nanoneedle delivers quantum dots to cell nucleus - 15:14

How injured nerves grow themselves back - 14:49

Baby boomers rushing to off themselves - 11:49

Rewiring a damaged brain, literally - 11:28

Computer Model Shows U.S. Vulnerable to MDR-TB Epidemic - 11:07

Computer Model Shows U.S. Vulnerable to MDR-TB Epidemic - 11:07

Quarks ‘swing’ to the tones of random numbers - 11:07

Study shows patient-specific vaccines for metastatic melanoma may induce durable complete regression - 10:42

Daycare puts children with lung disease at risk for serious illness - 07:42

High death, disability rates due to fractures in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe - 07:42

Rate of celiac disease is growing - 07:42

Partners of breast cancer patients are at risk of developing mood disorders - 07:42

Preventive care poses dilemma for emergency departments - 07:42

If drivers are yakking on cell phones and don’t hear spoken instructio... - 07:42

Sunday th 26th of September 2010

Scientists use light to stimulate muscle movement in mice - 12:56

Pinpointing where volcanic eruptions could strike - 12:56

Researchers convert quantum signals to telecom wavelengths - 12:35

Moving closer to outdoor recreation not a recipe for being more physically active - 09:56

Friday th 24th of September 2010

Biometric ID technologies ‘inherently fallible’ — new report - 11:28

Abortion does not cause depression or low self-esteem in adolescents - 11:28

Mimicking Nature, Water-Based ‘Artificial Leaf’ Produces Electricity - 10:42

Video gaming prepares brain for bigger tasks - 10:42

Developing a BHD Patient Voice - 10:21

Team of researchers finds possible new genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease - 08:07

Water buffalo, goats can distort Stone Age sites - 07:42

Thursday th 23rd of September 2010

Black motorcyclists — even in helmets — more likely to die in crashes - 23:07

Robotic arm’s big flaw: Patients say it’s ‘too easy’ - 23:07

Success in sludge-to-power research - 15:07

Groundwater depletion rate accelerating worldwide - 14:42

Why are there no hyenas in Europe? - 13:14

A drug against AIDS could be effective against the herpes virus - 12:07

Arctic soil study turns up surprising results - 11:21

Current Decisions Shape Your Future Preferences - 11:21

Everglades restoration program making tangible progress after 10 years; challenges ahead to meet both water quality and quantity goals - 11:21

More predators doesn’t equal more danger for urban bird nest - 11:21

Vitamin C rapidly improves emotional state of acutely hospitalized patients - 11:21

Magnetic Power Offers Energy-Saving Alternative - 11:21

Anger amplifies clinical pain in women with and without fibromyalgia - 09:28

Coral Bleaching Likely in Caribbean This Year - 08:42

New TB Vaccine Enters Clinical Testing - 08:21

70 percent of women likely to experience sexual problems after breast cancer - 08:21

Could brain abnormalities cause antisocial behavior and drug abuse in boys? - 08:21

Hydrogen-Powered, Solar-Inspired Nano-Battery - 08:21

Divisive primaries help challengers and hurt incumbents - 08:21