
Monday th 1st of November 2010

Having oral sex increases likelihood of intercourse among teens - 16:30

Successful mothers get help from their friends: Dolphin study - 16:30

High-calorie beverages still widely available in elementary schools: study - 16:30

Guitar tab companies trying to strike chord online - 16:30

Astrophysicists discover new galaxy clusters revealed by cosmic 'shadows' - 16:30

US Supreme Court to hear videogames free speech case - 16:30

Study of babies' brain scans sheds new light on the brain's unconscious activity and how it develops - 16:00

Non-medical prescription drug use more common among rural teens than city dwellers - 16:00

Lead poisoning maps in R.I. reveal huge disparities, guide cleanup - 16:00

Blekko launches human-driven search engine - 16:00

Pitt study finds NSAIDs cause stem cells to self-destruct, preventing colon cancer - 16:00

New way of removing excess nitrogen from the environment - 16:00

Robot's space debut 'giant leap for tinmankind' - 16:00

CDC: Haiti cholera matches South Asian strain - 16:00

Toothache more common among minority and special needs children - 16:00

National Jewish Health receives patent for diagnostic method of autoimmune chronic urticaria - 16:00

Of 50,000 small molecules tested to fight cancer, two show promise - 15:31

Grasses have potential as alternate ethanol crop, study finds - 15:31

Arthritis drugs could help prevent memory loss after surgery - 15:31

Researchers develop algebraic model to monitor cellular change - 15:31

URI pharmacy professor studies the relationship of diabetes, hypoglycemia - 14:30

Research explores lung cancer among pediatric cancer patients - 14:00

Study: Brain energy crisis may spark Parkinson's - 14:00

VIMS scientists help solve mystery of 'alien pod' - 13:30

Saving the sight of premature babies - 13:30

A discovery could be important for the therapy of lymphoma and leukemia - 13:01

FDA approves kidney cancer drug to treat brain tumors - 13:01

Generational research on drosophila sheds light on genetic mechanism of evolution - 13:01

Adding monounsaturated fats to a low-cholesterol diet can further improve levels - 12:30

Eco-friendly fridge clearly has drawback - 12:30

High-dose, short-course radiation for prostate cancer does not increase side effects - 12:30

Study: Election and high unemployment add to fears for real estate - 12:30

Fence goes up to keep Asian carp out of Chicago canal - 12:01

Inhaled steroids increase diabetes risk, say researchers - 12:01

Time for a rain dance? Research finds 'cloud seeding' doesn't produce rain - 12:00

Common stomach bacteria may fight off inflammatory bowel disease caused by Salmonella - 12:00

Marshall Islands plan seawall to block rising seas - 12:00

In the job hunt, people do lie, but honesty pays off, study finds - 12:00

New mutation linked to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - 12:00

Pollutants in some urban areas increase Parkinson's disease risk - 12:00

D.C. hacking raises questions about future of online voting - 12:00

Canada can learn from circumpolar neighbours to improve health care in the north - 12:00

Broadcasters busy with online tie-ins for election - 11:31

Diverse surgeons initiative effectively increases underrepresented minorities in academic surgery - 11:31

MD group says specialist should review concussions - 11:30

For elderly, even short falls can be deadly - 11:01

At great expense, railroad bypassed first black-founded town in the US - 11:01

Microreactor speeds nanotech particle production by 500 times - 11:01

T-Mobile follows AT&T, Verizon with new data plan - 10:32

Voting-machine-allocation method could reduce voters' wait time by 36 percent - 10:32