
Wednesday th 20th of October 2010

New industrial application for revolutionary forensic metal fingerprinting technique - 08:30

Accurate Avogadro constant may help redefine the kilogram - 06:00

Eating disorder anorexia nervosa causes potentially serious eye damage - 05:00

Photovoltaic medicine: Miniature solar cells might make chemotherapy less toxic - 04:30

Devastating impact of spinal osteoporotic fractures revealed on World Osteoporosis Day - 04:30

Why the leopard got its spots - 04:30

New surface may kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria with fluorescent light - 04:30

Australia police serve court order via Facebook - 04:30

Nanotube thermopower: Efforts to store energy in carbon nanotubes described - 04:30

Long-term couples know less about each other - 04:30

Disease in rural China linked to polluted coal - 04:30

Can fluid dynamics offer insights into quantum mechanics? - 04:30

How batteries grow old: Researchers build facility to put hybrid car batteries to the test - 04:00

Low testosterone linked to heightened risk of early death - 04:00

Starbucks hopes free songs, e-books lure customers - 03:31

Tuesday th 19th of October 2010

Improved antibiotic coatings - 18:30

To be good, sometimes leaders need to be a little bad - 18:30

Google to bring Dead Sea Scrolls online - 18:30

Record US holiday spending on gadgets: CEA - 18:30

Apple, Blackberry spar over smartphone sales, tablets - 18:30

First trimester of pregnancy linked to allergy risk - 18:30

Hormone therapy use by postmenopausal women may increase incidence of more advanced breast cancer - 18:30

ORNL's research reactor revamps veteran neutron scattering tool - 18:00

Alcohol increases reaction time and errors during decision making - 17:30

Study of tiny magnets may advance their use in microelectronics - 17:30

Study shows black youth are politically involved, disputes other stereotypes - 17:30

Newborn hearing screening linked with improved developmental outcomes for hearing impaired children - 17:30

New research shows people are better at strategic reasoning than was thought - 17:30

UH professor taking next step with graphene research - 17:30

Docs not immune to drug marketing: study - 17:30

Insulin sensitivity may explain link between obesity, memory problems - 17:30

Behind Cablevision, Fox tiff, a broader strategy - 17:30

Cheaper, more effective treatment of type 1 Gaucher disease possible - 17:00

Old bees' memory fades; mirrors recall of mammals - 17:00

Recycling pacemakers may alleviate burden of heart disease across the globe - 17:00

Yahoo 3Q profit doubles, revenue still lackluster - 17:00

Scientists find gene linked to alcoholism - 17:00

Proton therapy safe, effective for early-stage lung cancer patients - 17:00

Fetal alcohol exposure associated with a decrease in cognitive performance - 17:00

Big VA study shows surgery checklist saves lives - 17:00

McSleepy meets DaVinci - 17:00

Microsoft touts games for Xbox 360 motion controller - 17:00

Study reveals superior sedation method for children - 17:00

How parasites react to the mouse immune system may help to shape their control - 17:00

Study shows video games highly effective training tools - 17:00

Professors urge one-way Martian colonization missions - 17:00

Implementing program for operating room staff emphasizing teamwork appears to reduce surgical deaths - 16:31

Use of DHA fish oil capsules does not decrease postpartum depression in mothers - 16:31

10-minute plasma treatment improves organic memory performance - 16:31

First direct evidence that response to alcohol depends on genes - 16:31