Life on Earth came from other planets

Published: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 08:50 in Astronomy & Space

Life on Earth came from other planets. So concludes a major scientific article which will appear in the inaugural issue of the online science journal, For thousands of years scientists and theologians have debated the origins of Earthly life. Surprisingly, most scientists and the Catholic Church are of the same mind and embrace the theory of "abiogenesis" also known as the "organic soup."

In the Judeo-Christian Bible, the story of Genesis, it is stated: "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so." As summed up by Church Father St. Augustine: "The earth is said then ... to have received the power of producing life," which is also the belief of many modern-day scientists. Therefore, both the Church and most scientists believe that in the beginning the Earth had special powers to generate life.

There is, however, no evidence to support the theory of "abiogenesis," which has been repeatedly disproven and discredited. Every attempt to create life from non-life has miserably failed and up until now every theory proposed to explain the origin of life has been found wanting. The early Earth lacked all the essential ingredients for creating life, and even so called "prebiotic" substances would have been immediately destroyed by the harsh conditions which initially prevailed on this planet.

As summed up in a scientific paper to be published in the premier issue of "If life were to suddenly appear on a desert island we wouldn't claim it was randomly assembled in an organic soup or created by the hand of God; we'd conclude it washed to shore or fell from the sky. The Earth too, is an island, orbiting in a sea of space, and living creatures and their DNA have been washing to shore and falling from the sky since our planet's creation; and this is how life on Earth began."

Dr. Rhawn Joseph, the author of this landmark paper, puts it bluntly: "Given the incredible complexity of a single-celled organism and its DNA, the likelihood that life on Earth was randomly created in an organic soup is the equivalent of discovering a computer on Mars and proclaiming it was randomly assembled in the methane sea."

Therefore, as only life can produce life, life on earth must have originated on other planets. But then, how did it get here?

Most scientists believe all Earthly life descended from the first unicellular creatures that appeared on this planet. Based on an extensive and detailed analysis and synthesis of over 100 research reports published in prestigious scientific journals, Dr. Joseph concludes that innumerable microbes, and their DNA, survived the cataclysm that wrought destruction to the parent star which gave birth to our own. As only life can produce life, then life on Earth also came from life which may have originated on planets which orbited the parent star.

It is generally acknowledged that the Sun and Earth were created from a nebular cloud and protoplanetary disc, the remnants of an exploding star. According to Dr. Joseph, the planets which orbited the parent star may have harbored microbial life. When the parent star became a red giant, its solar winds blew away planetary atmospheres along with airborne microbes, which were deposited in a growing nebular cloud.

When threatened with death, microbes form spores, and can remain dormant for hundreds of millions of years. The inner layers of a nebular cloud and protoplanetary disk also protects against radiation and extreme cold, enabling spores to survive.

Numerous published studies have proven that microbes can easily survive an interplanetary journey. Many species of microbe have evolved the ability to survive a violent impact and ejection into space; the frigid temperatures and vacuum of an interstellar environment; the UV rays, cosmic rays, gamma rays, and ionizing radiation they would encounter; and the crash landing onto the surface of a planet. Obviously, they would not have evolved these capabilities if their entire ancestral and genetic history had been confined to Earth and the conditions of this world. Microbes are preadapted for traveling through space and they inherited these abilities from the microbes which first took root on Earth and whose ancestry can be traced back to the solar system of the parent star.

Because the parent star lost 40 percent to 80 percent of its mass after it became a red giant (blown away by its solar winds) its gravitational influences were reduced. Therefore, its planets would have increased orbital distances or might have been ejected from the solar system prior to supernova and may not have been atomized. Microbes buried deep beneath the soil of these planets, including those shattered by the supernova, may have easily survived. Pieces of these planets may have eventually struck or become part of the newly forming Earth.

Life appeared a few hundred million years after the Earth's creation during a period of heavy bombardment by comets and moon-sized asteroids produced by the supernova of the parent star. Life on Mars may have appeared near the same time. As only life can produce life, microbes must have survived within that planetary debris which bombarded the Earth and this is how life on our planet began. In fact, microbial fossils have been discovered in fifteen meteors (carbonaceous chondrites), most impacted by supernova and predating the origin of our solar system.

Skeptics dismiss discoveries of microfossils by claiming "contamination." Yet, contamination is the only logical, scientific explanation for how life appeared on this planet. Life on Earth was not randomly assembled in an organic stew. Therefore, life on Earth had to come from other planets, and Dr. Joseph and are the first to publish a comprehensive theory, based on established, peer reviewed scientific evidence, which explains the origins of Earthly life.

Life on Earth, came from other planets. Our ancient ancestors journeyed here from the stars.

Source: Brain Research Laboratory -


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