Coming Soon: A Cure For Gray Hair?
Hair Dye Ad Circa 1843 People have worried about gray hair for a long time. Courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-34040Researchers are studying a cream that restores pigmentation to people with a skin condition called vitiligo. Theoretically, there are hints it may work for people who are going gray from age, too. Researchers are working on a true anti-graying cream that could make people produce their own youthful colors again. So far, it's worked in just a few people who have lost pigment in their hair and skin not from age, but from a condition called vitiligo. Because the cause of vitiligo pigment loss is the same as one possible cause of graying in old age, however, the prototype cream might be a step toward a real anti-graying cream. (But what would we do without those Just For Men commercials?) The cream worked in just five people in a preliminary study,...