
Tuesday th 19th of October 2010

Culturally inspired mobile phone games help Chinese children learn language characters - 11:02

Friends share personal details to strengthen relationships in US, but not in Japan - 11:02

Intel to spend up to $8B on US manufacturing - 11:02

New nano techniques integrate electron gas-producing oxides with silicon - 11:01

NHLBI launches body cooling treatment study for pediatric cardiac arrest - 11:01

Research brings cure for Parkinson's disease a step closer - 11:01

Biologist hopes new 'condos' will help Galapagos penguins stave off extinction - 11:01

EMC's 3Q net up 58 pct as revenue climbs - 10:34

UN report: Growth in mobile contracts slowing - 10:34

The world is not flat: Exploring cells and tissues in three dimensions - 10:00

Vitamin E in front line of prostate cancer fight - 10:00

Functional nerve cells from adult skin cells generated by UConn scientists - 09:30

No cloned steaks on EU plates - 09:30

Times Co. posts 4.3 million dollar net loss - 09:30

Major component in turmeric enhance effect of chemotherapy drug in head and neck cancer - 09:30

From bees to coral reefs: How humans impact partnerships in the natural world - 09:30

New perspective in the CAVE with 3-D computer-assisted virtual environment - 09:01

Inter-cloud data security technology developed by Fujitsu - 09:01

Martian lakes, seas formed by emerging underground aquifers - 09:01

Efficient computer network on a chip - 09:01

Blood thinning breakthrough announced - 09:00

Neanderthals may have made jewelry after all - 09:00

McMaster researchers say not all stem cells the same - 09:00

Australian HIV numbers on the rise - 08:31

Power of meditation in response to stress: new study - 08:31

Second license awarded to award-winning ion funnel technology - 08:31

Analyzing almost 10 million tweets, research finds public mood can predict Dow days in advance - 08:31

New imaging technology enlightened by biomedical engineering - 08:31

The promise of ion beam cancer therapy - 08:31

Risk of heart attack and stroke following dental treatment outweighed by long-term benefits - 08:31

High performance materials for the tunnel of the century - 08:31

AMD showcases 'Llano' Fusion APU - 08:30

Family tree could identify species vulnerable to invaders, climate change - 08:30

Cataract surgery saves lives, dollars by reducing auto crashes - 08:01

Badly burned Texas man waits for face transplant - 08:01

New clues to how cancer-related proteins plasmin, thrombin lose inhibition - 08:01

Campaign to build 1837 Babbage's Analytical Engine - 07:02

Father and son send iPhone and HD camera into stratosphere (w/ Video) - 06:01

Physicists to discuss largest parity violation, other adventures in table-top physics - 05:32

Change in how paramedics use oxygen could reduce deaths - 05:01

China denies cartel-like behaviour on rare earths - 05:01

Scientists say Asia's corals dying en masse - 04:31

Biology rides to computers' aid - 04:31

It is unclear if programs to encourage cycling are effective - 04:31

China a surprise leader in clean energy: study - 04:31

Watching violent TV, video games desensitizes teenagers and may promote more aggressive behavior - 04:02

Google reaffirms commitment to China - 04:02

Prehistoric man ate flatbread 30,000 years ago: study - 04:01

Western diet exacerbates sepsis - 03:34

Bioelectrical signals turn stem cells' progeny cancerous - 03:33