
Wednesday th 20th of October 2010

HP launches webOS 2.0 for the Palm and new Pre2 smartphone - 11:31

Girls with ovarian germ-cell tumors can safely skip chemotherapy unless disease recurs - 11:31

Rare but deadly virus reveals potential weakness in new study - 11:31

Neurogenetics research sheds light on the causes of neurological disease - 11:31

Fox, Cablevision dispute stretches into 5th day - 11:31

Measuring the electrical properties of nano-crystals - 11:01

Microbes may consume far more oil-spill waste than earlier thought - 11:01

Researchers analyze student grief online after campus shootings - 11:01

Argonne launches new tool to help auto industry reduce costs - 10:32

Typhoon Megi's heavy rainfall witnessed by NASA as it moves into the South China Sea - 10:32

Detecting drivers in microsleep with infrared LED - 10:32

Adapt now to keep farming`s water flowing - 10:32

Projected global loss of biodiversity could be halved due to structural changes - 10:32

Psychologists at the forefront of weight management - 10:32

Model describes Web page popularity - 10:31

Sanofi-Aventis says gets US approval for Genzyme bid - 10:31

EU wants ban on killer drug suspect 'meow meow' - 10:30

A fifth of a second: Falling in love is more scientific than you think - 10:30

New regulator of circadian clock identified - 10:30

The real 'mommy brain': New mothers grew - 10:30

Understanding how cell semaphorins and plexins interact - 10:00

Wake-up call: Researchers find sleepy fibroblasts are quite lively - 10:00

Hidden communities revealed by new DNA sequencing - 10:00

'Reaper' protein strikes at mitochondria to kill cells - 10:00

Wealthfront lets regular folks invest like the rich - 10:00

New mobile phone app 'Popcode' adds virtual reality to real world objects (w/ Video) - 10:00

Philippines may have more unique bird species: biologist - 09:31

India's Micromax hopes to hit market soon with IPO - 09:31

Detecting breast cancer recurrence - 09:31

Nine moons, 62 Hours for (long) weekend warrior - 09:31

New airborne multiangle polarizing imager checked out by NASA ER-2 - 09:31

Swiss archaeologists find 5,000-year-old door - 09:31

Haiti could build, modify earthquake-prone structures with new system - 09:31

Europe's spaceport awaiting Hylas-1 satellite launch - 09:01

Black rice bran may help fight disease-related inflammation - 09:01

Eating mostly whole grains, few refined grains linked to lower body fat - 09:01

Small is beautiful in hydroelectric power plant design, and good for the environment - 09:01

Short-range scattering in quantum dots - 09:01

Verizon to sell Samsung's iPad rival for $600 - 09:01

Preventing HIV transmission during breastfeeding - 09:00

UN: World's natural assets vital to policymaking - 09:00

Scientists capture first direct images of theoretically predicted magnetic monopoles - 08:30

New theory links depression to chronic brain inflammation - 08:30

Mounting research shows increased health risks from volcanic air pollution - 08:30

Elusive protein may lead the fight against inflammatory disease - 08:30

Biodegradable foam plastic substitute made from milk protein and clay - 08:30

New equation could advance research in solar cell materials - 08:30

Measuring sea-level rise in the Falklands - 08:30

Scientists use gold to discover breakthrough for creating biorenewable chemicals - 08:30

NTU researchers develop world's smallest on-chip low-pass filter - 08:30