
Wednesday th 6th of July 2011

Understanding the science of eyewitness identifications - 13:01

New prototype device to help doctors prescribe most appropriate medicine for individual patients performs well in pilot - 13:01

A body-centric perspective - 13:01

Pioneering ERS environment satellite retires - 13:00

New ways to reduce bullying and youth violence - 13:00

Baboons prefer dining with friends - 13:00

New map shows makeup of British landscape - 13:00

Vertebrate jaw design locked 400 million years ago - 12:31

Top global challenges in mental health identified - 12:31

Socioeconomic status as child dictates response to stress as adult - 12:31

Can gulls smell out a good partner? - 12:31

Teaching workshops fail to spur learner-centered teaching - 12:31

Steps needed to reduce likelihood that pilot commuting practices could pose safety risk - 12:31

Extremely rapid water: Scientists decipher a protein-bound water chain - 12:31

The best hospitals are run by physicians - 12:31

A mother's salt intake could be key to prenatal kidney development - 12:31

Climate change forces early spring - 12:31

Final countdown: Atlantis to carry next-generation vaccine candidate on last space voyage - 12:31

Tempest-from-hell seen on Saturn - 12:31

Twitter comes to White House for Obama town hall - 12:01

Nokia abandons Japan market - 12:01

Weather worsens for NASA's last shuttle launch - 12:01

Iceland's Hekla volcano shows signs of activity - 12:01

Jamaica bans sale of citrus plants to control pest - 12:01

Japan's Mitsui in quake-zone solar plan: report - 12:01

Huffington Post launches British edition - 12:01

Virgin Media to launch Spotify service for subscribers - 12:01

Warner Music shareholders approve sale - 12:01

Unique gel capsule structure enables co-delivery of different types of drugs - 12:00

New force driving Earth's tectonic plates discovered - 12:00

Mechanical micro-drum cooled to quantum ground state - 12:00

Is living forever in the future? - 11:32

Iconic game 'Civilization' joins Facebook - 11:32

Physicists demonstrate rotated light images - 11:32

Eye of Gaia: Billion-pixel camera to map Milky Way - 10:31

Discovering the bigger picture in chromosomes - 10:31

Bigger than football: Study shows sports can help communities recover from disaster - 10:31

New software aids fight against nitrates in Florida's groundwater - 10:31

The rise and rise of the flying reptiles - 10:31

Transcription factor is potential target for liver cancer treatment - 10:31

Natural iron fertilization influences deep-sea ecosystems off the Crozet Islands - 10:31

Pixel perfect: Cornell develops a lens-free, pinhead-size camera - 10:31

With a simple coating, nanowires show a dramatic increase in efficiency and sensitivity - 10:31

What causes brain cancer? Understanding glioblastoma at the genetic, molecular level - 10:31

Researchers develop environmentally friendly process to improve storage stability of probiotics - 10:05

Researchers identify early biomarker for future atopy in asymptomatic children - 10:04

The long-term fiscal impact of funding cuts for IVF in Denmark - 09:30

Women, elderly, minorities poorly represented in lung cancer drug trial data submitted to US FDA - 09:30

Canada's Cancer Risk Management model is an important new health tool for policymakers - 09:30

Elderly Dutch lung patients' survival improved by new treatment options between 2003-2009 - 09:01